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首頁 產(chǎn)品展示>Perkins珀金斯1600柴油發(fā)動(dòng)機(jī)7082947 C92搖臂室蓋

Perkins珀金斯1600柴油發(fā)動(dòng)機(jī)7082947 C92搖臂室蓋

Perkins珀金斯1600柴油發(fā)動(dòng)機(jī)7082947 C92搖臂室蓋供應(yīng)商,Perkins珀金斯1600柴油發(fā)動(dòng)機(jī)7082947 C92搖臂室蓋技術(shù)價(jià)格規(guī)格咨詢服務(wù),Perkins珀金斯1600柴油發(fā)動(dòng)機(jī)7082947 C92搖臂室蓋零配件供應(yīng),Perkins珀金斯1600柴油發(fā)動(dòng)機(jī)7082947 C92搖臂室蓋售后服務(wù)中心,Perkins珀金斯1600柴油發(fā)動(dòng)機(jī)7082947 C92搖臂室蓋,Perkins珀金斯1600柴油發(fā)動(dòng)機(jī)7082947 C92搖臂室蓋詳細(xì)的技術(shù)參數(shù),


項(xiàng)目   零配件號碼        新件號 描述  

    1   7082947 C92   1   7082947 C92   搖臂室蓋         

    1   7082947 C91   1   7082947 C91   搖臂室蓋         

    5   1833412 C1 9   1833412 C1 螺拴         

    6   1818231 C1 1   1818231 C1 螺拴         

    7      1      密封墊片            

    項(xiàng)目   零配件號碼        新件號 描述  

    2      1      搖臂室蓋         

    3   7082928 C1 1   7082928 C1 擋板         

    4   1817953 C1 3   1817953 C1 公制的螺拴

    項(xiàng)目   零配件號碼        新件號 描述  

    2      1      搖臂室蓋         

    3   7082928 C1 1   7082928 C1 擋板         

    4   1817953 C1 3   1817953 C1 公制的螺拴                  

    項(xiàng)目   零配件號碼        新件號 描述  

    1   1835985 C92   1   1835985 C92   感應(yīng)傳感器       

    6   1817953 C1 1   1817953 C1 公制的螺拴       


1600 Series Industrial Engine

XGA  (Engine)

XGB (Engine)

XGD (Engine)

XGE (Engine)

XGF (Engine)

XGH (Engine)

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Important Safety Information

Most  accidents    tha t involve  produc  t  op eration,  ma intena nc e and   repair   are  caus  ed  by  failure  to

ob serve  basic   safety   rules  or  precautions  .  An accident    can   often  be  avoided   by  recog nizing  pote ntially

ha za rdous  situations   before   an  accident    oc curs . A person    mus t be  alert   to pote ntial  ha za rds.  This

person   should   also  ha ve  the  ne cessary   training,  skills  and   tools  to perform   the se  func tions properly.

Improper operation, lubrication, maintenance or repair  of this product can be dangerous and

could result in injury  or death.

Do not operate or perform any lubrication, maintenance or repair on this  product, until you have

read and understood the operation, lubrication, maintenance and repair information.

Sa fety precautions     and  warning s  are   provided   in this  ma nua l and   on  the  produc t.  If the se  ha za rd

warning s  are  not  he eded,   bod ily injury  or death   could   oc cur to  you  or to  othe r persons  .

The  ha za rds are   identified   by  the  “Safety  Alert  Symb ol”  and  followed  by  a  “Signa l  Word” suc h  as

“DANGER”, “WARNING”  or “CAUTION”.  The Sa fety  Alert  “WARNING” label  is  shown   below.

The  me aning  of  this safety   alert   symb ol is  as  follows:

Attention! Become Alert! Your Safety is  Involved.

The  me ssage   tha t appears     und er the   warning  explains    the  ha za rd and   can  be   either  written  or

pictorially   presente  d.

Op erations  tha t  ma y caus e  produc  t dama  ge  are  identified   by  “NOTICE” labels   on  the  produc  t and   in

this  pub lication.

Perkins cannot anticipate every possible circumstance that might involve a potential hazard. The

warnings in this publication and on the product are, therefore, not all inclusive. If a tool, procedure,

work method or operating technique that is not specifically recommended by Perkins is used,

you must satisfy yourself that it is safe  for you and for others. You should also ensure that the

product will not be damaged or be  made unsafe by the operation, lubrication, maintenance or

repair procedures that you choose.

