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首頁 產品展示>珀金斯Perkins1104C-E44(T)(TA)測試調整(英文)




Systems Operation

Testing and Adjusting

1104E Engine

R F ( Engine)

RH (Engine)

R K ( Engine)

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s t ar t any jo b . Perkins dea le rs hav e t he m os t c ur r en t i nfo rm ati on a va il abl e.

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Table of  Contents

Table of Contents

Flywheel Housing - Inspect ................................... 54

Gear Group - Inspect ............................................ 55

Electrical System

Systems Operation Section

Alternator - Test ....................................................  56

Battery - Test ......................................................... 56

V-Belt - Test ..........................................................  57

Charging System - Test ........................................  57

Electric Starting System - Test .............................. 58

Glow Plugs - Test .................................................. 60

General Information

Introduction  ............................................................ 4

Engine Operation

Basic Engine ........................................................... 6

Air Inlet and Exhaust System .................................  7

Cooling System  .................................................... 10

Lubrication System  ............................................... 11

Electrical System  .................................................  12

Fuel Injection  .......................................................  14

Electronic Control System  ...................................  22

Power Sources .....................................................  25

Glossary of Electronic Control Terms ...................  29

Index Section

Index .....................................................................  61

Testing and Adjusting Section

Fuel System

Fuel System - Inspect ........................................... 32

Air in Fuel - Test .................................................... 32

Finding Top Center Position for No. 1 Piston ........ 33

Fuel Injection Timing - Adjust ................................ 34

Fuel Injection Timing - Check ...............................  35

Fuel Quality - Test ................................................. 35

Fuel System - Prime .............................................  36

Fuel System Pressure - Test ................................. 36

Air Inlet and  Exhaust System

Air Inlet and Exhaust System - Inspect ................. 38

Wastegate - Test ................................................... 38

Compression - Test ............................................... 39

Engine Valve Lash - Inspect/Adjust ......................  39

Valve Depth - Inspect ............................................ 41

Valve Guide - Inspect ............................................ 41

Lubrication System

Engine Oil Pressure - Test .................................... 43

Engine Oil Pump - Inspect .................................... 43

Excessive Bearing Wear - Inspect ........................ 44

Excessive Engine Oil Consumption - Inspect ....... 44

Increased Engine Oil Temperature - Inspect ........  45

Cooling System

Cooling System - Check (Overheating) ................  46

Cooling System - Inspect ...................................... 47

Cooling System - Test ........................................... 47

Engine Oil Cooler - Inspect ................................... 49

Water Temperature Regulator - Test ..................... 49

Basic Engine

Piston Ring Groove - Inspect ................................ 50

Connecting Rod - Inspect .....................................  50

Connecting Rod Bearings - Inspect ...................... 51

Main Bearings - Inspect ........................................ 51

Cylinder Block - Inspect ........................................ 51

Cylinder Head - Inspect ........................................  52

Piston Height - Inspect .......................................... 52

Flywheel - Inspect ................................................. 53

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Systems Operation  Section

Systems Operation Section

General Information




Illustration 1

Left side view of a  typical 1104C electronic engine

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Systems Operation  Section

(1) Fuel lines

(6) Electronic fuel injection pump

(7) Engine oil pressure sensor

(8) Engine oil filter

(11) Alternator

(12) Engine coolant temperature sensor

(13) Voltage Load Protection Module

(14) Electronic Control Module (ECM)

(2) Fuel Priming Pump

(3) Fuel Filter

(4) Machine Interface Connector (MIC)

(5) Speed/timing sensor

(9) Water Pump

(10) Crankshaft pulley


Illustration 2

Right side view of a  typical 1104C electronic engine

(15) Exhaust elbow

(16) Turbocharger

(17) Wastegate actuator

(18) Starter motor

(19) Oil drain plug

The 1104C electronic  engine is electronically

controlled. The 1104C electronic engine  uses an

Electronic Control Module (ECM) to control a fuel

injection pump. The pump supplies fuel to the fuel


The four cylinders are arranged in-line. The cylinder

head assembly has one inlet valve and one exhaust

valve for each cylinder. The ports for the inlet valves

are on the left side of the cylinder head. The ports for

the exhaust valves are on the right side of the cylinder

head. Each cylinder valve has a single valve spring.

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Systems Operation  Section

Each cylinder has a piston cooling jet that is installed

in the cylinder block. The piston cooling jet sprays

engine oil onto the inner  surface of the piston in

order to cool the piston. The pistons have a Fastram

combustion chamber in the top of the piston in order

to provide an efficient mix of fuel and air. The piston

pin is off-center in order to reduce the noise level.

The pistons have two compression  rings and an

oil control ring. The groove for  the top ring has a

hardened insert in order to reduce wear of the ring

groove. The skirt has a layer of graphite in order to

reduce wear. The correct piston height is important in

order to ensure that the piston does not contact the

cylinder head. The correct piston height also ensures

the efficient combustion of fuel which is necessary in

order to conform to requirements for emissions.


Illustration 3

The Bosch VP30 fuel injection pump is installed on

the engine. The fuel injection  pump conforms to

current emissions. Both the pump timing and the high

idle are preset at the factory. The fuel injection pump

is not serviceable. Adjustments to the fuel injection

pump timing and high idle should only be made by

personnel which have had the correct training. The

fuel injection pump uses the engine ECM to control

the engine RPM.

A piston and connecting rod are matched to each

cylinder. The piston height  is controlled by the

length of the connecting rod. Six different  lengths

of connecting rods are available in order  to attain

the correct piston height. The different lengths  of

connecting rods are made by machining the small

end bearing off-center in order to form an eccentric

bearing. The amount of the eccentricity of the bearing

creates the different lengths of the connecting rods.

The crankshaft has five main bearing journals. End

play is controlled by thrust washers which are located

on both sides of the center main bearing.

For the specifications of the 1104C electronic engine,

refer to the Specifications, “Engine Design”.

Engine Operation

The timing case is made of aluminum. The timing

gears have holes which align with holes in the front

flange of the crankshaft and the camshaft in order

to ensure the correct assembly of the gears. When

the number 1 piston is at  the top center position

on the compression stroke, a temporary timing pin

is inserted through the  crankshaft gear and the

hole in the front flange of the crankshaft. A second

temporary timing pin is inserted through the camshaft

gear and the hole in the timing case.


Basic Engine

Cylinder Block and Cylinder Head

The crankshaft gear turns the idler gear which then

turns the following gears:

The cylinder block for the  1104 engine has four

cylinders which are arranged in-line.

•  the camshaft gear

The cylinder block for  the 1104 engine has five

main bearings which support the crankshaft. Thrust

washers on both sides of the center main  bearing

control the end play of the crankshaft.

•  the fuel injection pump

•  a lower idler gear which  turns the gear of the

lubricating oil pump

A cylinder head  gasket is used between  the

engine block and the cylinder head in order to seal

combustion gases, water, and oil.

The camshaft and the fuel injection pump run at half

the rpm of the crankshaft. The cylinder block has an

open top deck. The cylinders are only connected to

the cylinder block at the bottom.

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Systems Operation  Section

The engine has a cast iron cylinder head. The inlet

manifold is integral within the cylinder head. An inlet

valve and an exhaust valve for each  cylinder are

controlled by a pushrod valve system. The ports for

the inlet valves are on the left side of  the cylinder

head. The ports for the exhaust valves are  on the

right side of the cylinder head.

•  Fuel injection pump

•  Lower idler gear which  turns the gear of the

lubricating oil pump

Lip type seals are used  on both the front of the

crankshaft and the rear of the crankshaft.

Pistons, Rings, and Connecting



The engine has a single camshaft. The  camshaft

is driven by an idler gear in the front housing.  The

camshaft uses only one bearing on the front journal.

The other journals rotate in the bore of the cylinder

block. The front bearing and  the camshaft bores

in the cylinder block support the camshaft. As  the

camshaft turns, the camshaft lobes move the valve

system components. The valve system components

move the inlet and exhaust valves in each cylinder.

The camshaft gear must be timed to the crankshaft

gear. The relationship between the lobes and the

camshaft gear causes the valves in each cylinder

to be opened and closed at  the correct time. The

relationship between the lobes and the  camshaft

gear also causes the valves in each cylinder to close

at the correct time.

The pistons have a combustion chamber in the top of

the piston in order to provide an efficient mix of fuel

and air. The piston pin is off-center in order to reduce

the noise level.

The pistons have two compression rings and an oil

control ring. The groove for the top ring has a hard

metal insert in order to reduce wear of the groove.

The skirt has a layer of graphite in order to reduce


The correct piston height is important  in order to

ensure that the piston does not contact the cylinder

head. The correct piston height also  ensures the

efficient combustion of fuel which is necessary  in

order to conform to requirements for emissions.


Air Inlet and Exhaust System

Engines are equipped with connecting rods that have

bearing caps that are fracture split. The bearing caps

on fracture split connecting rods are retained with

torx screws. Connecting rods with bearing caps that

are fracture split have the following characteristics:

•  Higher integrity for the rod

•  The splitting produces an accurately  matched

surface on each side for improved strength.

•  Modern design

The connecting rod is matched  to each cylinder.

The piston height is controlled by the length of the

connecting rod. Six different lengths of connecting

rods are available in order to attain the correct piston

height. The different lengths of connecting rods are

made by machining the small end bearing off-center

in order to form an eccentric bearing. The amount of

the eccentricity of the bearing creates the different

lengths of the connecting rods.


