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首頁 產品展示>Perkins珀金斯900 3.152柴油發動機4115 R807搖臂總成

Perkins珀金斯900 3.152柴油發動機4115 R807搖臂總成

Perkins珀金斯900 3.152柴油發動機4115 R807搖臂總成供應商,Perkins珀金斯900 3.152柴油發動機4115 R807搖臂總成技術價格規格咨詢服務,Perkins珀金斯900 3.152柴油發動機4115 R807搖臂總成零配件供應,Perkins珀金斯900 3.152柴油發動機4115 R807搖臂總成售后服務中心,Perkins珀金斯900 3.152柴油發動機4115 R807搖臂總成,Perkins珀金斯900 3.152柴油發動機4115 R807搖臂總成詳細的技術參數,


項目   零配件號碼    最新件號   描述  

    1   4115 R807  1   4115 R807  搖臂總成         

    12  0206002    1   0206002    管套節       

    13  2214209    2   2214209    圖釘         

    14  2211283    2   2211283    螺帽         

    15  0920004    2   0920004    墊圈         

    16  32754435   2   32754435   圖釘         

    17  2211283    2   2211283    螺帽         

    18  0920004    2   0920004    墊圈         

    19  0860012    6   0860012    挺桿         

    20  32151116   6   32151116   螺旋         

    21  0576052    6   0576052    螺帽             

    項目   零配件號碼    最新件號   描述  

    2   ZZ90047    1   ZZ90047    搖臂軸       

    4   0170033    2   0170033    CIRCLIP          

    5   0780005    2   0780005    搖臂軸彈簧       

    6   0780175    1   0780175    搖臂軸彈簧       

    7   3818 X121  4   3818 X121  托架         

    7   0101138    3   3818 X121  托架         

    8   0330505    5   0330505    間隔器       

    9   3737 A091  3   3737 A091  搖臂         

    10  3737 A101  3   3737 A101  搖臂         

    11  35568352   1   35568352   油管         

    30  37521212   1   3818 X121  托架         

    31  2112 A066  1   2112 A066  銷           

    項目   零配件號碼    最新件號   描述  

    1   31415261   1   3141 A022  凸輪軸       

    2   0410241    1   3116 K111  凸輪軸傳動機構          

    3   0746214    3   0746214    螺旋         

    4   0920053    3   0920053    墊圈         

    5   0995447    1   0995447    輪轂         

    6   0350005    1   0350005    合釘         

    7   31164362   1   4111 A015  惰輪傳動機構        

    8   3241 H013  1   3241 H013  板        

    9   0095199    1   0095199    螺拴         

    10  0920883    1   0920883    墊圈         

    11  37161481   1   37161481   正時齒輪箱   

    12  36814119   1   36814161   密合墊 - 正時齒輪箱        

    13  0746355    12  0746355    螺旋         

    14  0920053    12  0920053    墊圈         

    16  0096234    2   0096234    螺拴         

    17  0920053    2   0920053    墊圈         

    19  37354312   1   37354312   蓋        

    20  0746259    2   0746259    螺旋         

    21  0920053    2   0920053    墊圈         

    22  ZZ90039    1   ZZ90039    護封總成         

    23  2415344    1   2415344    密封 -前面端油          

    24  36813136   1   3681 P026  密合墊 - 時間安排的蓋          

    27     1      蓋        

    28     1      接合         

    29     6      螺旋         

    30     6      墊圈         

    31  0748414    2   0748414    固定螺釘         

    32  0920053    2   0920053    墊圈         

    33  0096213    1   0096213    螺拴         

    34  0576002    1   0576002    螺帽         

    35  0920053    1   0920053    墊圈         

    36  0748412    1   0748412    螺旋         

    37  0920106    1   0920106    墊圈         

    38  0748354    8   0748354    螺旋         

    39  0920052    8   0920052    墊圈         

    40  0748510    2   0748510    螺拴         

    41  2238153    2   2238153    螺帽         

    42  0920054    2   0920054    墊圈         

    43  2233207    3   2233207    螺旋         

    44  0920053    3   0920053    墊圈         

    45  2233207    1   2233207    螺旋         

    46  2411152    1   2411152    墊圈  

8.  Follow Steps 8.a through 8.c in order to install the

Note: Remove the manifolds as one assembly.

tube assembly for the oil feed to the turbocharger.

3.  Remove the exhaust manifold gaskets.

a.  Place a new joint (3) and tube assembly (2) in

position on turbocharger (4).