The  informa tion, specifications   ,  and  illustrations   in  this  pub lication  are   on the  basis    of informa tion tha t

was  available    at  the  time  tha t the  pub lication   was  written.   The  specifications   , torque  s,  pressure  s,

me asure me nts , adjustme  nts , illustrations ,  and  othe r  items  can  cha  ng e at  any  time.  These  cha ng es  can

affect   the  service   tha t is given   to the  produc  t.  Ob tain the  comp  lete  and  mos t current   informa tion before

you  start any   job. Pe  rkins  dealers   or   Pe rkins  distributors     ha ve  the  mos t current   informa tion  available.

When  replacement  parts  are  required  for  this

product Perkins recommends using Perkins

 replacement  parts.

Failure to heed this warning can lead to prema-

ture failures, product damage, personal injury or


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Table of Contents

Table of Contents

Oil Pressure Is Low..................... .................... 89

Power Is IntermittentlyLow or Power Cutout Is

Intermittent.......................... .......................... 93

Valve Lash Is Excessive................. ................ 96


Electronic Troubleshooting

Troubleshootingwith a Diagnostic Code

Diagnostic Trouble Codes ............... ............... 97

Diagnostic Code Cross Reference........ ....... 100

Welding Precaution ..................... ..................... 5

System Overview....................... ....................... 5

Glossary .......................................................... 10

Electronic Service Tools ................. ................ 13

Replacing the ECM..................... .................... 19

Self-Diagnostics....................... ....................... 19

Sensors and Electrical Connectors ........ ........ 20

Engine Wiring Information............... ............... 27

ECM Harness Connector Terminals........ ....... 30

Diagnostic Functional Tests

CAN Data Link - Test .................. .................. 104

Data Link - Test....................... ...................... 108

ECM Memory - Test................... ....................112

Electrical Connector - Inspect............ ............115

Electrical Power Supply - Test (Electronic

Control Module)..................... ......................118

Electrical Power Supply - Test (Injector Driver

Module)............................ ........................... 122

Injection Actuation Pressure - Test........ ....... 127

Injection Actuation Pressure Control Valve -

Test ............................... .............................. 131

Injection Actuation Pressure Sensor - Test.. . 134

Injector Solenoid - Test................. ................ 139

Sensor Supply - Test................... .................. 144

Sensor Signal (Analog, Active) - Test (Engine Oil

Pressure Sensor).................... .................... 147

Sensor Signal (Analog, Active) - Test (Manifold

Absolute Pressure Sensor)............. ............ 151

Sensor Signal (Analog, Active) - Test (Engine

Fuel Pressure Sensor)................ ................ 155

Sensor Signal (Analog, Active) - Test (Exhaust

Back Pressure Sensor)................ ............... 159

Sensor Signal (Analog, Passive) - Test (Engine

Oil Temperature)..................... .................... 163

Sensor Signal (Analog, Passive) - Test (Engine

Coolant Temperature Sensor)........... .......... 166

Sensor Signal (Analog, Passive) - Test (Intake

Manifold Air Temperature Sensor)....... ....... 170

Speed/Timing - Test (Camshaft Position

Programming Parameters

Programming Parameters ............... ............... 31

Flash Programming.................... .................... 31

Symptom Troubleshooting

Alternator Is Noisy ..................... ..................... 32

Alternator Problem..................... ..................... 34

Battery Problem....................... ....................... 35

Coolant Contains Oil.................... ................... 36

Coolant Level Is Low ................... ................... 36

Coolant Temperature Is High............. ............. 37

Cylinder Is Noisy....................... ...................... 40

ECM Does Not Communicate with Other

Modules............................ ............................ 43

Electronic Service Tool Does Not

Communicate........................ ........................ 47

Engine Cranks but Does Not Start......... ......... 49

Engine Does Not Crank................. ................. 54

Engine Has Early Wear ................. ................. 57

Engine Has Mechanical Noise (Knock)..... ..... 59

Engine Misfires, Runs Rough or Is Unstable. . 61

Engine Overspeeds.................... .................... 63

Engine Shutdown Occurs Intermittently..... .... 64

Engine Top Speed Is Not Obtained........ ........ 65

Engine Vibration Is Excessive............ ............ 67

Exhaust Back Pressure Problem.......... .......... 70

Exhaust Has Excessive Black Smoke...... ...... 71

Exhaust Has Excessive White Smoke ............ 73

Fuel Consumption Is Excessive ........... .......... 76