Illustration 4

Air inlet and exhaust system (typical example)

(1) Exhaust outlet

(2) Turbocharger turbine wheel

(3) Turbocharger compressor wheel

(4) Air intake


(5) Aftercooler

(6) Intake manifold

The crankshaft changes the linear  energy of the

pistons and connecting rods into rotary  torque in

order to power external equipment.

(7) Engine cylinders

(8) Exhaust manifold

A gear at the front of the crankshaft drives the timing

gears. The crankshaft gear turns the idler gear which

then turns the following gears:

•  Camshaft gear

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Systems Operation  Section

Engines which are naturally aspirated pull outside air

through an air cleaner directly into the inlet manifold

(6). The air flows from the  intake manifold to the

engine cylinders (7). The fuel is mixed with the air in

the engine cylinders. After the fuel combustion occurs

in the engine cylinder, the exhaust gases flow directly

to the outside air through the exhaust manifold (8).

A turbocharger increases the temperature and the

density of the air that is sent to the engine cylinder.

This condition causes a lower temperature of ignition

to develop earlier in the compression stroke.  The

compression stroke is also timed in a more accurate

way with the fuel injection. Surplus air lowers  the

temperature of combustion. This surplus air  also

provides internal cooling.

Turbocharged engines pull outside air through an air

cleaner into the air intake (4) of the turbocharger. The

suction is caused by the turbocharger compressor

wheel (3). Then, the  turbocharger compressor

wheel compresses the air. The air  flows through

the aftercooler (5). Cooling the inlet air  increases

combustion efficiency. Increased  combustion

efficiency helps achieve the following benefits:

A turbocharger improves the following aspects of

engine performance:

•  Power output is increased.

•  Fuel efficiency is improved.

•  Engine torque is increased.

•  Fuel consumption is reduced.

•  Power output is increased.

•  Durability of the engine is improved.

•  Emissions from the engine are reduced.

•  Emissions from the engine are reduced.

From the aftercooler (5), the air flows to the intake

manifold (6) which directs an even distribution of the

air to each engine cylinder (7). Air is pulled into the

engine cylinder (7) during the intake stroke of  the

piston. Then, the air is mixed with fuel from the fuel


Each piston makes four strokes:

1.  Intake

2.  Compression

3.  Power

4.  Exhaust

The sequence of the strokes by all of the pistons in

all of the engine cylinders provide constant air flow

through the inlet system during the engine operation.


Illustration 5

The exhaust stroke and  the timing of the valve

mechanism pushes combustion gases through the

open exhaust valve into the exhaust manifold (8).

The exhaust gases flow through the blades of the

turbocharger turbine wheel (2) which causes  the

turbine wheel and the compressor wheel  to turn.

Then, the exhaust gases flow through the exhaust

outlet (1) of the turbocharger to the outside.

Components of a turbocharger (typical example)

(1) Air intake

(2) Compressor housing

(3) Compressor wheel

(4) Bearing

(5) Oil inlet port

(6) Bearing

(7) Turbine housing

(8) Turbine wheel

(9) Exhaust outlet

(10) Oil outlet port

(11) Exhaust inlet

The air inlet system is also equipped with a crankcase

ventilation system. The intake strokes of the pistons

pull in atmospheric air to the crankcase.

A turbocharger is installed between  the exhaust

and intake manifolds. The turbocharger is driven by

exhaust gases which flow through the exhaust inlet

(11). The energy of the exhaust gas turns the turbine

wheel (8). Then, the exhaust gas flows out  of the

turbine housing (7) through the exhaust outlet (9).


Note: The turbocharger is not serviceable.

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Systems Operation  Section

The turbine wheel and the compressor wheel (3) are

installed on the same shaft. Therefore, the turbine

wheel and the compressor wheel rotate at the same

rpm. The compressor wheel  is enclosed by the

compressor housing (2). The compressor  wheel

compresses the intake air (1). The intake air flows

into the engine cylinders through the inlet valves of

the cylinders.

•  Rocker arms

•  Valve springs

The camshaft gear is driven by the crankshaft gear.

The camshaft and the crankshaft are timed together.

When the camshaft turns, the valve lifters and the

pushrods are moved up and down. The pushrods

move the rocker arms. The movement of the rocker

arms open the valves. The opening and closing of

the valves is timed with the firing sequence  of the

engine. The valve springs push the valves back to

the closed position.

The oil from the main gallery of the  cylinder block

flows through the  oil inlet port (5)  in order to

lubricate the turbocharger bearings (4) and (6). The

pressurized oil passes through the bearing housing

of the turbocharger. The oil is returned through the oil

outlet port (10) to the oil pan.

The turbocharger has a wastegate. The wastegate is

controlled by the boost pressure. This allows some

of the exhaust to bypass the turbocharger at higher

engine speeds. The wastegate is a  type of valve

that automatically opens at a preset level of boost

pressure in order to allow exhaust gas to flow around

the turbine. The wastegate allows the design of the

turbocharger to be more effective at lower engine


The wastegate is controlled by a diaphragm. One

side of this diaphragm is open to the atmosphere.

The other side of  this diaphragm is open to the

manifold pressure.

Cylinder Head And Valves

The valves and the valve mechanism  control the

flow of the air and the exhaust gases in the cylinder

during engine operation. The cylinder head assembly

has two valves for each cylinder. Each valve has one

valve spring. The ports for the inlet  valves are on

the left side of the cylinder head. The ports for the

exhaust valves are on the right side of the cylinder

head. Steel valve seat inserts are installed  in the

cylinder head for both the  inlet and the exhaust

valves. The valve seat inserts can be replaced.

The valves are installed in valve guides. The valve

guides can be replaced. The exhaust valve guide has

a counterbore in order to prevent the seizure of the

valve stem. The seizure of the valve stem is caused

by a buildup of carbon under the head of the valve.

The inlet and the exhaust valves are  opened and

closed by the rotation and movement of the following


•  Crankshaft

•  Camshaft

•  Valve lifters

•  Pushrods

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Systems Operation  Section


Cooling System


Illustration 6

Flow diagram of the  cooling system

The coolant flows from the bottom of the radiator to

the centrifugal water pump. The water pump assists

in the flow of the coolant through the system. The

water pump is installed on the  front of the timing

case. The water pump is  gear-driven by the fuel

injection pump gear.

The main flow of the coolant passes from the rear of

the cylinder block into the rear of the cylinder head.

The coolant flows forward through the cylinder head

and into the water temperature regulator housing. If

the water temperature regulator is closed, the coolant

goes directly through a bypass to the inlet side  of

the water pump. If the water temperature regulator

is open, the bypass is closed and the coolant flows

to the top of the radiator.

The water pump  forces the coolant through a

passage in the front of the timing case to the water

jacket in the top left side of the cylinder block. The

coolant continues to the rear of the cylinder block.

From the rear of the  cylinder block, some of the

coolant passes into the oil cooler. The oil cooler is

located on the left side of the cylinder block with no

external lines. The coolant flows around the element

of the oil cooler before being returned to the rear of

the cylinder block.

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Systems Operation  Section


Lubrication System


Illustration 7

Flow diagram of the lubrication  system

Lubricating oil from the  oil pan flows through a

strainer and a pipe (9)  to the suction side of the

engine oil pump (10). Pressure for the lubrication

system is supplied by the oil pump. The crankshaft

gear (13) drives a lower idler gear (12). The lower

idler gear drives the oil pump gear (11). The pump

has an inner rotor and an outer  rotor. The axis of

rotation of the rotors are off-center relative to each

other. There is an interference fit between the inner

rotor and the drive shaft.

The lubricating oil flows from the outlet side of the oil

pump (10) through a passage to the oil  filter head

(7). The oil then flows from the oil filter head through

a passage to a plate type oil cooler. The oil cooler is

located on the left side of the cylinder block.

From the oil cooler, the oil returns through a passage

to the oil filter head. The  oil then flows through a

bypass valve that permits the  lubrication system

to function if the oil filter becomes blocked. Under

normal conditions, the oil then flows to the oil filter (8).

The inner rotor has five lobes which mesh with the six

lobes of the outer rotor. When the pump rotates, the

distance increases between the lobes of the outer

rotor and the lobes of the inner rotor in order to create

suction. When the distance decreases between the

lobes, pressure is created.

The oil flows from the oil filter through a passage that

is drilled across the cylinder block to the oil gallery

(4). The oil gallery is drilled through the total length

of the left side of the cylinder block. If the oil filter is

on the right side of the engine, the oil flows through

a passage that is drilled across the cylinder block to

the pressure gallery.

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Systems Operation  Section

Lubricating oil from the  oil gallery flows through

high pressure passages to the main  bearings of

the crankshaft (5). Then, the oil flows through the

passages in the crankshaft to the  connecting rod

bearing journals (6). The pistons and the  cylinder

bores are lubricated by the splash of oil and the oil



Lubricating oil from the main bearings flows through

passages in the cylinder block to the journals of the

camshaft. Then, the oil flows from the front journal

of the camshaft (2) at a  reduced pressure to the

cylinder head. The oil then flows through the center

of the rocker shaft (1) to the rocker arm levers. The

valve stems, the valve springs and the valve lifters

are lubricated by the splash and the oil mist.

The hub of the idler gear is lubricated by oil from the

oil gallery. The timing gears are lubricated  by the

splash from the oil.

An external line from the cylinder block supplies oil to

the turbocharger. The oil then flows through a return

line to the oil pan.


Illustration 8

(1) Shaft for mounting the pulley

Engines have piston cooling jets that are supplied

with oil from the oil gallery. The piston cooling jets

spray lubricating oil on the underside of the pistons in

order to cool the pistons.

The alternator produces the  following electrical


•  Three-phase

•  Full-wave

•  Rectified


Electrical System

The alternator is an electro-mechanical component.

