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首頁 產品展示>Perkins珀金斯900 3.152柴油發動機37188571搖臂室蓋

Perkins珀金斯900 3.152柴油發動機37188571搖臂室蓋

Perkins珀金斯900 3.152柴油發動機37188571搖臂室蓋供應商,Perkins珀金斯900 3.152柴油發動機37188571搖臂室蓋技術價格規格咨詢服務,Perkins珀金斯900 3.152柴油發動機37188571搖臂室蓋零配件供應,Perkins珀金斯900 3.152柴油發動機37188571搖臂室蓋售后服務中心,Perkins珀金斯900 3.152柴油發動機37188571搖臂室蓋,Perkins珀金斯900 3.152柴油發動機37188571搖臂室蓋詳細的技術參數,


項目   零配件號碼    最新件號   描述  

    1   37188571   1   37188571   搖臂室蓋         

    2   36811115   1   36811115   密合墊 -CYL。 冒口蓋       

    3   0576102    2   0576102    螺帽         

    4   3314 P004  2   3314 P004  墊圈         

    4   0920003    2   0920003    墊圈         

    5   3381 A003  2   3381 A003  墊圈         

    5   0920302    2   0920302    墊圈         

    6   33872516   1   33872516   管 -呼吸者       

    7   31754118   1   31754118   彈簧         

    8   21825195   1   21825195   夾        

    9   36561129   2   36561129   夾        

    13  0748354    1   0748354    螺旋         

    14  0920002    1   0920002    墊圈         

    15  0920052    1   0920052    墊圈         

    21  3623 H005  1   3623 H005  板        

    22  36862512   1   36862572   密合墊       

    23  2233103    4   0748352    螺旋         

    24  2411151    6   2411151    墊圈         

    25  35784123   1   檢查歷史   填隙料       

    27  36837413   1   36837415   密合墊       

    28  2183204    2   2183204    螺旋         

    29  0920053    2   0920053    墊圈         

    50  2233204    1   2233204    螺旋         

    79  0576002    1   0576002    螺帽         

    80  0920053    1   0920053    墊圈         

    86  2227117    6   2227117    螺旋

    項目   零配件號碼    最新件號   描述  

    1   37764251   1   37764251   濾油器冒口       

    2   0490514    1   36813161   密合墊 - 濾油器的冒口          

    3   0096443    2   0096443    螺拴         

    4   33115129   2   33115129   墊圈         

    5   2654408    1   2654408    濾油器       

    14  0201047    2   0201047    連接         

    15  35352404   1   35352404   油管         

    18  35568109   1   35568109   油管         

    21  0201047    1   0201047    連接         

    22  0095350    1   0095350    螺拴         

    23  2411118    2   2411118    墊圈         

Table of Contents

Front Plate - Install ................................................ 57

Crankcase Breather - Remove and Install (Closed

Breather) .............................................................  58

Crankcase Breather - Remove and Install (Open

Breather) .............................................................  59

Valve Mechanism Cover - Remove and Install ..... 60

Valve Mechanism Cover  Base - Remove and

Disassembly and Assembly Section

Fuel Priming Pump - Remove and Install  .............. 5

Fuel Filter Base - Remove  ..................................... 6

Fuel Filter Base - Disassemble ............................... 6

Fuel Filter Base - Assemble .................................... 7

Fuel Filter Base - Install  ......................................... 7

Fuel Transfer Pump - Remove ................................ 8

Fuel Transfer Pump - Install .................................... 9

Electronic Unit Injector - Remove ........................... 9

Electronic Unit Injector - Install .............................  10

Electronic Unit Injector Sleeve - Remove .............. 11

Electronic Unit Injector Sleeve - Install .................  12

Air Cleaner - Remove and Install .......................... 13

Turbocharger - Remove ........................................ 13

Turbocharger - Install ............................................ 14

Exhaust Manifold - Remove and Install  ............... 16

Exhaust Elbow - Remove and Install  ................... 17

Inlet Manifold - Remove and Install  .....................  17

Inlet and Exhaust Valve  Springs - Remove and

Install ................................................................... 61

Rocker Shaft and Pushrod - Remove ................... 64

Rocker Shaft - Disassemble  ................................  64

Rocker Shaft - Assemble  ..................................... 65

Rocker Shaft and Pushrod - Install ....................... 66

Cylinder Head - Remove ......................................  67

Cylinder Head - Install ..........................................  70

Lifter Group - Remove ..........................................  72

Lifter Group - Disassemble ................................... 73

Lifter Group - Assemble ........................................ 73

Lifter Group - Install ..............................................  74

Camshaft - Remove .............................................. 75

Camshaft - Install .................................................. 76

Camshaft Gear - Remove and Install  ..................  78

Camshaft Bearings - Remove ............................... 79

Camshaft Bearings - Install ................................... 79

Engine Oil Pan - Remove and Install  ................... 80

Cylinder Liner - Remove ....................................... 83

Cylinder Liner - Install ........................................... 83

Piston Cooling Jets - Remove and Install ............. 84

Pistons and Connecting Rods - Remove .............. 85

Pistons and Connecting Rods - Disassemble ....... 86

Pistons and Connecting Rods - Assemble ...........  87

Pistons and Connecting Rods - Install .................. 88

Crankshaft Main Bearings - Remove (Crankshaft in

position) ..............................................................  89

Crankshaft Main Bearings - Install (Crankshaft in

position) ..............................................................  90

Crankshaft - Remove ............................................ 92

Crankshaft - Install ................................................ 94