Fuel Contains Water.................... ................... 79

Fuel Pressure Problem.................. ................. 79

Injection Actuation Pressure Problem ...... ...... 80

Oil Consumption Is Excessive............ ............ 84

Oil Contains Coolant.................... ................... 85

Oil Contains Fuel...................... ...................... 87

Sensor)............................ ........................... 174

Speed/Timing - Test (Crankshaft Position

Sensor)............................ ........................... 177

Starting Aid - Test (Inlet Air Heater)....... ....... 181

Switch Circuits - Test (Engine Coolant Level

Switch)............................ ............................ 186

Valve Position - Test (Exhaust Gas Recirculation

Valve)............................. ............................. 189

Water in Fuel - Test.................... ................... 195

Index Section

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Table of Contents

Index............................... .............................. 199

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Electronic Troubleshooting


Electronic Troubleshooting


Welding Precaution

Correct welding procedures are necessary in order to

avoid damage to the following components:

•   Electronic Control Module (ECM) on the engine

•   Sensors

•   Associated components

Illustration 1


Components for the driven equipment should also be

considered. When possible, remove the component

that requires welding. When welding on an engine

that is equipped with an ECM and removal of the

component is not possible, the following procedure

must be followed. This procedure minimizes the risk

to the electronic components.

Service welding guide (typical diagram)

5. When possible, connect the ground clamp for the

welding equipment directly to the engine

component that will be welded. Place the clamp as

close as possible to the weld. Close positioning

reduces the risk of welding current damage to the

engine bearings, to the electrical components, and

to other components.

1. Stop the engine. Remove the electrical power from

the ECM.

2. Ensure that the fuel supply to the engine is turned


6. Protect the wiring harnesses from welding debris

and/or from welding spatter.

3. Disconnect the negative battery cable from the

battery. If a battery disconnect switch is installed,

open the switch.

7. Use standard welding procedures to weld the

materials together.

4. Disconnect all electronic components from the

wiring harnesses. Include the following



System Overview

•   Electronic components for the driven equipment

The engine has an electronic control system. The

system controls the engine.

•   ECM

•   Sensors

The control system consists of the following


•   Electronically controlled valves

•   Relays

•   Electronic Control Module (ECM)

•   Software (flash file)

•   Wiring


Do not use electrical components (ECM or ECM sen-

sors)  or electronic  component grounding  points  for

grounding the welder.

•   Sensors

•   Actuators

The following information provides a general

description of the control system. Refer to Systems

Operation, Testing, and Adjusting for detailed

information about the control system.

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Electronic Troubleshooting

Electronic Control Circuit Diagram

Illustration 2


(1) Exhaust Gas Recirculation (EGR) control


(2) Injector drive module (IDM)

(3) Electronic Control Module (ECM)

(including internal barometric pressure


(5) Exhaust Gas Recirculation (EGR) valve

(11) Inlet Air Temperature sensor

(6) Injection Control Pressure (ICP) sensor

(7) Engine Fuel Pressure (EFP) sensor

(8) Engine Coolant Temperature (ECT)


(9) Manifold Air Pressure (MAP) sensor

(10) Manifold Air Temperature (MAT) sensor

(12) Exhaust Back Pressure (EBP) sensor

(13) Engine Oil Pressure (EOP) sensor

(14) Camshaft Position (CMP) sensor

(15) Crankshaft Position (CKP) sensor

(16) Engine Oil Temperature (EOT) sensor

(17) Fuel injectors

(4) Injector Pressure Regulator (IPR)

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Electronic Troubleshooting

Block Diagram

Illustration 3


Block diagram for the 1600 engine

(17) EGR cooler

(18) EGR valve

(19) Muffler

(20) Air cleaner

(21) Inlet Air Temperature(IAT) sensor

(22) Turbocharger

(23) EGR mixer

(24) Charge Air Cooler (CAC)

(25) Exhaust Back Pressure (EBP) sensor

(26) Engine Coolant Temperature (ECT)


(27) Crankshaft Position (CKP) sensor

(28) Engine

(35) Fuel strainer

(36) Injection Control Pressure (ICP) sensor

(37) Engine Oil Pressure (EOP) sensor

(38) Electronic control module (ECM)

(39) High-pressureoil pump

(40) Injector Drive Module (IDM)

(41) Manifold Air Temperature (MAT) sensor

(42) Manifold Air Pressure (MAP) sensor

(43) Fuel tank

(29) Injectors

(30) Low-pressure fuel pump

(31) Engine Fuel Pressure (EFP) sensor

(32) Inlet Air Heater (IAH)

(33) Camshaft Position (CMP) sensor

(34) Fuel filter

The Electronic Control Module (ECM) monitors and

controls engine performance to ensure maximum

performance and adherence to emissions standards.