The alternator is driven  by a drive belt from the

crankshaft pulley. The alternator charges the storage

battery during the engine operation.

The electrical system is a negative ground system.

The charging circuit operates  when the engine

is running. The alternator in  the charging circuit

produces direct current for the electrical system.

The alternator converts the  mechanical energy

and the magnetic energy  into electrical energy.

This conversion is done by rotating a direct current

electromagnetic field on the inside of a three-phase

stator. The electromagnetic field is generated  by

electrical current flowing through a rotor. The stator

generates AC electrical power.

The alternating current is changed to direct current

by a three-phase, full-wave rectifier. Direct current

flows to the output terminal of the  alternator. The

rectifier has three exciter diodes. The direct current

is used for the charging process.

A regulator is  installed on the rear end  of the

alternator. Two brushes conduct current through two

slip rings. The current then flows to the rotor field. A

capacitor protects the rectifier from high voltages.

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Systems Operation  Section

The alternator is connected to the battery through

the ignition switch. Therefore, alternator excitation

occurs when the switch is in the ON position.

Starting Motor


Illustration 9

24 Volt Starting Motor

(1) Terminal for connection of the  ignition


(2) Terminal for connection of the  battery


The starting motor has a solenoid. When the ignition

switch is activated, voltage from the electrical system

will cause the solenoid to engage the pinion in the

flywheel ring gear of the engine. When the  pinion

gear is engaged in  the flywheel ring gear, the

electrical contacts in the solenoid close the circuit

between the battery and the  starting motor. This

causes the starting motor to  rotate. This type of

activation is called a positive shift.

When the engine begins to  run, the overrunning

clutch of the pinion drive prevents damage  to the

armature. Damage to the armature is  caused by

excessive speeds. The clutch prevents damage by

stopping the mechanical connection. However, the

pinion will stay meshed with the ring gear until the

ignition switch is released. A spring in the overrunning

clutch returns the clutch to the rest position.


Illustration 10

12 Volt Starting Motor

(1) Terminal for connection of the battery cable

(2) Terminal for connection of the ignition switch

The starting motor turns the engine flywheel. The

rpm is high enough in order to initiate  a sustained

operation of the fuel ignition in the cylinders.

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Systems Operation  Section


Fuel Injection


Illustration 11

Flow diagram of the  fuel system

(1) Fuel injectors

(4) Fuel return lines

(5) Fuel lines

(2) Fuel transfer pump and secondary fuel


(6) Fuel tank

(3) Primary fuel filter and water separator

(7) Fuel injection pump

The 1104C electronic engine is  equipped with a

Bosch VP30 fuel injection pump. The fuel injection

pump is an axial piston distributor injection pump that

is controlled by the Electronic Control Module (ECM).

The axial piston distributor injection pump generates

injection pressure for all cylinders in a single pump.

The fuel injection pump  is responsible for the

distribution of fuel to the fuel injectors. The injection

pressure is generated by an axially moving piston.

The movement of the piston is parallel  to the fuel

injection pump shaft.

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Systems Operation  Section

When the engine is operated, the fuel is pulled from

the fuel tank (6) through the primary fuel filter/water

separator (3) by the fuel transfer pump (2). When the

fuel passes through the water separator, any water

in the fuel will go to the bottom of the bowl. The fuel

transfer pump is equipped with a secondary fuel filter.

From the fuel priming pump, the fuel passes through

the fuel supply line to the fuel  injection pump (7).

The fuel injection pump sends fuel through the high

pressure fuel lines to the fuel injectors (1). The fuel

injectors spray atomized fuel into the cylinders.

The fuel injection pump needs fuel for lubrication. The

precision parts of the pump are easily damaged. The

engine must not be operated until the fuel injection

pump is full of fuel. The system must be primed when

any part of the system is drained of  fuel. The fuel

system needs priming when a fuel filter is changed,

and/or when a fuel line is removed, and/or when the

fuel injection pump is replaced.

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Systems Operation  Section

Fuel Injection Pump


Illustration 12

Schematic of the Bosch VP30  fuel injection pump

(1) Speed/timing sensor

(2) Electronic control unit (ECU) for the fuel

injection pump

(8) Cam plate

(9) Roller

(10) Timing advance mechanism

(11) Timing solenoid valve

(12) Fuel transfer pump

(13) Pressure regulator

(14) ECM

(3) Fuel transfer pump

(4) Fuel solenoid valve

(5) Distributor plunger

(6) Fuel injector

(7) Delivery valve

(15) Cam ring

The fuel injection pump has the following operations:

•  Delivery

•  Shutoff

•  Control

•  Generation of high pressure

•  Distribution and injection

•  Timing and control

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Systems Operation  Section


The eccentric position of the rotor is relative to the

cam ring. A volume is created between the vanes,

the rotor, and the cam ring. The fuel is transported

by the eccentric position. The eccentric position is

relative to the rotor and  the outlet passage (19).

The fuel is transferred to the outlet passage into the

distributor plunger. The volume of the fuel is reduced

between the inlet passage and the outlet passage.

This creates pressure before the  delivery to the

distributor plunger.

The quantity of fuel increases as the speed of  the

engine increases. Increased engine speed increases

the delivery pressure of the fuel. The pressure inside

the pump is limited by a  pressure regulator. The

pressure regulator controls the fuel pressure. The

fuel forces the valve spring open and the fuel flows

back into the inlet passage from the inside of the fuel

injection pump.


Illustration 13

Center view of the Bosch VP30 fuel injection pump

(16) Fuel transfer pump

Generation of High Pressure

Fuel is supplied by the head pressure of the priming

pump. The fuel enters the fuel transfer pump (16) of

the fuel injection pump. The fuel transfer pump is a

vane pump. The transfer pump is driven by the fuel

injection pump shaft. The pump supplies a constant

amount of fuel to the interior  of the fuel injection

pump. The revolution of the transfer pump is directly

related to the speed of the fuel injection pump shaft.


Illustration 15

The distributor rotor and the cam plate  of the Bosch VP30 fuel

injection pump

(23) Cam ring

(24) Cam plate

(25) Roller

(26) Head of the distributor

(27) Distributor plunger

(28) Springs

The fuel comes from the outlet passage of the fuel

transfer pump. The high  pressure is generated

by the axial movement of  the distributor plunger.

The cam plate is driven by the fuel injection pump

shaft. The cam plate has four cams. The number of

cams corresponds to the number of cylinders of the

engine. The cams on the cam plate run on the rollers.

The rollers are fixed on the cam ring. The rotating

movement and the lifting movement of the cam plate

makes the generation of high pressure.


Illustration 14

Fuel transfer pump for the Bosch VP30 fuel injection pump

(17) Pump housing

(18) Cam ring

(19) Outlet passage

(20) Rotor

(21) Vane

(22) Inlet passage

The rotor (20) rotates inside the cam ring (18). The

ring is firmly attached to the pump housing (17). The

vanes (21) are pressed against the ring by centrifugal

force. The fuel flows through the inlet passage (22)

then into a recess in the pump housing.

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Systems Operation  Section

The cam plate moves the distributor plunger toward

the head of the distributor (26). The high pressure is

created by a decrease in the volume between the

distributor plunger and the head of the distributor.

The cam plate is pressed to the ring by two springs

(28). This brings the distributor plunger back to the

original position. The fuel solenoid valve closes the

high pressure volume.

Distribution and Injection


Illustration 18

Delivery valve in the closed position

The delivery valve ensures that the pressure waves

do not allow a reopening of the injector . The pressure

waves are created at the end of the injection process.

The valve cone is lifted by the fuel pressure.

The fuel is forced through the fuel line to the injector.

The delivery ends and the fuel pressure drops. The

valve spring presses the valve cone onto the valve

seat. The reopening of a fuel injector has a negative

effect on emissions.


Illustration 16

The rear view of the Bosch VP30 fuel injection pump

(29) Fuel solenoid valve

(30) Delivery valve


(31) Timing solenoid valve

The distribution of fuel to the injectors takes place

through the rotating movement of  the distributor

plunger. The fuel solenoid valve meters the amount

of fuel by the following operations:

Retarding of the fuel injection is the direct relationship

between the start of injection and the position of the

piston. The timing compensates for the higher RPM

of the engine by advancing the start of injection.

•  Time of closure

•  Duration time

•  Start of injection

•  Amount of fuel


Illustration 17

Delivery of fuel from the open delivery valve

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Systems Operation  Section

1.  The ECU sends a signal to the timing solenoid


2.  The timing mechanism is triggered by the timing

solenoid valve.

3.  The timing solenoid valve changes the pressure in

the timing mechanism.

4.  The timing mechanism changes the position of

the cam ring.

5.  The cam ring changes the position of the rollers.

6.  The rollers change the position of the cam plate.

7.  The cam plate changes the timing of  the fuel




Illustration 19

Timing advance for timing mechanism (side view and top view)


Illustration 21

Electronic control for the fuel system (typical example)

The ECU for the injection pump uses the command

from the ECM and the measured values  from the

speed/timing sensor to actuate the  fuel solenoid



Illustration 20

Timing retard for timing mechanism (side view and top view)

The timing advance or the timing retard of the fuel

injection pump is shown in the following steps:

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Systems Operation  Section


Illustration 22

The timing wheel and the secondary speed/timing sensor

(32) Secondary speed/timing sensor

(33) Timing wheel

The ECU for the fuel injection pump is mounted on

the top of the pump. The  ECU has a connection

to the engine  ECM and a  connection to the

speed/timing sensor. The ECU has a connection for

the two solenoid valves. The ECM functions  as a

control computer. The ECU calculates the optimal

parameters from the ECM data. The fuel solenoid

actuates the valve accordingly.


