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首頁 產品展示>Perkins珀金斯1600柴油發動機凸輪軸/連桿/搖臂




項目   零配件號碼        新件號 描述  

    2      1      凸輪軸       

    3   1841821 C1 1   1841821 C1 板        

    4   218211 1   218211 半圓鍵

    項目   零配件號碼        新件號 描述  

    2      1      連桿         

    3      1      連桿小的一端襯套        

    4   1873884 C2 2   1873884 C2 連桿螺拴         

    項目   零配件號碼        新件號 描述  

    2      1      曲軸         

    3   1885883 C1 1   1885883 C1 曲軸傳動機構        

    4   675364 C1  1   675364 C1  油泵傳動機構        

    5   17135 R1   1   17135 R1   銷           

    項目   零配件號碼        新件號 描述  

    1   1822102 C96   1   1822102 C96   惰輪傳動機構        

    6   1820287 C2 1   1820287 C2 螺拴         

    7   1822101 C96   1   1822101 C96   惰輪傳動機構        

    12  40055 R1   1   40055 R1   公制的螺拴       

    項目   零配件號碼        新件號 描述  

    2      1      惰輪傳動機構        

    3      1   檢查歷史   軸        

    4      1      軸承組合         

    5      1   檢查歷史   螺帽  

    項目   零配件號碼        新件號 描述  

    1   1893783 C4 12  1893783 C4 PUSHROD          

    1   1854756 C1 12  1854756 C1 PUSHROD          

    1   1893783 C1 12  1893783 C1 PUSHROD          

    2   1850160 C3 12  1850160 C3 挺桿         

    3   1813892 C1 6   1813892 C1 導入         

    項目   零配件號碼        新件號 描述  

    1   7092374 C91   1   7092374 C91   搖桿軸組合       

    19  1839971 C3 12  1839971 C3 結軸塊       

    項目   零配件號碼        新件號 描述  

    2      1      搖桿軸 ASSY         

    5   1881995 C91   6   1881995 C91   搖臂組合         

    10  1850852 C1 6   1850852 C1 螺拴         

    11  1881994 C91   6   1881994 C91   搖臂組合         

    16  1850852 C1 6   1850852 C1 螺拴         

    17  1835658 C1 6   1835658 C1 托架         

    18  1841650 C1 6   1841650 C1 墊圈  

    項目   零配件號碼        新件號 描述  

    3      1      搖桿軸       

    4   327411 R1  2   327411 R1  栓塞                

    項目   零配件號碼        新件號 描述  

    6      1      搖臂          

    7   1854757 C1 1   1854757 C1 螺旋         

    8   1841734 C1 1   1841734 C1 螺帽         

    9      1      樞        

    項目   零配件號碼        新件號 描述  

    12     1      搖臂         

    13  1854757 C1 1   1854757 C1 螺旋         

    14  1841734 C1 1   1841734 C1 螺帽         

    15     1      樞        



Symptom Troubleshooting

Table 15

TroubleshootingTest Steps



1. Initial Ignition Switch ON (Do not Attempt to Crank)

Wait to Start lamp Result: No injector pre-cycle.

Water in Fuel


Check the power supply to the Electronic Control Module

(ECM) and the Injector Driver Module (IDM). Refer to Trou-

bleshootingElectrical Power Supply - Test.

A. Turn the keyswitch to the ON position. Do not attempt to start

the engine.

Injector pre-cycle

B. Check or listen for the following:

·Wait to Start lamp comes on and goes off

·Water in Fuel lamp comes on and goes off

·Injector pre-cycle noise

Result: Water in Fuel lamp stays on.

Refer to TroubleshootingFuel Contains Water.

Result: Wait to Start lamp does not come on.

Check the power supply to the ECM . Refer to Troubleshoo-

tingElectrical Power Supply - Test.

Result: All OK.

Proceed to Test Step 2.

2. Battery Cables and Batteries

Batteries and


Result: The batteries and cables are not OK.

A. Inspect the main power switch, battery posts, and battery ca-

bles for loose connections and for corrosion. If the battery cables

are corroded, remove the battery cables and clean the battery

cables. Tighten any loose connections.

Make the necessary repairs.

Attempt to start the engine. If the engine will not start, pro-

ceed to Test Step 3.

Result: The batteries and cables are OK.

B. Inspect the batteries.

C. Charge the batteries.

Proceed to Test Step 3.