Crankshaft Gear - Remove and Install  ................  96

Bearing Clearance - Check ................................... 97

Atmospheric Pressure Sensor  - Remove and

Install ................................................................... 19

Inlet and Exhaust Valves - Remove and Install ....  21

Inlet and Exhaust Valve  Guides - Remove and

Install ................................................................... 23

Engine Oil Filter Base - Remove ..........................  24

Engine Oil Filter Base - Disassemble ................... 25

Engine Oil Filter Base - Assemble ........................ 27

Engine Oil Filter Base - Install ..............................  28

Engine Oil Cooler - Remove ................................. 29

Engine Oil Cooler - Install ..................................... 30

Engine Oil Pump - Remove ..................................  32

Engine Oil Pump - Disassemble ........................... 33

Engine Oil Pump - Assemble ................................ 33

Engine Oil Pump - Install ......................................  34

Water Pump - Remove .........................................  35

Water Pump - Install .............................................  37

Water Temperature Regulator Housing - Remove and

Install  .................................................................. 38

Engine Support (Front) - Remove and Install ....... 40

Flywheel - Remove ............................................... 41

Flywheel - Install ................................................... 41

Crankshaft Rear Seal - Remove ........................... 43

Crankshaft Rear Seal - Install ............................... 43

Crankshaft Wear Sleeve (Rear)  - Remove and

Install ................................................................... 44

Flywheel Housing - Remove and Install  ..............  45

Vibration Damper and Pulley - Remove and Install

............................................................................. 47

Crankshaft Front Seal - Remove .......................... 48

Crankshaft Front Seal - Install ..............................  49

Crankshaft Wear Sleeve (Front)  - Remove and

Install ................................................................... 50

Front Cover - Remove ..........................................  51

Front Cover - Install ..............................................  51

Gear Group (Front) - Remove ..............................  52

Gear Group (Front) - Install ..................................  54

Housing (Front) - Remove ....................................  55

Housing (Front) - Install ........................................  55

Front Plate - Remove ............................................ 56

Install ................................................................... 98

Camshaft Position Sensor - Remove and Install .. 99

Crankshaft Position  Sensor - Remove and

Install ................................................................. 100

Coolant Temperature Sensor  - Remove and

Install ................................................................. 101

Engine Oil Pressure Sensor - Remove and Install

........................................................................... 102

Fuel Temperature Sensor - Remove and Install .. 103

Inlet Manifold Temperature Sensor - Remove and

Install ................................................................. 104

Inlet Manifold Pressure Sensor  - Remove and

Install ................................................................. 105

Belt Tightener - Remove ..................................... 105

Belt Tightener - Install ......................................... 106

Fan - Remove and Install ...................................  107

Fan Drive - Remove ...........................................  107

Fan Drive - Disassemble  ...................................  108

Fan Drive - Assemble  ......................................... 110

Fan Drive - Install ................................................. 112

Pump Drive - Remove (Transfer pump) ............... 113

Pump Drive - Disassemble (Transfer pump) ........ 113

Pump Drive - Assemble (Transfer pump) ............ 113

This document has been printed from SPI². Not for Resale




Table of  Contents

Pump Drive - Install (Transfer pump) ................... 114

Electronic Control Module - Remove and Install  .. 114

Alternator - Remove and Install  .......................... 116

Electric Starting Motor - Remove and Install  ...... 117

Index Section

Index .................................................................... 118

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Disassembly and  Assembly Section

Disassembly and Assembly


Installation Procedure


Keep all parts clean from contaminants.


Fuel Priming Pump - Remove

and Install

Contaminants may cause  rapid wear and  shortened

component life.

Removal Procedure


Care must be taken to ensure that fluids are contained

during performance of inspection, maintenance, test-

ing, adjusting and repair of the product. Be prepared to

collect the fluid with suitable containers before  open-

ing any  compartment or  disassembling any  compo-

nent containing fluids.

Dispose of all fluids according to local regulations and



Keep all parts clean from contaminants.


Contaminants may cause  rapid wear and  shortened

component life.

Illustration 2

Typical example

1.  Position a new joint (3) on fuel filter base (4).

Note: Ensure correct orientation of the joint.

1.  Turn the fuel supply to the “OFF” position.

2.  Position fuel priming pump (1) on fuel filter base

(4) and install bolts (2). Tighten the 1/4" bolt to a

torque of 12 N·m (105 lb in). Tighten the 5/16" bolt

to a torque of 25 N·m (221 lb in).