Illustration 23

Operating principle

(34) Angle of fuel delivery

(35) Lift of the cam

(36) Stroke

(37) Pulse for actuating the fuel solenoid

(38) Valve lift

(39) Angle of the speed/timing sensor

The secondary speed/timing sensor  in the fuel

injection pump determines the  precise angular

position and the speed of the  fuel injection pump

shaft. The timing  wheel (23) is permanently

connected to the fuel injection  pump shaft. The

secondary speed/timing sensor gets information from

the timing wheel. The sensor then sends electrical

impulses to the  ECU. The ECU also uses  the

information to determine the average speed of the

pump and momentary speed of the pump.

The amount of fuel is proportional to the stroke  of

the piston. The effective stroke is proportional to the

angle of fuel delivery. A temperature compensation

takes place in the ECU. The compensation  takes

place in order to inject the precise amount of fuel.


The engine shuts off by interrupting the fuel supply.

The engine Electronic  Control Module (ECM)

specifies the amount of fuel. The fuel solenoid valve

is switched by the ECU on the fuel injection pump

to the zero fuel position.

Note: The engine will  not run if the secondary

speed/timing sensor fails.

The signal of the speed/timing sensor is constant.

Power command signals are routed over the CAN

data link from the engine ECM to the ECU on the fuel

injection pump.

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Systems Operation  Section

Fuel Injectors


Illustration 24

Each fuel injector is held into the cylinder head by a

clamp around the fuel injector. The fuel injectors are

not serviceable but the nozzles can be removed in

order to clean the orifice.

The fuel injection pump forces the fuel to flow under

high pressure to the hole in the fuel inlet. The  fuel

then flows around a needle valve within the nozzle

holder which causes the nozzle to fill with fuel. The

pressure of the fuel pushes the needle valve and a

spring. When the force of the fuel pressure is greater

than the force of the spring, the needle valve will lift


When the needle valve  opens, fuel under high

pressure will flow through the nozzle orifices into the

cylinder. The fuel is injected into the cylinder through

the orifices in the nozzle end as a very  fine spray.

When the fuel is injected into the cylinder, the force

of the fuel pressure in the nozzle body will decrease.

The force of the spring will then be greater than the

force of the fuel pressure that is in the nozzle body.

The needle valve will move quickly  to the closed


The needle valve has a close fit with the inside of the

nozzle. This makes a positive seal for the valve.

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Systems Operation  Section


Electronic Control System


Illustration 25

Schematic of the electronic control  system

(1) Voltage load-dump protection module


(4) ECM

(8) Intake manifold pressure sensor

(9) Primary speed/timing sensor

(10) Timing wheel

(5) Coolant temperature sensor

(6) Intake manifold temperature sensor

(7) Engine oil pressure sensor

(2) Service tool connector

(3) Machine interface connector

(11) Fuel injection pump

The electronic control system for the 1104C electronic

engine has the following components:

•  Electronic control module (ECM)

•  Pressure sensors

•  Temperature Sensors

•  Primary speed/timing sensor

•  Voltage load-dump protection module (VLPM)

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Systems Operation  Section

Electronic Control Module (ECM)

Flash programming is the method of programming

or updating the  personality module. Refer to

Troubleshooting, RENR2696, “Flash Programming ”

for the instructions on the flash programming of the

personality module.

The ECM is sealed and the ECM needs no routine

adjustment or maintenance.

Pressure Sensors


Illustration 26

Electronic control module (ECM)


Illustration 27

Intake manifold pressure sensor

The ECM functions as the governor and the computer

for the fuel system. The ECM receives all the signals

from the sensors in order to control the timing and

the engine speed.

The intake manifold pressure sensor is a three-wire

active sensor that is  supplied with power from

the ECM. The sensor  provides the ECM with a

measurement of intake manifold pressure in order

to control the air/fuel  ratio. This will reduce the

engine smoke during transient conditions. The intake

manifold pressure sensor is also used  for engine


Reprogramming of the  ECM requires factory

passwords. The reasons for having passwords in an

ECM are the following reasons:

•  Prevent unauthorized reprogramming.

•  Prevent unauthorized erasing of logged events.

The operating range for the intake manifold pressure

sensor ................ 55 kPa to 339 kPa (8 psi to 50 psi)

•  Allow the customer to control certain programmable

engine parameters.

Required accuracy  ......... ±3% of maximum pressure

The factory passwords restrict changes to authorized

personnel. Factory passwords  are required to

clear any event code. Refer  to Troubleshooting,

RENR2696, “Factory  Passwords” for more

information on the passwords.

The ECM has an excellent record of reliability. Any

problems in the system are  most likely to be the

connectors and the wiring harness. The ECM should

be the last item in troubleshooting the engine.

The personality module contains the software with

all the fuel setting  information. The information

determines the engine performance. The personality

module is installed behind the access panel on the



Illustration 28

Engine oil pressure sensor

(1) Sensor common

(2) 5 volt supply

(3) Pressure signal

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Systems Operation  Section

Primary Speed/Timing Sensor

The engine oil pressure sensor is  also an active

sensor with three wires and a  power supply. The

sensor provides the ECM with a measurement  of

engine oil pressure. The ECM can warn the operator

of possible conditions that can damage the engine.

This includes the detection of a blocked oil filter.

The operating range for the  engine oil pressure

sensor .......................  110 to 882 kPa (16 to 128 psi)

Required accuracy  ......... ±3% of maximum pressure

Temperature Sensors


Illustration 30

Primary speed/timing sensor

(1) Negative terminal

(2) Positive terminal

The primary speed/timing sensor is also a two-wire

passive sensor. The sensor provides the ECM with

the speed and the position of the engine from a timing

wheel that is mounted on the  crankshaft so that

the ECM can request fuel and timing from the fuel

injection pump. The timing wheel has one missing

tooth that is located 70 degrees after top center.


Illustration 29

Temperature sensor

(1) Negative terminal

(2) Positive terminal

The operating range for the primary speed/timing

sensor ...........................................  142 to 3333 RPM

When the engine is cranking,  the ECM uses the

signal from the secondary speed/timing sensor in the

fuel injection pump. When the engine is running, the

ECM uses the signal from the primary speed/timing

sensor on the crankshaft. This speed/timing sensor

is the primary source of the engine position.

The intake manifold  temperature sensor and

the coolant temperature  sensor are two-wire

passive sensors. The intake manifold temperature

sensor provides the ECM with intake manifold air

temperature so that the ECM can control the fuel for

starting and injection timing. The coolant temperature

sensor provides the ECM with coolant temperature

so that the ECM can control injection  timing. The

temperature sensors are also  used for engine


Note: If the primary speed/timing sensor fails, the

engine will be derated and the engine will continue to

operate on the secondary speed/timing sensor. Refer

to Troubleshooting, RENR2696 for more information.

The operating  range for the  temperature

sensors .....................  −40° to 150°C (−40° to 302°F)

Required accuracy for sensor ........... ±1 °C (±1.8 °F)

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Systems Operation  Section

Voltage Load-dump Protection

Module (VLPM)


Illustration 31

(1) VLPM

The VLPM monitors the voltage of the system and

the VLPM will protect the ECU on the fuel injection

pump against voltage spikes and reverse polarity.

The fuel injection pump will be shutdown if there is

high voltage on the system.


Power Sources

Introduction (Power Supplies)

The 1104C electronic engine has four supplies to the

following components:

•  ECM

•  Fuel Injection Pump

•  Pressure sensors

•  Throttle position sensor

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Systems Operation  Section

ECM Power Supply


Illustration 32

Power Supply for the  ECM

The power supply to  the ECM and the system

is drawn from the  24 volt or the 12 volt battery.

The power supply for the ECM  has the following


The display screen on the electronic service tool can

be used in order to check the voltage supply.

Note: Two wires are used to reduce resistance.

•  Battery

•  disconnect switch

•  Key start switch

•  Fuses

•  Ground bolt

•  ECM connector

•  Machine interface connector

Note: The ground bolt is the only component that is

mounted on the engine.

The Schematic for  the ECM shows the  main

components for a typical power supply circuit. Battery

voltage is normally connected to the ECM. The input

from the key start switch turns on the ECM.

The wiring  harness can be  bypassed for

troubleshooting purposes.

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Systems Operation  Section

Power Supply for the Fuel Injection



Illustration 33

Power supply for the fuel  injection pump



Illustration 34

Illustration 35

Connection for the fuel injection pump (J40/P40)

Connector for the fuel injection pump (J40)

(1) Can -

(2) Can +

(3) Unused

(4) Unused

(5) Fuel shutoff

(6) Battery -

(7) Battery +

(8) Signal for primary speed/timing sensor

(9) Unused

The power supply for  the ECM comes from the

machine interface connector. The machine interface

connector receives power from the power relay.

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Systems Operation  Section

Power Supply for the  Pressure



Illustration 36

Schematic for pressure sensors

The ECM supplies 5.0 ± 0.2 DC volts  through the

ECM connector to each sensor. The power supply is

protected against short circuits. A short in a sensor or

a wiring harness will not cause damage to the ECM.

Power Supply for  the Throttle

Position Sensor


Illustration 37

Schematic for the throttle position  sensor

The ECM supplies 8.0 ± 0.4 DC volts  through the

ECM connector to the sensor. The power supply is

protected against short circuits. A short in a sensor or

a wiring harness will not cause damage to the ECM.