4.  Remove exhaust manifolds (4) and (6)  from

exhaust manifold (5).

b. Install bolts (1). Tighten the bolts to a torque of

28 N·m (21 lb ft).

5.  If necessary, remove the taperlock studs from the

cylinder head.

c.  Connect tube assembly (2) to the engine oil

filter base.

Installation Procedure

9.  Connect the air hoses to the turbocharger inlet

and the turbocharger outlet.

Table 7

Required Tools

If a new turbocharger was installed, tighten the

V-band clamp for the exhaust housing to 13.5 N·m

(120 lb in). Tighten the  V-band clamp for the

compressor housing to 18 N·m (160 lb in).


Part Number

Part Description




Anti-Seize Compound



Keep all parts clean from contaminants.

End By:

a.  Install the exhaust elbow. Refer to Disassembly

and Assembly, “Exhaust Elbow - Remove and


Contaminants may cause  rapid wear and  shortened

component life.

1.  If necessary, install the taperlock studs to the

cylinder head. Tighten the taperlock studs to  a

torque of 35 N·m (26 lb ft).


Exhaust Manifold - Remove

and Install

Removal Procedure

Start By:

a.  Remove the turbocharger. Refer to Disassembly

and Assembly, “Turbocharger - Remove”.


Illustration 26

2.  Assemble exhaust manifolds (4), (5) and (6).

3.  Position the exhaust manifold gaskets onto the

taperlock studs.

4.  Install the assembly of the exhaust manifolds to

the cylinder head.

Note: Ensure that the holes in exhaust manifolds are

centralized with the taperlock studs.


Illustration 25

5.  Apply Tooling (A) to the threads of the taperlock

studs. Install spacers (1), washers (2) and nuts (3).

1.  Remove nuts (3), washers (2) and spacers (1).

2.  Remove exhaust manifolds (4), (5) and (6).

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Disassembly and  Assembly Section

Installation Procedures


Keep all parts clean from contaminants.

Contaminants may cause  rapid wear and  shortened

component life.


Illustration 27

1.  Thoroughly clean the exhaust elbow and the outlet

of the turbocharger. Inspect the components for

wear or damage. Replace any components that

are worn or damaged.

6.  Tighten the nuts to a torque of 55 N·m (41 lb ft) in

a numerical sequence that is shown in Illustration


End By:

a.  Install the turbocharger. Refer to Disassembly and

Assembly, “Turbocharger - Install”.


Exhaust Elbow - Remove and


Removal Procedure


Illustration 29


Keep all parts clean from contaminants.

2.  Position clamp (1) and install exhaust elbow (3)

to turbocharger (2). Ensure correct orientation of

the clamp.

Contaminants may cause  rapid wear and  shortened

component life.

3.  Tighten clamp (1) to a torque of 14 N·m (10 lb ft).


Inlet Manifold - Remove and


Removal Procedure


Keep all parts clean from contaminants.

Contaminants may cause  rapid wear and  shortened

component life.


Illustration 28

1.  Loosen clamp (1).

2.  Remove exhaust elbow (3) and clamp (1) from

turbocharger (2).

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Disassembly and  Assembly Section

6.  Remove fasteners (8). Note the position of the

brackets that are retained by the fasteners.

7.  Remove inlet manifold (7) from the cylinder head.

8.  Remove gasket (10) (not shown).

9.  If necessary, remove inlet manifold pressure

sensor (3) and remove inlet manifold temperature

sensor (6) from  inlet manifold (7). Refer to

Disassembly and Assembly, “Inlet  Manifold

Pressure Sensor - Remove  and Install” and

Disassembly and Assembly, “Inlet  Manifold

Temperature Sensor - Remove and Install” for

more information.

Installation Procedure


Keep all parts clean from contaminants.


Illustration 30

Contaminants may cause  rapid wear and  shortened

component life.

Typical example

1.  Loosen the hose clamps and disconnect air hose

(1) from connection (2).

1.  Ensure that all mating surfaces are clean and free

from debris.

2.  Slide the locking tab into the unlocked position

and disconnect harness assembly (4) from inlet

manifold pressure sensor (3).

3.  Slide the locking tab into the unlocked position

and disconnect harness assembly (4) from inlet

manifold temperature sensor (6).

4.  Loosen clamp (5) and remove connection (2) from

inlet manifold (7).

Note: Make a temporary mark in order to show the

orientation of the connection.