Test the batteries. Refer to Systems Operation, Testing, and Ad-

justing, “Battery - Test”.

3. Switches and/or Circuit Breakers (if applicable)

Switches and/or   Result: The switches and/or circuit breakers are not OK.

circuit breakers

A. If equipped, check any switches and/or circuit breakers that

may interfere with the engine cranking. Refer to the applications

electrical schematic for additional information.

Make the necessary repairs.

Attempt to start the engine. If the engine will not start, pro-

ceed to Test Step 4.

Result: The switches and/or circuit breakers are OK.

Proceed to Test Step 4.

4. Starting Motor Solenoid and Starting Circuit

Starting motor    Result: The starting motor solenoid and circuit are not OK.

solenoid and

A. Test the operation of the starting motor circuit. Refer to Sys-

tems Operation/Testing and Adjusting, “Electric Starting System

- Test”.


Make the necessary repairs.

Attempt to start the engine. If the engine will not start, pro-

ceed to Test Step 5.

Result: The starting motor solenoid and circuit are OK.

Proceed to Test Step 5.


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Symptom Troubleshooting

(Table 15, contd)

TroubleshootingTest Steps



5. Starting Motor and/or Flywheel Ring Gear

Starter pinion and Result: The starter pinion and flywheel ring gear are not

flywheel ring gear OK.

D. Check the pinion clearance. Inspect the pinion and the fly-

wheel ring gear for damage. Refer to Systems Operation, Test-

ing and Adjusting, “Electrical System” for additional information.

are OK

Make the necessary repairs.

Attempt to start the engine. If the engine will not start, pro-

ceed to Test Step 6.

Result: The starting motor and flywheel ring gear are OK.

Proceed to Test Step 6.

6. Engine Accessories


Result: The engine accessories are not OK.


A. Ensure free movement of the driveline.

Make the necessary repairs.

Attempt to start the engine. If the engine will not start, pro-

ceed to Test Step 7.

B. Remove and inspect any engine accessories that may lock

up the engine.

Result: The engine starts with the generator disconnected.

C. Disconnect the engine from the generator and attempt to start

the engine.

The generator may be locked.

Investigate the cause of the generator locking and make

any necessary repairs.

Result: The engine accessories are OK.

Proceed to Test Step 7.

7. Hydraulic Lock

Hydraulic lock    Result: The engine rotates, but fluid is expelled.

A. Remove the fuel injectors. Refer to Disassembly and Assem-

bly, “Electronic Unit Injector - Remove”

Investigate the cause of the fluid in the cylinder.

Make the necessary repairs.

Attempt to start the engine. If the engine will not start, con-

tact Perkins  Global Technical Support.

B. Attempt to rotate the crankshaft through 360 degrees in both


Result: The engine does not rotate.

Disassemble the engine. Refer to Disassembly and Assem-

bly. Inspect the internal components of the engine for bro-

ken components, bent components, or seizure.

Make the necessary repairs.

Result: The engine rotates freely.

Contact Perkins  Global Technical Support.

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Symptom Troubleshooting


Engine Has Early Wear

Probable Causes

•   Incorrect maintenance intervals and/or incorrect oil

•   Contaminated engine oil

•   Low oil pressure

•   Leaks in air intake system

•   Dirt in fuel

Recommended Actions

Note: The procedures have been listed in order of

probability. Complete the procedures in order.

Table 16

TroubleshootingTest Steps



1. Incorrect Maintenance Intervals and/or Incorrect Oil



Result: The engine oil was not changed at the interval

that is recommendedby the Operation and Maintenance


A. Use engine oil that is recommended and change the engine oil

at the interval that is recommended by the engine Operation and

Maintenance Manual.

Use the recommended grade of oil.

Change the engine oil at the interval that is recommended.

Repair or replace any damaged parts.

Result: The engine oil was changed at the interval that is

recommended by the engine Operation and Maintenance


Proceed to Test Step 2.

2. Contaminated Engine Oil


Result: The oil is contaminated.

A. Obtain an oil analysis. The analysis will identify oil


Determine the reason for any contamination of the engine

oil and make the necessary repairs. Drain the crankcase

and refill the crankcase with clean engine oil. Install new

engine oil filters. Refer to the engines Operation and Main-

tenance Manual.

Result: The oil is not contaminated.

Proceed to Test Step 3.


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Symptom Troubleshooting

(Table 16, contd)

TroubleshootingTest Steps



3. Low Oil Pressure

Oil pressure

Result: Analysis indicates that the oil is contaminated.