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Systems Operation  Section


Glossary of Electronic Control

Diagnostic Lamp  – A diagnostic lamp is sometimes

called the check engine light. The diagnostic lamp

is used to warn the operator of the presence of an

active diagnostic code.


Direct Current (DC)  – Direct current is the type of

current that flows consistently in only one direction.

Aftermarket Device  – An aftermarket device is

a device or an accessory  that is installed by the

customer after the engine is delivered.

Duty Cycle  – See Pulse Width Modulation.

Electronic Service Tool   – The Electronic Service

Tool is used for diagnosing a variety  of electronic

controls and the Electronic Service Tool is also used

for programming a variety of electronic controls.

Air-To-Air Aftercooler – An air-to-air aftercooler is a

device that is used on turbocharged engines in order

to cool inlet air that has undergone compression. The

inlet air is cooled after the inlet air passes through

the turbocharger. The inlet air is passed through an

aftercooler (heat exchanger) that uses ambient air for

cooling. The inlet air that has been cooled advances

to the inlet manifold.

Engine Control Module (ECM)  – The ECM is the

engine’s control computer. The ECM provides power

to the electronics. The ECM monitors data  that is

input from the engine’s sensors. The ECM acts as a

governor in order to control engine rpm.

Before Top Center (BTC) – BTC is the 180 degrees

of crankshaft rotation before the piston reaches the

top center position in the normal direction of rotation.

Estimated Dynamic Timing  – Estimated dynamic

timing is the estimate of the actual injection timing

that is calculated by the ECM.

Bypass Circuit  – A bypass circuit is a circuit that is

used as a substitute circuit for an existing circuit. A

bypass circuit is typically used as a test circuit.

Enable Signal for the  Exhaust Brake   –  The

exhaust brake enable signal interfaces the ECM to

the engine retarder. This prevents the operation of

the exhaust brake under unsafe engine operating


Coolant Temperature Sensor  – The coolant

temperature sensor measures the engine coolant

temperature. The sensor sends a signal to the ECM.

The engine’s coolant temperature is used in Cold

Mode operation. Coolant temperature is also used in

order to optimize engine performance.

Failure Mode Identifier (FMI)  – The FMI describes

the type of failure  that was experienced by the

component. The codes for the FMI were adopted from

the standard practices of SAE (J1587 diagnostics).

Code  – See the Diagnostic Code.

Flash Memory  – See the Personality Module.

Customer Specified Parameters  – A customer

specified parameter is a  parameter that can be

changed. A customer specified parameter’s value is

set by the customer. These parameters are protected

by customer passwords.

Fuel Ratio Control (FRC)  – The FRC is a limit that

is based on the control of the fuel to the air ratio. The

FRC is used for emission control. When the  ECM

senses a higher turbocharger outlet pressure, the

ECM increases the limit for the FRC in order to allow

more fuel into the cylinders.

Data Link  – The data link is an electrical connection

that is used to communicate with other  electronic

devices that have microprocessors. The data link

is also the communication medium that is used for

programming with the electronic service tool. The

data link is also used for troubleshooting  with the

electronic service tool.

Fuel Position  – The fuel position is a signal within

the ECM. The signal is from the electronic governor.

The signal goes to the fuel  injection control. The

signal is based on the desired engine  speed, the

FRC, the rated position, and the actual engine speed.

Harness  – The harness is the bundle of wiring that

connects all the components of the electrical engine


Desired RPM  – The desired rpm is input  to the

electronic governor within the ECM. The electronic

governor uses the signal from the Accelerator Pedal

Position Sensor, the Engine  Speed Sensor, the

Cruise Control, and the Customer Parameters  in

order to determine desired rpm.

Hertz (Hz)  – Hz is the measure of  frequency in

cycles per second.

Intake manifold temperature  sensor –  The

intake manifold temperature sensor is a sensor that

measures the intake air temperature. The sensor

also sends a signal to the ECM.

Diagnostic Code  – A diagnostic code is sometimes

called a fault code. A diagnostic code is an indication

of a problem or event in the electrical engine systems.

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Systems Operation  Section

Open Circuit  – An open circuit is a broken electrical

wire connection. The signal or the supply  voltage

cannot reach the intended destination.

Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM)  –  An

OEM is the manufacturer of a vehicle that utilizes a

Perkins engine.

Parameter  – A parameter is a programmable value

which affects the characteristics or the behavior of

the engine and/or vehicle.

Parameter Identifier (PID)  – A PID is a numerical

code that contains two  digits or three digits. A

numerical code is assigned to each component. The

numerical code identifies data via the data link to the



Illustration 38

Example Of Pulse Width Modulation

Password  – A password is a group of  numeric

characters or alphanumeric characters. A password

is designed to restrict the changing of information

in the ECM. The electrical engine systems require

correct customer passwords in order  to change

customer specified parameters. The electrical engine

systems require correct factory passwords in order

to clear certain logged events. Factory passwords

are also required in order to change certain engine


Rated Fuel Position (“Rated Fuel Pos”)  –  The

rated fuel position indicates the maximum allowable

fuel position (longest injection pulse). The rated fuel

position will produce rated power for  this engine


Reference Voltage  – The reference voltage is a

regulated voltage that is used by the sensor in order

to generate a signal voltage.

Sensor  – A sensor is used to detect a change in

the pressure, in the temperature, or in mechanical

movement. When any of these changes are detected,

a sensor converts the change into an electrical signal.

Personality Module  – The personality module is the

module in the ECM which contains all the instructions

(software) for the ECM and performance maps for

a specific horsepower family. Updates and rerates

are accomplished by electronically flashing in new

data. The updates and rerates are flashed in using

the electronic service tool.

Service Program Module (SPM)  – The SPM is

a software program on a computer chip  that was

programmed at the factory.

Power Take-Off (PTO)  – The PTO is operated with

the cruise control switches or dedicated inputs from

the PTO. This mode of operation  permits setting

constant engine rpm when the vehicle is not moving

or when the vehicle is moving at slow speeds.

Short Circuit  – A short circuit is an electrical circuit

that is mistakenly connected to an undesirable point.

For example, an electrical contact is made with the

frame whenever an exposed wire rubs  against a

vehicle’s frame.

Pulse Width Modulation (PWM)  – A PWM is a

digital type of electronic signal that corresponds to a

measured variable. The length of the pulse (signal) is

controlled by the measured variable. The variable is

quantified by a certain ratio. This ratio is the percent

of “on-time” that is divided by the percent of “off-time”.

A PWM signal is generated by the Throttle Position


Signal  – A signal is a voltage or a wave that is used

to transmit information that is typically from a sensor

to the ECM.

Speed Surge  – A speed surge is a sudden brief

change in engine rpm.

Speed-timing Sensor  – The speed-timing sensor

is a sensor that provides a Pulse Width Modulated

signal to the ECM. The ECM interprets this signal as

the crankshaft position and the engine speed.

Subsystem  – A subsystem is a part of the engine

system that relates to a particular function.

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Systems Operation  Section

Supply Voltage  – Supply voltage is a  constant

voltage that is supplied to a component in order to

provide electrical power for operation. Supply voltage

may be generated by the ECM. Supply voltage may

also be the battery voltage  of the vehicle that is

supplied by the vehicle wiring.

“T” Harness  – This harness is a test harness that

is designed to permit normal circuit operation and

the measurement of the voltage  simultaneously.

Typically, the harness is inserted between the two

ends of a connector.

Throttle Position  – The Throttle position is sent

from the accelerator pedal. This signal is interpreted

by the ECM. The throttle position may be used  as

part of a power take-off control.

Total Tattletale  – The total tattletale is the  total

number of changes to all system parameters.

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Testing and  Adjusting Section

Testing and  Adjusting


2.  Install a suitable fuel flow tube with a visual sight

gauge in the fuel return line. When possible, install

the sight gauge in a straight section of the fuel line

that is at least 304.8 mm (12 inches) long. Do not

install the sight gauge near the following devices

that create turbulence:

Fuel System

•  Elbows


•  Relief valves

•  Check valves

Fuel System - Inspect

Observe the fuel flow during engine cranking.

Look for air bubbles in the fuel. If there is no fuel

that is present in the sight gauge, prime the fuel

system. Refer to Testing and Adjusting,  “Fuel

System - Prime” for more information. If the engine

starts, check for air in the fuel at varying engine

speeds. When possible, operate the engine under

the conditions which have been suspect.

A number of  the components that send fuel to

the engine can cause low fuel pressure. This  can

decrease engine performance.

1.  Check the fuel level in the fuel tank. Ensure that

the vent in the fuel cap is not filled with dirt.

2.  Check all fuel lines for fuel leakage. The fuel lines

must be free from restrictions and faulty bends.

Verify that the fuel return line is not collapsed.

3.  Inspect the fuel filter for excess contamination. If

necessary, install a new fuel filter. Determine the

source of the contamination. Make the necessary


4.  Service the primary fuel filter (if equipped).

5.  Remove any air that may be in the fuel system.

Refer to Testing and Adjusting, “Fuel System -



Air in Fuel - Test


This procedure checks for air in the fuel system. This

procedure also assists in finding the source of the air.

Illustration 39

(1) A steady  stream of small bubbles  with a diameter of

approximately 1.60 mm (0.063 inch) is an acceptable amount

of air in the fuel.

1.  Examine the fuel system for leaks. Ensure that

the fuel line fittings are properly tightened. Check

the fuel level in the fuel tank. Air can  enter the

fuel system on the suction side between the fuel

transfer pump and the fuel tank.

(2) Bubbles with a diameter of approximately 6.35 mm (0.250 inch)

are also acceptable if there is two seconds to three seconds

intervals between bubbles.

(3) Excessive air bubbles in the fuel are not acceptable.