Illustration 32

Typical example

2.  Place a new gasket (10) (not shown) in position

on inlet manifold (7).

3.  Position inlet manifold (7) on the cylinder head.

4.  Install fasteners (8). Ensure that the brackets that

are retained by the fasteners are installed in the

correct positions.

5.  Tighten fasteners (8) to a  torque of 55 N·m

(41 lb ft).


Illustration 31

Typical example

6.  Install a new O-ring seal (9) to inlet manifold (7).

5.  Remove O-ring seal (9) from inlet manifold (7).

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Disassembly and  Assembly Section


Inlet and  Exhaust Valve

Springs - Remove and Install

Removal Procedure

Table 8

Required Tools



Part Number


Part Description

Engine Turning Tool





Valve Spring Compressor


Start By:

a.  Remove the electronic unit injectors. Refer to

Disassembly and Assembly, “Electronic  Unit

Injector - Remove”.


Illustration 33

Typical example

7.  Install connection (2) and clamp  (5) to inlet

manifold (7). Tighten the clamp to  a torque of

14 N·m (10 lb ft).


Keep all parts clean from contaminants.

Contaminants may cause  rapid wear and  shortened

component life.

Note: Ensure correct orientation of the connection.

8.  If necessary, install inlet manifold pressure sensor

(3) and install inlet manifold temperature sensor

(6) to inlet manifold (7). Refer  to Disassembly

and Assembly, “Inlet Manifold Pressure Sensor

- Remove and Install”  and Disassembly and

Assembly, “Inlet Manifold Temperature Sensor -

Remove and Install” for more information.

Note: The following procedure should be adopted in

order to remove the valve springs when the cylinder

head is installed to the engine. Refer to Disassembly

and Assembly, “Inlet and Exhaust Valves - Remove

and Install” for the procedure to remove the  valve

springs from a cylinder head that has been removed

from the engine.

9.  Connect harness assembly (4) to inlet manifold

pressure sensor (3) and slide the locking tab into

the locked position.

1.  Use Tooling (A) to position the appropriate piston

at the top center position before the valve spring

is removed.

10. Connect harness assembly (4) to inlet manifold

temperature sensor (6) and slide the locking tab

into the locked position.

Note: Failure to ensure that the piston is at the top

center position may allow the valve to drop into the

cylinder bore.

11. Connect air hose (1) to connection (2) and tighten

the hose clamps securely.


Do not turn the crankshaft while the valve springs are


Note: Valve springs must be replaced in pairs for the

inlet valves or the exhaust valves of each cylinder. If

all valve springs require replacement the procedure

can be carried out on two cylinders at the same time.

The procedure can be carried out on the following

pairs of cylinders. 1 with 6, 2 with 5,  and 3 with 4.

Ensure that all of the  valve springs are installed

before changing from one pair of cylinders to another

pair of cylinders.

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Disassembly and  Assembly Section

8.  Remove spring seats (7) from the valve guides.


Illustration 35

9.  If necessary, remove valve stem seals (8).

Installation Procedure


Illustration 34

Table 9

Required Tools


Part Number

Part Description


Personal injury  can result  from being  struck by

parts propelled by a released spring force.



Valve Spring Compressor


Make sure to wear all necessary protective equip-



Keep all parts clean from contaminants.

Follow the  recommended procedure  and use all

recommended tooling to release the spring force.

Contaminants may cause  rapid wear and  shortened

component life.


1.  Inspect the valve springs for damage and for the

correct length. Refer to Specifications, “Cylinder

Head Valves ”.

Plug the  apertures for the  push rods in  the cylinder

head in order to prevent  the entry of loose parts into

the engine.

2.  Lubricate the valve stems with clean engine oil.

2.  Position electronic unit injector clamp (1)  on

Tooling (B). Install Tooling (B) into the electronic

unit injector sleeve.  Tighten the bolt on the

electronic unit injector clamp in order to secure

Tooling (B).

3.  Tighten the nut on Tooling (B) until valve keepers

(3) are loose on valves (2).

4.  Remove valve keepers (3).

5.  Loosen the nut in order to release the pressure

on Tooling (B). Remove electronic unit injector

clamp (1) and Tooling (B) from the electronic unit

injector sleeve.


Illustration 36

6.  Remove valve rotators (4).

3.  If necessary, install new valve stem seals (8).

7.  Remove outer valve springs (5) and inner valve

springs (6).

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