The ECM has four primary functions:

values to determine the correct operating strategy for

all engine operations. Diagnostic Trouble Codes

(DTCs) are generated by the microprocessor, if inputs

or conditions do not comply with expected values.

•   Provides reference voltage

•   Conditions input signals

Diagnostic strategies are also programmed into the

ECM. Some strategies monitor inputs continuously

and command the necessary outputs to achieve the

correct performance of the engine.

•   Processes and stores control strategies

•   Controls actuators

Actuator control – The ECM controls the actuators

by applying a low-level signal (low side driver) or a

high-level signal (high side driver). When switched

on, the drivers complete a ground or power circuit to

an actuator.

Reference Voltage – The ECM supplies a 5 VDC

signal to input sensors in the electronic control

system. By comparing the 5 VDC signal sent to the

sensors with the respective returned signals, the

ECM determines pressures, positions, and other

variables important to engine functions.

Act, , uators are controlled in three ways, determined by

the type of actuator:

Signal Conditioner – The signal conditioner in the

internal microprocessor converts analog signals to

digital signals, squares up sine wave signals, or

amplifies low intensity signals to a level that the ECM

microprocessor can process.

•   A duty cycle (percent time on/off)

•   A controlled pulse-width

•   Switched on or off

Microprocessor – The ECM microprocessor stores

operating instructions (control strategies) and value

tables (calibration parameters). The ECM compares

stored instructions and values with conditioned input

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Electronic Troubleshooting

Exhaust Gas Recirculation(EGR) Control


The ECM sends information (fuel volume, engine oil

temperature, and injection control pressure) through

the CAN 2 datalink to the IDM. The IDM uses this

information to calculate the injection cycle.

The EGR valve controls the flow of exhaust gases

into the inlet and EGR mixer duct.

Injector Power Source

The EGR drive module controls the EGR actuator.

The IDM creates a constant 48 VDC supply to all

injectors by making and breaking a 12 VDC source

across a coil in the IDM. The 48 VDC created by the

collapsed field is stored in capacitors until used by the


The EGR drive module receives the desired EGR

actuator position from the ECM across the CAN 2

datalink to activate the valve for exhaust gas

recirculation. The EGR drive module provides

feedback to the ECM on the valve position.

The IDM controls when the injector is turned on and

how long the injector is active. The IDM first

The EGR drive module constantly monitors the EGR

actuator. When an EGR control error is detected, the

EGR drive module sends a message to the ECM and

a DTC is set.

energizes the OPEN coil, then the CLOSE coil. The

low side driver supplies a return circuit to the IDM for

each injector coil (open and close). The high side

driver controls the power supply to the injector. During

each injection event, the low and high side drivers are

switched on and off for each coil.

Injection Pressure Regulator (IPR)

The IPR valve controls pressure in the Injection

Control Pressure (ICP) system. The IPR valve is a

variable position valve controlled by the ECM. This

regulated pressure actuates the fuel injectors. The

valve position is controlled by switching the ground

circuit in the ECM. The voltage source is supplied by

the ignition switch.

IDM and Injector Diagnostics

The IDM determines if an injector is drawing enough

current. The IDM sends a fault to the ECM, indicating

potential problems in the wiring harness or injector,

and the ECM will set a DTC. The IDM also does self-

diagnostic checks and sets a DTC to indicate failure

of the IDM.

Inlet Air Heater (IAH)

On-demand tests can be done using the Electronic

Service Tool (EST). The ESTsends a request to the

ECM and the ECM sends a request to the IDM to do a

test. Some tests generate a DTC when a problem

exists. Other tests require the technician to evaluate

parameters, if a problem exists.

The IAH system warms the incoming air supply prior

to cranking to aid cold engine starting and reduce

white smoke during warm-up.

The ECM is programmed to energize the IAH

elements through the IAH relays while monitoring

certain programmed conditions for engine coolant

temperature, engine oil temperature, and

atmospheric pressure.

Engine Sensors

Temperature Sensors

Injection Drive Module (IDM)

A thermistor sensor changes electrical resistance

with changes in temperature. Resistance in the

thermistor decreases as temperature increases, and

increases as temperature decreases. Thermistors

work with a resistor that limits current in the ECM to

form a voltage signal matched with a temperature


The IDM has three functions:

•   Electronic distributor for injectors

•   Power source for injectors

•   IDM and injector diagnostics

The top half of the voltage divider is the current

limiting resistor inside the ECM. A thermistor sensor

has two electrical connectors, signal return and

ground. The output of a thermistor sensor is a

nonlinear analog signal.