3.  Turn the fuel supply to the “ON” position.

4.  Remove the air from the fuel system. Refer to

Operation and Maintenance Manual, “Fuel System

- Prime”.


Illustration 1

Typical example

2.  Remove bolts (2). Remove fuel priming pump (1)

from fuel filter base (4).

3.  Remove joint (3).

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Disassembly and  Assembly Section



5.  Disconnect hose assembly (2). Disconnect hose

assembly (4). Disconnect hose assemblies (3)

and (5). Cap the hose assemblies.

Fuel Filter Base - Remove

6.  Remove fuel filters (9) and (10). Remove  the

O-ring seals and the fuel filter elements from the

fuel filters. Refer to Operation and Maintenance

Manual, “Fuel System Primary Filter - Replace”

and refer to Operation and Maintenance Manual,

“Fuel System Secondary Filter - Replace” for more


Removal Procedure


Care must be taken to ensure that fluids are contained

during performance of inspection, maintenance, test-

ing, adjusting and repair of the product. Be prepared to

collect the fluid with suitable containers before  open-

ing any  compartment or  disassembling any  compo-

nent containing fluids.

7.  Remove bolts (6). Remove fuel filter base (8).


Fuel Filter Base - Disassemble

Dispose of all fluids according to local regulations and



Keep all parts clean from contaminants.

Disassembly Procedure

Start By:

Contaminants may cause  rapid wear and  shortened

component life.

a.  Remove the fuel filter base. Refer to Disassembly

and Assembly, “Fuel Filter Base - Remove”.

1.  Turn the fuel supply to the “OFF” position.


Keep all parts clean from contaminants.

2.  Place a suitable container below the fuel filter

base in order to drain the fuel.

Contaminants may cause  rapid wear and  shortened

component life.


Illustration 4

Typical example


1.  Remove fuel priming pump (4) from fuel filter

base (1). Refer to Disassembly and Assembly,

“Fuel Priming Pump - Remove and Install” for the

correct procedure.

Illustration 3

Typical example

3.  Remove plugs (11) and (12). Allow the fuel  to


2.  Remove fuel temperature sensor (2) from fuel filter

base (1). Refer to Disassembly and Assembly,

“Fuel Temperature Sensor - Remove and Install”

for the correct procedure.

4.  Slide the locking tab into the unlocked position

and disconnect harness assembly (1) from fuel

temperature sensor (7).

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Disassembly and  Assembly Section

3.  Remove fuel bypass valve (6) (not shown) from

fuel filter base (1). Remove the O-ring seals from

the fuel bypass valve.

Note: Ensure correct orientation of the connections.

4.  Install new O-ring seals to fuel bypass valve (6)

(not shown). Install the fuel bypass valve to fuel

filter base (1). Tighten the fuel bypass valve to a

torque of 35 N·m (26 lb ft).

4.  Remove fuel check valve (10) from fuel filter base

(1). Remove the O-ring seals from the fuel check


5.  Install new O-ring seals to fuel check valve (10).

Install the fuel check valve to fuel filter base (1).

Tighten the fuel check valve to a torque of 35 N·m

(26 lb ft).

5.  Remove connections (3), (5), (7) and (8) from fuel

filter base (1). Remove the O-ring seals from the


6.  Remove plugs (9), (11) and (12) from fuel filter

base (1). Remove the O-ring seals from the plugs.

6.  Install fuel temperature sensor (2) to fuel filter

base (1). Refer to Disassembly and Assembly,

“Fuel Temperature Sensor - Remove and Install”

for the correct procedure.


Fuel Filter Base - Assemble

7.  Install fuel priming pump (4) to fuel filter  base

(1). Refer to Disassembly and Assembly, “Fuel

Priming Pump - Remove  and Install” for the

correct procedure.

Assembly Procedure

End By:

a.  Install the fuel filter base. Refer to Disassembly

and Assembly, “Fuel Filter Base - Install”.


Keep all parts clean from contaminants.

Contaminants may cause  rapid wear and  shortened

component life.


Fuel Filter Base - Install

1.  Ensure that the fuel filter base is clean and free

from damage. If necessary, replace the fuel filter


Installation Procedure

Table 1

Required Tools




Part Description



Special Lubricant





Keep all parts clean from contaminants.

Contaminants may cause  rapid wear and  shortened

component life.


Illustration 5

Typical example

2.  Install new O-ring seals to plugs (9), (11) and (12).

Install the plugs to fuel filter base (1). Tighten plug

(9) to a torque of 41 N·m (30 lb ft). Tighten plugs

(11) and (12) to a torque of 15 N·m (11 lb ft).

3.  Install new O-ring seals to connections (3), (5),

(7) and (8). Install the connections to  fuel filter

base (1). Tighten connections (3), (5) and (7) to a

torque of 15 N·m (11 lb ft). Tighten connection (8)

to a torque of 41 N·m (30 lb ft).

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