Note: Engine oil that is contaminated with another liquid can cause

low engine oil pressure. High engine oil level can be an indication

of contamination.

Replace the oil and the oil filter. Refer to the Operation

and Maintenance Manual.

Result: The inlet tube has a restriction.

Clear the obstruction. Verify the repair.

Result: The oil pressure is low.

A. Obtain an analysis of the engine oil.

B. Check the inlet screen on the suction tube and remove any ma-

terial that may be restricting engine oil flow.

Note: The inlet screen of the suction tube for the engine oil pump

can have a restriction. This restriction will cause cavitation and a

loss of engine oil pressure.

Refer to Troubleshooting, “Oil Pressure Is Low” for the

testing procedure. Repair any identified faults.

Result: The oil pressure is normal.

When some components of the engine show wear in a short time,

the cause can be a restriction in a passage for engine oil. An indi-

cator for the engine oil pressure may indicate sufficient pressure,

but a component is worn due to a lack of lubrication. In such a

case, look at the passage for the engine oil supply to the compo-

nent. Refer to Systems Operation/Testing and Adjusting, “Lubrica-

tion System” for additional information.

Proceed to Test Step 4.

4. Leaks in Air Intake System

Air leak

Result: There are air leaks.

Repair any leaks.

Note: A leak in the air intake system may allow unfiltered air into

the engine.

Result: There are no air leaks.

Proceed to Test Step 5.

A. Inspect the air intake system for streaks which may indicate a

leakage of unfiltered air. Inspect all of the gaskets and the connec-

tions. Refer to Systems Operation, Testing, and Adjusting, “Air Inlet

and Exhaust System” for more information.

5. Dirt in Fuel

Fuel and fuel    Result: The fuel has contamination.


A. Remove the fuel filters. Inspect the fuel filters for contamination.

Determine the cause of any contamination and make the

necessary repairs.

Note: Contaminants in the fuel such as hydrogen sulfide and sulfur

can lead to the formation of acids in the crankcase.

Install new fuel filters. Refer to the Operation and Mainte-

nance Manual.

B. Obtain a fuel analysis.

Result: The fuel is not contaminated.

Contact Perkins  Global Technical Support.

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Symptom Troubleshooting


Engine Has Mechanical Noise


Probable Causes

•   Visual inspection

•   Diagnostic codes

•   Electrical connections

•   Fuel quality

•   Correct lubrication

•   Engine accessories

•   Valve train components

•   Lower end components

•   Gear Train

Recommended Actions

Note: The procedures have been listed in order of

probability. Complete the procedures in order.

Table 17

TroubleshootingTest Steps



1. Visual Inspection


Result: There is evidence of leaks.

A. Inspect the engine for evidence of coolant or oil leaks.

Note: Evidence of leaks may indicate an internal engine fault.

Investigate the source of the leaks and make any neces-

sary repairs.

Result: There is no evidence of leaks.

Proceed to Test Step 2.

2. DiagnosticCodes



Result: There are active codes.

A. Establish communication between the electronic service tool

and the Electronic Control Module (ECM). Refer to Troubleshoot-

ing, “Electronic Service Tools”, if necessary.

Troubleshoot any active codes before continuing with this

procedure. Refer to TroubleshootingDiagnostic Trouble


B. Check for active diagnostic codes.

Result: There are no active codes.

Proceed to Test Step 3.


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Symptom Troubleshooting

(Table 17, contd)

TroubleshootingTest Steps



3. Electrical Connections


Result: There are suspect connectors.

A. Check for the correct installation of the ECM connectors. Check

for correct installation of the fuel injector connectors.

Repair connectors that are suspect or replace connectors

that are suspect.

Result: There are no suspect connectors.

Proceed to Test Step 4.

3. Fuel Quality


Result: The fuel quality is not OK.

A. Obtain a fuel analysis in order to confirm that the correct fuel is

being used for the engine. Refer to Systems Operation/Testing and

Adjusting, “Fuel System Quality Test” for the proper procedure.

Note: Refer to Operation and Maintenance Manual for in-

formationon the proper characteristics of the fuel for the en-

gine. If necessary,

Replace the fuel. Verify that the repair eliminated the noise.

Result: The fuel quality is OK.

Proceed to Test Step 4.

4. Correct Lubrication


Result: The oil passages are blocked or the engine does

not have correct lubrication.