3.  If excessive air is seen in the sight gauge in the

fuel return line, install a second sight gauge at the

inlet to the fuel transfer pump. If a second sight

gauge is not available, move the sight gauge from

the fuel return line and install  the sight gauge

at the inlet to the fuel transfer  pump. Observe

the fuel flow during engine cranking. Look for air

bubbles in the fuel. If the engine starts, check for

air in the fuel at varying engine speeds.

Work carefully around  an engine that is running.

Engine parts that are hot, or parts that are moving,

can cause personal injury.

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Testing and  Adjusting Section

If excessive air is not seen at the inlet to the fuel

transfer pump, the air is entering the system after

the fuel transfer pump. Refer to the Testing and

Adjusting, “Fuel System - Prime”.

If excessive air is seen  at the inlet to the fuel

transfer pump, air is entering through the suction

side of the fuel system.

To avoid personal injury, always wear eye and face

protection when using pressurized air.


To avoid damage, do not use more than 55 kPa (8 psi)

to pressurize the fuel tank.

4.  Pressurize the fuel tank to 35 kPa (5  psi). Do

not use more than 55  kPa (8 psi) in order to

avoid damage to the fuel tank. Check for leaks in

the fuel lines between the fuel tank and the fuel

transfer pump. Repair any leaks that are found.

Check the fuel pressure in order to ensure that

the fuel transfer pump is operating properly. For

information about checking the fuel pressure, see

Testing and Adjusting, “Fuel System Pressure -



Illustration 40

(1) Hole for crankshaft pin

(2) Hole for camshaft pin

1.  Remove the valve mechanism cover, the glow

plugs, and the cover for the front housing.

Note: The crankshaft timing pin can be inserted with

the crankshaft pulley still on the engine.

5.  If the source of the air is not found, disconnect

the supply line from the fuel tank and connect an

external fuel supply to the inlet of the fuel transfer

pump. If this corrects the problem, repair the fuel

tank or the stand pipe in the fuel tank.

2.  Rotate the crankshaft in the normal direction of

the engine until the inlet valve of the No. 4 cylinder

has just opened and the exhaust valve of the No.

4 cylinder has not completely closed.

3.  Carefully rotate the crankshaft in the normal

direction of the engine in order to align the hole

in the crankshaft with the  hole in the cylinder

block and the timing case. Insert the  27610211

Crankshaft Timing Pin fully into the hole  in the

crankshaft web.


Finding Top Center Position

for No. 1 Piston

4.  Insert the 27610212 Camshaft Timing  Pin

through the hole in the camshaft gear and into the

body of the timing case. The engine is set at the

top center position for No. 1 piston.

Table 1

Required Tools


Part Description


Note: The camshaft gear can rotate a small amount




when the pin is installed.

Crankshaft timing pin

Camshaft timing pin



5.  Remove the timing pins from the camshaft gear

and the crankshaft web.

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Testing and  Adjusting Section


Fuel Injection Timing - Adjust

6.  Insert the 27610032 Timing Pin through the hole

in the fuel pump gear and through the slot in the

hub. Push the timing pin fully into the hole in the

body of the fuel injection pump.

Note: The 27610032 Timing Pin must be a sliding fit

Table 2

in the hole in the body of the fuel injection pump.

Required Tools


Part Description




Timing Pin



Illustration 42

7.  Release the locking screw (4). Remove the spacer

(5). Tighten the locking  screw (4) to 31 N·m

(23 lb ft).

8.  Remove the four setscrews and the four washers

and then remove the fuel pump gear from the hub

on the fuel injection pump.

9.  Install the idler gear. Refer to Disassembly and

Assembly, “Idler Gear (Front) - Install”.


Illustration 41

(1) Hole for timing pin for the fuel  pump

(2) Hole for camshaft pin

10. Install the fuel pump gear over the  27610032

Timing Pin and engage with the idler gear.

(3) Hole for crankshaft pin

11. Loosely install the four washers and the four

1.  Set the number one piston at  top center on

the compression stroke. Refer to  Testing and

Adjusting, “Finding Top Center Position for No. 1

Piston” for the correct procedure.


12. Rotate the fuel pump gear counterclockwise in

order to take up the backlash in  the gear train

and then tighten the four setscrews  to 28 N·m

(20.7 lb ft).

Note: Do not remove the timing pins after finding top

center on the compression stroke.

13. Release the locking screw (4). Install the spacer

(5) under the head of the locking screw. Tighten

the locking screw (4) to 12 N·m (9 lb ft).

2.  Remove the four setscrews and the four washers

and then remove the fuel pump gear from the hub

on the fuel injection pump.

14. Remove all three timing pins and  install the

3.  Remove the idler gear. Refer to Disassembly and

removed components.

Assembly, “Idler Gear (Front) - Remove”.

15. Check the fuel injection timing again. Refer to

Testing and Adjusting, “Fuel Injection Timing -


4.  Install the fuel pump gear on the hub of the fuel

injection pump shaft and install the four setscrews

and the four washers.

5.  Turn the fuel pump gear until the slot in the hub

is aligned with the hole in the fuel injection pump


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Testing and  Adjusting Section


Fuel Injection Timing - Check

4.  Remove all three timing pins and  install the

removed components.


Fuel Quality - Test

Table 3

Required Tools


Part Description



Use the following procedure to test  for problems

regarding fuel quality:


Timing Pin


1.  Determine if water and/or contaminants are

present in the fuel. Check the water separator (if

equipped). If a water separator is not  present,

proceed to Step 2. Drain the water separator, if

necessary. A full fuel tank minimizes the potential

for overnight condensation.

1.  Set the number one piston at  top center on

the compression stroke. Refer to  Testing and

Adjusting, “Finding Top Center Position for No. 1

Piston” for the correct procedure.

Note: Do not remove the timing pins after finding top

center on the compression stroke.

Note: A water separator can appear to be full of fuel

when the water separator is actually full of water.

2.  Determine if contaminants are present in the

fuel. Remove a sample of fuel from the bottom

of the fuel tank. Visually inspect the fuel sample

for contaminants. The color of  the fuel is not

necessarily an indication of fuel quality. However,

fuel that is black, brown, and/or similar to sludge

can be an indication of the growth of bacteria or

oil contamination. In cold temperatures, cloudy

fuel indicates that the fuel may not be suitable for

operating conditions.

Refer to Operation and Maintenance  Manual,

“Refill Capacities and Recommendations” for

more information.

3.  If fuel quality is still suspected  as a possible

cause to problems regarding engine performance,

disconnect the fuel inlet line,  and temporarily

operate the engine from a separate  source of

fuel that is known to be good. This will determine

if the problem is caused by  fuel quality. If fuel

quality is determined to be the problem, drain the

fuel system and replace the fuel filters. Engine

performance can be affected by  the following



Illustration 43

(1) Hole for timing pin for the fuel  pump

(2) Hole for camshaft pin

(3) Hole for crankshaft pin

2.  Insert the 27610032 Timing Pin through the hole

in the fuel pump gear and through the slot in the

hub. Push the timing pin fully into the hole in the

body of the fuel injection pump.

•  Cetane number of the fuel

•  Air in the fuel

Note: The 27610032 Timing Pin must be a sliding fit

•  Other fuel characteristics

in the hole in the body of the fuel injection pump.

3.  The timing of the fuel pump is correct when all

three of the timing pins are in the position.

Note: If the 27610032 Timing Pin cannot be pushed

into the body of the fuel injection pump, then the fuel

pump gear must be realigned on the hub on the fuel

injection pump shaft. Refer to Testing and Adjusting,

“Fuel Injection Timing - Adjust”.

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Testing and  Adjusting Section



Fuel System Pressure - Test

Fuel System - Prime

If air enters the fuel system, the air must be purged

before the engine can be started. Air can enter the

fuel system when the following events occur:

•  The fuel tank is empty or the tank has been partially

drained during normal operation.

•  The low pressure fuel lines are disconnected.

•  A leak exists in the low pressure fuel system during

engine operation.

•  The fuel filter or the fuel pump is replaced.

•  The high pressure fuel lines are disconnected.


Illustration 45

(1) Fuel transfer pump

Use the following procedure in order to remove air

from the fuel system:

(2) Fuel filter housing

(3) Outlet for the supply for the fuel injection pump

(4) Outlet for the return to the fuel tank

1.  Remove the cover for the fuel injectors.

The pressure test measures the output pressure of

the fuel transfer pump. Low fuel pressure and starting

difficulty may be indications of problems with the fuel

transfer pump.

2.  Turn the key to the RUN position for three minutes

in order to energize the fuel priming pump. Do not

start the engine. Then turn the key to  the OFF


Check the Function of  the Fuel

Transfer Pump

1.  Make a note of the location of the fuel lines from

the fuel transfer pump. Remove the two lines from

the outlets (3) and (4).

2.  Connect two lengths of 5/16 inch rubber hose

to outlets (3) and (4).  Place the hoses into a

suitable container that is capable of holding 3.0 L

(0.66 Imp gal) of fuel.

3.  Energize the fuel transfer pump until a constant

flow of fuel is running from the outlet for the supply

for the fuel injection pump.


Illustration 44

(1) Connections for the high pressure fuel lines

Note: The flow from the outlet for the return for the

fuel tank will have a slower flow rate.

3.  Loosen the connections for the high pressure fuel

lines (1).

4.  Measure the combined flow of both outlets with

a stopwatch. Fuel flow should be a minimum of

2.0 L (0.44 Imp gal) per minute.

4.  Operate the electric starter motor until fuel that is

free of air comes from the connections.