The IDM distributes current to the injectors. The IDM

controls fueling to the engine by sending high voltage

pulses to the OPEN and CLOSE coils of the injector.

The IDM uses information from the ECM to determine

the timing and quantity of fuel for each injector.

Engine Coolant Temperature (ECT)

The ECM uses CKP sensor and CMP sensor input

signals to calculate engine speed and position. The

ECM conditions both input signals and supplies the

IDM with the speed/timing sensor output signals. The

IDM uses these signals to determine the correct

sequence for injector firing.

The ECM monitors the ECTsignal and uses this

information for the instrument panel temperature

gauge, coolant compensation, Engine Warning

Protection System (EWPS), and inlet air heater

operation. The ECT is a backup, if the engine oil

temperature is out-of-range. The ECTsensor is

installed in the water supply housing , right of the flat

idler pulley assembly.

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Electronic Troubleshooting

Engine Oil Temperature (EOT)

Exhaust Back Pressure (EBP)

The ECM monitors the EOTsignal to control fuel

quantity and timing when operating the engine. The

EOTsignal allows the ECM and IDM to compensate

for differences in oil viscosity for temperature

changes. This compensation ensures that power and

torque are available for all operating conditions. The

EOTsensor is installed in the rear of the front cover,

left of the high-pressure oil pump assembly.

The EBP sensor measures exhaust back pressure so

that the ECM can control the EGR system. The

sensor provides feedback to the ECM for closed loop

control of the Turbocharger. The EBP sensor is

installed in a bracket mounted on the water supply


Engine Fuel Pressure (EFP)

Intake Air Temperature (IAT)

The ECM uses the EFP sensor signal to monitor

engine fuel pressure and give an indication when the

fuel filter needs to be changed. The EFP sensor is

installed in the rear of the fuel filter assembly

(crankcase side).

The ECM monitors the IATsignal to control timing and

fuel rate during cold starts. The IATsensor is mounted

on the air filter housing.

Manifold Air Temperature (MAT)

Micro Strain Gauge Sensors

The ECM monitors the MATsignal for EGR operation.

The MATsensor is installed in the intake manifold.

A micro strain gauge sensor measures pressure.

Pressure to be measured exerts force on a pressure

vessel that stretches and compresses to change

resistance of strain gauges bonded to the surface of

the pressure vessel. Internal sensor electronics

convert the changes in resistance to a ratio metric

voltage output.

Variable capacitance sensor

Variable capacitance sensors measure pressure. The

pressure measured is applied to a ceramic material.

The pressure forces the ceramic material closer to a

thin metal disk. This action changes the capacitance

of the sensor.

The sensor is connected to the ECM by three wires:

•   5 VDC supply

The sensor is connected to the ECM by three wires:

•   5 VDC supply

•   Signal return

•   Signal ground

•   Signal return

The sensor receives the 5 VDC supply and returns an

analog signal voltage to the ECM. The ECM

compares the voltage with pre-programmed values to

determine pressure.

•   Signal ground

The sensor receives the 5 VDC and returns an

analog signal voltage to the ECM. The ECM

compares the voltage with pre-programmed values to

determine pressure.

Injection Control Pressure (ICP)

The ECM monitors the ICP signal to determine the

injection control pressure for engine operation. The

ICP signal is used to control the IPR valve. The ICP

sensor provides feedback to the ECM for Closed

Loop ICP control. The ICP sensor is under the valve

cover, forward of the No. 6 fuel injector in the high-

pressure oil rail.

Barometric Absolute Pressure (BAP)

The ECM monitors the BAP signal to determine

altitude, adjust timing, fuel quantity, and inlet air

heater operation.

Intake Manifold Air Pressure (MAP)

Magnetic Pickup Sensors

The ECM monitors the MAP signal to determine

intake manifold pressure (boost). This information is

used to control fuel rate and injection timing. The

MAP sensor is installed left of the MATsensor in the

intake manifold.

A magnetic pickup sensor generates an alternating

frequency that indicates speed. Magnetic pickups

have a two wire connection for signal and ground.

This sensor has a permanent magnetic core

surrounded by a wire coil. The signal frequency is

generated by the rotation of gear teeth that disturb the

magnetic field.

Engine Oil Pressure (EOP)

The ECM monitors the EOP signal, and uses this

information for the instrument panel pressure gauge

and EWPS. The EOP sensor is installed in the left

side of the crankcase below and left of the fuel filter


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