A. Check for correct lubrication of the valve components.

Make the necessary repairs, Verify that the repair elimi-

nated the noise.

B. Check for blocked oil passages. Oil passages must be clean.

Clean any oil passages that are questionable. Refer to the Disas-

sembly and Assembly for additional information.

Result: The oil passages are not blocked and the engine

has proper lubrication.

C. Inspect the engine oil filters for ferrous material.

Proceed to Test Step 5.

D. Obtain an oil analysis. The analysis will contribute to a better

understanding of oil contamination and the origin of the


5. Engine Accessories


Result An engine accessory is the source of the noise.


A. Attempt to isolate the source of the noise.

Repair the engine accessory and/or replace the engine ac-

cessory, as necessary.

Result An engine accessory is not the source of the noise.

Proceed to Test Step 6.


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Symptom Troubleshooting

(Table 17, contd)

TroubleshootingTest Steps



6. Valve Train Components

Valve train

Result: The valve train components are damaged.

A. Check the valve lash. Refer to Systems Operation, Testing, and

Adjusting, “Engine Valve Lash - Inspect/Adjust”.

Make the necessary repairs, Verify that the repair elimi-

nated the noise.

B. Check for damage to valve train components. Remove the valve


Result: The valve train components are not damaged.

Refer to the Disassembly and Assembly for additional information.

Proceed to Test Step 7.

C. Check for valves that do not move freely. If necessary, remove

the cylinder head and inspect the valves.

Refer to the Disassembly and Assembly for additional information.

7. Lower End Components

Lower end


Result: The lower end components are damaged.

Replace any damaged parts.

A. Inspect the lower end components.

B. Inspect the crankshaft and the related components. Look for

worn thrust plates and wear on the crankshaft.

Result: The lower end components are not damaged.

Proceed to Test Step 8.

C. Inspect the connecting rod bearings and the bearing surfaces

on the crankshaft. Make sure that the bearings are in the correct


8. Gear Train

Gear train

Result: The gear train or the related components are dam-

aged or worn.

A. Inspect the gear train for excessive wear or damage.

Repair or replace any damaged parts. Verify that the repair

eliminated the noise.

Result: The gear train or the related components are not

damaged or worn.

Contact Perkins  Global Technical Support.


Engine Misfires, Runs Rough

or Is Unstable

Note: If the fault is intermittent and the fault cannot be

duplicated, refer to Troubleshooting, “Power Is

Intermittently Low or Power Cutout Is Intermittent”.

Recommended Actions

Note: The procedures have been listed in order of

probability. Complete the procedures in order.

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Symptom Troubleshooting

Table 18

TroubleshootingTest Steps



1. DiagnosticCodes



Result: There are active diagnostic codes.

A. Establish communication between the electronic service tool

and the Electronic Control Module (ECM). Refer to Troubleshoot-

ing, “Electronic Service Tools”, if necessary.

Troubleshoot any active codes before continuing with this


Result: There are no active codes.

B. Check for active diagnostic codes.

Proceed to Test Step 2.

2. Run the Key-On Engine-Off (KOEO) Standard Test

A. Connect the electronic service tool to the diagnostic connector.

B. Turn the keyswitch to the ON position.



Result: There are active diagnostic codes.

Troubleshoot all active diagnostic codes. Refer to Trouble-

shootingDiagnostic Trouble Codes.

Clear all active diagnostic codes and check that the re-

pairs eliminate the fault.

C. Select “Tests”  from the menu bar. Select “Key-On Engine-Off”

If the fault still exists, proceed to Test Step 3.

from the drop-down menu.

Result: There are no active diagnostic codes.

D. From the KOEO Diagnostics menu, select  “Standard” , then se-

lect  “Run”  .

Proceed to Test Step 3.

Note: This test takes less than 5 seconds.

E. Record all active diagnostic codes.

3. Run the KOEO Injector Test



Result: There are active diagnostic codes.

A. Connect the electronic service tool to the diagnostic connector.

B. Turn the keyswitch to the ON position.

Troubleshoot all active diagnostic codes. Refer to Trouble-

shootingDiagnostic Trouble Codes.

Clear all active diagnostic codes and check that the re-

pairs eliminate the fault.

C. Select “Tests”  from the menu bar. Select “Key-On Engine-Off”

If the fault still exists, proceed to Test Step 4.

from the drop-down menu.