5.  If the combined  flow is less  than 2.0 L

(0.44 Imp gal) per minute, replace the fuel transfer


5.  Tighten the connections for the high pressure fuel

lines to a torque of 30 N·m (22 lb ft).

6.  Start the engine and check for leaks.

7.  Install the cover for the fuel injectors.

6.  Reconnect the outlet lines in the correct positions.

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Testing and  Adjusting Section

7.  Start the engine and check for any leakage of fuel

or air from the fuel lines.

Check the Function of the Pressure


1.  Remove the fuel line from the outlet for the supply

for the fuel injection pump (3).

2.  Install a pipe with a tap for a pressure  gauge.

Connect a 0 to 80  kPa (0 to 12 psi) pressure


3.  Start the engine and run the engine at idle for two

minutes in order to remove any trapped air.

4.  Record the pressure reading at idle and at rated

speed. The minimum pressure reading should be

the following values:

Bosch VP30

Idle ................................... 27.5 kPa (3.98 psi)

Rated speed .......................  24 kPa (3.48 psi)

Note: The maximum pressure reading at the inlet to

the fuel injection pump is 80 kPa (12 psi).

5.  Reconnect the fuel line. Run the engine at idle for

two minutes in order to remove any trapped air.

Check for the following issues if the pressures are

outside of the above specifications.

•  All electrical connections are installed correctly.

•  There are no leaks in the fuel lines or connections.

•  The O-ring on fuel filter housing (2) does not leak.

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Testing and  Adjusting Section

Air Inlet  and Exhaust



Wastegate - Test


Air Inlet and Exhaust System

- Inspect

Hot  engine  components can  cause  injury  from

burns.  Before  performing  maintenance   on  the

engine, allow the  engine and the  components to


A general visual inspection should be made to the air

inlet and exhaust system. Make sure that there are

no signs of leaks in the system.

There will be a reduction in the performance of the

engine if there is a restriction in the air inlet system or

the exhaust system.


Keep all parts clean from contaminants.

Contaminants may cause  rapid wear and  shortened

component life.

Hot  engine  components can  cause  injury  from

burns.  Before  performing  maintenance   on  the

engine, allow the  engine and the  components to


Making contact with  a running engine can cause

burns from  hot parts and  can cause  injury from

rotating parts.

When working on an engine that is running, avoid

contact with hot parts and rotating parts.

1.  Inspect the engine air cleaner inlet and ducting

in order to ensure that the  passageway is not

blocked or collapsed.

2.  Inspect the engine air cleaner element. Replace a

dirty element with a clean element.


Illustration 46

3.  Check for evidence of dirt on the clean side of the

engine air cleaner element. If dirt is  observed,

contaminants are flowing past the element.

Note: The turbocharger is a nonserviceable item.

The pressure for the wastegate can be checked, but

not adjusted.

1.  Use a suitable dial indicator (1). Align the  dial

gauge to the actuator rod (2).

2.  Remove the air hose to the actuator . Install an air

line (3) that can be adjusted in order to give the

correct pressure.

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Testing and  Adjusting Section

3.  Slowly apply air pressure to the wastegate so

that the actuator rod moves 1.0 mm (0.039 inch).

The air pressure should be within 107 to 117 kPa

(15.5 to 17.0 psi). Ensure that the dial indicator

returns to zero when the air pressure is released.

Repeat the test several times. This will ensure that

an accurate reading is obtained.


Engine Valve  Lash  -


4.  For more information on  installing a new

turbocharger, contact your Perkins dealer or your

Perkins distributor.

To prevent possible injury, do  not use the starter

to turn the flywheel.

Hot engine  components can cause  burns. Allow

additional time for the engine to cool before mea-

suring valve clearance.


Compression - Test

Valve Lash Setting

The cylinder compression test should only be used in

order to compare the cylinders of an engine. If one or

more cylinders vary by more than 350 kPa (51 psi),

the cylinder and related components may need to

be repaired.

Valve lash setting

Inlet valve ...........................  0.2 mm (0.008 inch)

Exhaust valve ...................  0.45 mm (0.018 inch)

A compression test should not be the only method

which is used to determine the condition of an engine.

Other tests should also be conducted  in order to

determine if the adjustment or the replacement of

components is required.

Refer to Systems Operation, “Engine Design” for the

location of the cylinder valves.

Valve Lash Adjustment

If the valve lash requires adjustment several times

in a short period of time, excessive wear exists  in

a different part of the engine. Find the problem and

make necessary repairs in order to prevent  more

damage to the engine.

Before the performance of the compression  test,

make sure that the following conditions exist:

•  The battery is in good condition.

•  The battery is fully charged.

Not enough valve lash can be  the cause of rapid

wear of the camshaft and valve lifters. Not enough

valve lash can indicate that the seats for the valves

are worn.

•  The starting motor operates correctly.

•  The valve lash is set correctly.

•  All fuel injectors are removed.

•  The fuel supply is disconnected.

Valves become worn due to the following causes:

•  Fuel injectors that operate incorrectly

•  Excessive dirt and oil are present on the filters for

the inlet air.

1.  Install a gauge for  measuring the cylinder

compression in the hole for a fuel injector.

•  Incorrect fuel settings on the fuel injection pump.

2.  Operate the starting motor in order to turn the

engine. Record the maximum pressure which is

indicated on the compression gauge.

•  The load capacity of  the engine is frequently


3.  Repeat Steps 1 and 2 for all cylinders.

Too much valve lash can cause broken valve stems,

springs, and spring retainers. Too much valve lash

can be an indication of the following problems:

•  Worn camshaft and valve lifters

•  Worn rocker arms

•  Bent pushrods

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Testing and  Adjusting Section

•  Broken socket on the upper end of a pushrod

•  Loose adjustment screw for the valve lash

b. Place the appropriate feeler gauge (2) between

the rocker arm and the valve. Turn adjustment

screw (1) while the valve adjustment  screw

locknut is being held from turning. Adjust the

valve lash until the correct  specification is


If the camshaft and the valve lifters show rapid wear,

look for fuel in the lubrication oil or dirty lubrication

oil as a possible cause.

c.  After each adjustment, tighten the  valve

adjustment screw locknut while adjustment

screw (1) is being held from turning.

The valve lash is measured between the top of the

valve stem and the rocker arm lever.

Note: An adjustment  is not necessary if  the

measurement of the valve lash is in the acceptable

range. Inspect the valve lash while  the engine is

stopped. The temperature of the engine does not

change the valve lash setting.

3.  Rotate the crankshaft in a clockwise direction that

is viewed from the front of the engine. When the

inlet valve of the No. 2 cylinder has opened and

the exhaust valve of the No. 2 cylinder has not

completely closed measure the valve lash of the

inlet valve and the exhaust valve  of the No. 3


Note: When the following procedures are performed,

the front housing must be installed.

If adjustment is necessary, refer to Steps 2.a, 2.b,

and 2.c above.

4.  Rotate the crankshaft in a clockwise direction that

is viewed from the front of the engine. When the

inlet valve of the No. 1 cylinder has opened and

the exhaust valve of the No. 1 cylinder has not

completely closed measure the valve lash of the

inlet valve and the exhaust valve  of the No. 4


If adjustment is necessary, refer to Steps 2.a, 2.b,

and 2.c above.

5.  Rotate the crankshaft in a clockwise direction that

is viewed from the front of the engine. When the

inlet valve of the No. 3 cylinder has opened and

the exhaust valve of the No. 3 cylinder has not

completely closed measure the valve lash of the

inlet valve and the exhaust valve  of the No. 2



Illustration 47

Setting the valve lash

(1) Adjustment screw

(2) Feeler gauge

If adjustment is necessary, refer to Steps 2.a, 2.b,

and 2.c above.

6.  Install the valve mechanism cover.  Refer to

Disassembly and Assembly, “Valve Mechanism

Cover - Remove and Install”.

1.  Remove the valve mechanism cover. Refer to

Disassembly and Assembly, “Valve Mechanism

Cover - Remove and Install”.

2.  Rotate the crankshaft in a clockwise direction that

is viewed from the front of the engine. When the

inlet valve of the No. 4 cylinder has opened and

the exhaust valve of the No. 4 cylinder has  not

completely closed measure the valve lash of the

inlet valve and the exhaust valve  of the No. 1

cylinder. If necessary, make adjustment.

a.  Loosen the valve adjustment screw locknut

that is on adjustment screw (1).

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Testing and  Adjusting Section


3.  Inspect the valves for cracks and other damage.

Check the valve stems for wear. Check that the

valve springs are the correct length under the test

force. Refer to Specifications, “Cylinder Head

Valves” for the dimensions and tolerances of the

valves and the valve springs.

Valve Depth - Inspect

Table 4

Required Tools


Valve Guide - Inspect


Part Description





Dial gauge



Perform this inspection in order to  determine if a

valve guide should be replaced.

Dial gauge  holder


Illustration 48

Measurement of the valve depth

(1) 21825617 Dial gauge

(2) 21825496 Dial gauge holder

1.  Use the dial gauge (1) with the dial gauge holder

(2) to check the depths of  the inlet valves and

the exhaust valves below the face of the cylinder

head. Use the cylinder head face (3) to zero the

dial gauge (1).


Illustration 49

(1) Valve guide

(2) Radial movement of the valve in the valve guide

(3) Valve stem

(4) Dial indicator

2.  Position the dial gauge holder (2) and the dial

gauge (1) in order to measure the valve depth.

Measure the depth of the  inlet valve and the

exhaust valve before the  valve springs are


(5) Valve head

1.  Place a new valve in the valve guide.

2.  Place a suitable dial indicator with the magnetic

base on the face of the cylinder head.