Result: There are no active diagnostic codes.

Note: When running KOEO diagnostic tests, “Standard Test”  is al-

ways run first. If the ignition keyswitch is not cycled, the  “Standard

Test”  does not need to be run again.

Proceed to Test Step 4.

D. From the KOEO Diagnostics menu, select  “Injector” , then se-

lect  “Run”  .

Note: During this test, injector solenoids should click in a numerical

sequence. If a series of clicks are not heard for each injector, one

or more injectors are not activating.

E. Record all active diagnostic codes.


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Symptom Troubleshooting

(Table 18, contd)

TroubleshootingTest Steps



4. Fuel Supply

Fuel supply

Result: There is air in the fuel system.

A. Visually check the fuel tank for fuel. The fuel gauge may be


Prime the fuel system. Refer to Systems Operation, Test-

ing, and Adjusting, “Fuel System - Prime”.

B. Ensure that the fuel supply valve (if equipped) is in the full OPEN


Result: The fuel quality is not OK.

Replace the fuel. Replace the primary and secondary fuel

filters. Verify that the repair eliminates the fault.

C. Check the primary filter/water separator for water in the fuel.

D. Check for fuel supply lines that are restricted.

Result: The fuel quality is OK.

E. Check for air in the fuel system. Refer to Systems Operation,

Testing, and Adjusting, “Air in Fuel - Test”.

Proceed to Test Step 5.

F. Obtain a fuel analysis in order to confirm that the correct fuel is

being used. Refer to Systems Operation/Testing and Adjusting,

“Fuel Quality - Test” for the correct procedure.

5. Injector Disable Test


Result: The test indicates a suspect cylinder.

Note:The injector disable test allows the technician to shut off in-

jectors to determine if a specific cylinder is contributing to engine


Investigate the cause of the fault on any cylinder that is not

operating. Investigate the cause of the fault on any cylin-

der that is operating below normal performance.

A. Connect the electronic service tool to the diagnostic connector.

B. Turn the keyswitch to the ON position.

The fault may be due to a faulty injector or low


Note: Possible causes of low compression are shown in

the following list:

C. Select “Tests”  from the menu bar. Select “Injector Disable Test”

from the drop-down menu.

· Faulty piston

· Faulty piston rings

· Worn cylinder bores

· Worn valves

· Faulty cylinder head gasket

· Damaged cylinder head

Note: Monitor the engine oil temperature. Do not run the test until

engine oil temperaturereaches 70° C (158° F)

D. Select “Auto Run”  .

Note: While running the engine, listen for sound variations from

cylinder to cylinder.

Result: The test indicates that all cylinders are OK.

E. Record the results.

Contact Perkins  Global Technical Support.


Engine Overspeeds

This procedure covers the following diagnostic

trouble code:

Table 19

Diagnostic Trouble Code for Engine Overspeed


DTC Description



Engine speed above warning level

The engine has exceeded the value that is programmed into the Electronic Control Mod-

ule (ECM) .

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Symptom Troubleshooting

The ECM limits the flow of fuel in order to prevent the

engine speed from exceeding the value that is

programmed into the ECM. When the engine speed

has dropped to less than the value that is

programmed into the ECM, the 315 code will be reset.

Probable Causes

•   Turbocharger

•   Combustible gases in the Intake air

Recommended Actions

Note: The procedures have been listed in order of

probability. Complete the procedures in order.

Table 20

TroubleshootingTest Steps



1. Turbocharger


Result: The turbocharger is leaking oil into the intake air.

Replace the turbocharger.

Note: The turbocharger that is installed on the engine is a

nonserviceable item. If any mechanical fault exists, then the

faulty turbochargermust be replaced.

Result: The turbocharger is not leaking oil into the intake air.

Proceed to Test Step 2.

A. Check for any oil that may be leaking into the intake air.

2. Combustible Gases in the Intake Air

Air quality

Result: The atmosphere has combustible gases.

A. Check for combustible gases in the surrounding


Do not operate the engine in an environment with combusti-

ble gases.

Result: The intake air does not contains combustible gases.

Contact Perkins  Global Technical Support.


Engine Shutdown Occurs


Note: Use this procedure only if the engine shuts

down completely and the engine must be restarted.

Probable Causes

•   Diagnostic codes

•   Electrical connectors

•   Fuel supply

•   Switches

Recommended Actions

Note: The procedures have been listed in order of

probability. Complete the procedures in order.

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