Refer to Specifications, “Cylinder Head Valves”

for the minimum, the maximum, and the service

wear limits for the valve depth below the cylinder

head face.

3.  Lift the edge of the valve head to a distance of

15.0 mm (0.60 inch).

4.  Move the valve in a radial direction away from the

dial indicator. Make sure that the valve  moves

away from the dial indicator as far as  possible.

Position the contact point of the dial indicator on

the edge of the valve head. Set the position of the

needle of the dial indicator to zero.

If the valve depth below the cylinder head face

exceeds the service limit, use  a new valve to

check the valve depth. If  the valve depth still

exceeds the service limit, renew the cylinder head

or renew the valve seat inserts (if equipped). If the

valve depth is within the service limit with a new

valve, renew the valves.

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Testing and  Adjusting Section

5.  Move the valve in a radial direction toward the dial

indicator as far as possible. Note the distance of

movement which is indicated on the dial indicator.

If the distance is  greater than the maximum

clearance of the valve in the valve guide, replace

the valve guide.

When new valve guides are installed, new valves

and new valve seat inserts must  be installed.

Valve guides and valve seat inserts are supplied

as an unfinished part. The unfinished valve guides

and unfinished valve seat inserts are installed in

the cylinder head. Then, the valve guides  and

valve inserts are cut and reamed in one operation

with special tooling.

Refer to Specifications, “Cylinder Head Valves” for

the maximum clearance of the valve in the valve


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Testing and  Adjusting Section

Lubrication System

Engine Oil Pressure - Test

Low Oil Pressure

Perform the following procedures in order to inspect

the oil pump for clearances and torques.

Refer to the Specifications  Module, “Engine Oil



1.  Remove the oil pump from the engine. Refer to

the Disassembly and Assembly, “Engine Oil Pump

- Remove”. Remove the cover of the oil pump.

2.  Remove the outer rotor. Clean all of the parts.

Look for cracks in the metal or other damage.

The following conditions will cause low oil pressure.

•  The oil level is low in the crankcase.

•   A restriction exists on the oil suction screen.

•  Connections in the oil lines are leaking.

•  The connecting rod or the main bearings are worn.

•  The rotors in the oil pump are worn.

•  The oil pressure relief valve is operating incorrectly.

A worn oil pressure relief valve can allow oil to leak

through the valve which lowers the  oil pressure.

Refer to the Specifications Module, “Engine Oil Relief

Valve” for the correct operating pressure and other


When the engine runs at the normal temperature for

operation and at high idle, the oil pressure must be

a minimum of 280 kPa (40 psi). A lower pressure is

normal at low idle.


Illustration 50

Clearance for the outer rotor body

(1) Measure the clearance of the outer rotor to the body.

A suitable pressure gauge can be used in order to

test the pressure of the lubrication system.

3.  Install the outer rotor. Measure the clearance of

the outer rotor to the body (1).

High Oil Pressure

High oil pressure can be caused by  the following


•  The spring for the  oil pressure relief valve is

installed incorrectly.

•  The plunger for  the oil pressure relief valve

becomes jammed in the closed position.

•  Excessive sludge exists in the oil which makes the

viscosity of the oil too high.


Engine Oil Pump - Inspect

If any part of the oil pump is worn enough in order to

affect the performance of the oil pump, the oil pump

must be replaced.

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Testing and  Adjusting Section


Excessive Bearing Wear  -


When some components of the engine show bearing

wear in a short time, the cause can be a restriction in

an oil passage.

An engine oil pressure indicator may show that there

is enough oil pressure, but a  component is worn

due to a lack of lubrication. In such a case, look at

the passage for the oil supply  to the component.

A restriction in an oil supply passage will not allow

enough lubrication to reach a component. This will

result in early wear.


Excessive Engine  Oil


Illustration 51

Clearance for the inner rotor

Consumption - Inspect

(2) Measure the clearance of the inner rotor to the outer rotor.

4.  Measure the clearance of the inner rotor to the

outer rotor (2).

Engine Oil Leaks on the Outside of

the Engine

Check for leakage at the seals at each  end of the

crankshaft. Look for leakage at the gasket for  the

engine oil pan and all lubrication system connections.

Look for any engine oil that may  be leaking from

the crankcase breather. This can  be caused by

combustion gas leakage around the pistons. A dirty

crankcase breather will cause high pressure in the

crankcase. A dirty crankcase breather will cause the

gaskets and the seals to leak.

Engine Oil  Leaks into  the

Combustion Area of the Cylinders

Engine oil that is leaking into the combustion area of

the cylinders can be the cause of blue smoke. There

are several possible ways for engine oil to leak into

the combustion area of the cylinders:


Illustration 52

•  Leaks between worn valve guides and valve stems

5.  Measure the end play of the rotor with a straight

•  Worn components or damaged  components

(pistons, piston rings, or dirty return holes for the

engine oil)

edge and a feeler gauge (3).

6.  Clean the top face of the oil pump and the bottom

face of the cover.  Install the cover on the oil

pump. Install the oil pump on the engine. Refer to

Disassembly and Assembly, “Engine Oil Pump -


•  Incorrect installation of the compression ring and/or

the intermediate ring

•  Leaks past the seal rings in the turbocharger shaft

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Testing and  Adjusting Section

•  Overfilling of the crankcase

•  Wrong dipstick or guide tube

•  Sustained operation at light loads

Excessive consumption of engine  oil can also

result if engine oil with the wrong viscosity is used.

Engine oil with a thin viscosity can be caused by fuel

leakage into the crankcase or by increased engine



Increased Engine  Oil

Temperature - Inspect

Look for a restriction in the oil passages of  the oil

cooler (if equipped). The oil temperature  may be

higher than normal when the engine is operating. In

such a case, the oil cooler may have a restriction.

A restriction in the oil cooler will not  cause low oil

pressure in the engine.

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Testing and  Adjusting Section

Cooling System

8.  Check the filler cap. A pressure drop in the cooling

system can cause the boiling point to be lower.

This can cause the cooling system to boil. Refer

to Testing and Adjusting, “Cooling System - Test”.


Cooling System - Check


9.  Check the cooling system hoses and clamps.

Damaged hoses with leaks can normally be seen.

Hoses that have no visual leaks can soften during

operation. The soft areas of the hose can become

kinked or crushed during operation. These areas

of the hose can cause a restriction in the coolant

flow. Hoses become soft  and/or get cracks

after a period of time. The inside of a hose can

deteriorate, and the loose particles of the hose

can cause a restriction of the coolant flow.

Above normal coolant temperatures can be caused

by many conditions. Use the following procedure

to determine the cause of  above normal coolant


1.  Check the coolant level in the cooling system. If

the coolant level is too low, air  will get into the

cooling system. Air in the  cooling system will

cause a reduction in coolant flow and  bubbles

in the coolant. Air bubbles will keep the coolant

away from the engine parts, which will prevent the

transfer of heat to the coolant. Low coolant level is

caused by leaks or incorrectly filling the expansion


10. Check for a restriction in the air inlet system. A

restriction of the air that is coming into the engine

can cause high cylinder  temperatures. High

cylinder temperatures require higher than normal

temperatures in the cooling system.

11. Check for a restriction in the exhaust system.

A restriction of the air that is coming  out of the

engine can cause high cylinder temperatures.

2.  Check that the exterior of the  radiator is not

a.  Make a visual inspection of the exhaust system.

blocked with debris.

b. Check for damage to exhaust piping. Check for

damage to the exhaust elbow. If no damage

is found, check the  exhaust system for a


3.  Check that the drive belts are not loose. Refer to

Testing and Adjusting, “V-Belt - Test”.

4.  Check that the fan is correctly installed and that

the fan is not damaged.

12. Check the water temperature regulator. A water

temperature regulator that does not open, or a

water temperature regulator that only opens part

of the way can cause overheating. Refer to Testing

and Adjusting, “Water Temperature Regulator -


5.  Check for air in the cooling system. Air can enter

the cooling system in different ways. The most

common causes of air in  the cooling system

are not filling the cooling system correctly  and

combustion gas leakage into the cooling system.

Combustion gas can get into the system through

inside cracks, a damaged  cylinder head, or

a damaged cylinder head  gasket. Air in the

cooling system causes a reduction in  coolant

flow and bubbles in the coolant. Air bubbles keep

the coolant away from the engine parts, which

prevents the transfer of heat to the coolant.

13. Check the water pump. A water pump with a

damaged impeller does not pump enough coolant

for correct engine cooling. Remove  the water

pump and check for damage to the impeller.

14. Consider high outside temperatures. When

outside temperatures are too high for the rating

of the cooling system, there  is not enough of

a temperature difference between the outside

air and coolant temperatures. The  maximum

temperature of the ambient air that enters  the

engine should not exceed 50 °C (120 °F).

6.  Check the sending unit. In some conditions, the

temperature sensor in the engine sends signals

to a sending unit. The sending unit converts these

signals to an electrical impulse which is used by a

mounted gauge. If the sending unit malfunctions,

the gauge can show an incorrect reading. Also if

the electric wire breaks or if the electric wire shorts

out, the gauge can show an incorrect reading.

15. When a load that is applied to the engine is too

large, the engine rpm does not increase with an

increase of fuel. This lower engine rpm causes

a reduction in coolant flow through the system.

This combination of less air and less coolant flow

during high input of fuel will cause above normal


7.  Check the radiator for a restriction to coolant flow.

Check the radiator for debris, dirt, or deposits on

the inside of the core. Debris, dirt, or deposits will

restrict the flow of coolant through the radiator.

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0731-84424873? 18274802060
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