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Perkins 2000 Series


6 cylinder diesel engines

for industrial applications

1  Use piston ring pliers, 21825 793, to remove the

rings from the piston.

2  Make a note of the relationship between the

‘FRONT’ marking on the piston and the correlation

marks on the connecting rod.

3  Remove the gudgeon pin circlips and push out the

pin sufficiently to release the piston from the

connecting rod. Keep each assembly together.




To assemble

1  Fit the rings to the piston ensuring that the non-

reversible rings are fitted correctly.

2  Heat the piston to approximately 20°C (68°F). Oil

the small end bushes and assemble the rod to the

piston with the ‘FRONT’ marking on the piston crown

in correct relationship to the correlation marks.

Ensure that the gudgeon pin circlips are correctly

located in their grooves.

3  Set the gaps of the piston rings at equidistant

intervals as shown (A) before the assembly is fitted to

the engine.

Perkins Engines Company Limited


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Piston and rings

Connecting rod

13-3   To  inspect

To inspect


1  De-carbonise the piston by soaking in a proprietary     1  Crack test the rod assembly electromagnetically

solvent such as ‘Ardrox 691’.

and inspect the bolts for signs of wear or damage.

Renew any components found to be defective.

2  Check the piston for damage or wear. Use a new

piston ring as a guide when checking for wear in the

ring grooves.

2  Check the small end bushes and renew as

necessary, operation 13-5.

3  Crack test the gudgeon pin and check for a push fit     3  Check the alignment of the big and small end bores

in the piston at 20°C (68°F). If the pin is slack in the

piston the assembly should be discarded.

in two planes. Do NOT attempt to correct a bent or

twisted rod.

4  Check the piston rings for damage, scores, wear,

and signs of leakage. Discard the top ring if the

molybdenum shows signs of wear or breaking up, if

necessary, comparing it with a new ring.

5  The spring in the oil control ring gives a radial

pressure of 1035 kN/m² (150 lb/in²) when new and is

identified by a yellow paint marking. Inspect the ring

for wear, and if found to be defective, the ring and

spring together must be renewed.

4  Carefully inspect the bearings for cracks, scores,

wear and embedded foreign material. If there is any

doubt regarding their serviceability the bearings

should be renewed. Always ensure that replacement

bearings are of the correct size and type.

6  Place the rings in turn in an unworn portion of their

own liner to check the ring gaps. Discard any ring

which has a gap exceeding the limits. Piston rings

must be renewed when fitting a new cylinder liner.


Perkins Engines Company Limited

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Small end bushes

To renew


Special tools:

Con-rod bush remover/replacer, 21825 814

For use only on early engines.

Early engines

1  Press out the unserviceable bushes. Remove any

burrs from the eye of the connecting rod and ensure

that the oilway is clear.



2  New bushes should be drawn in one from each side.

A tool, 21825 814 (A), is available for this purpose.

Ensure that the bushes are correctly fitted with a space

between them of at least 2,5 mm (0.10 in) to form an


New engines - engines fitted with wedge-type

connecting rods

1  Press out the unserviceable single small end bush.

Remove any burrs from the eye of the connecting rod

and ensure that the oilway is clear.

2  Press a new bush into the connecting rod, ensuring

that the oil hole is correctly aligned with the hole in the


Caution:  The oil hole in the new bush must be aligned

with the oil hole in the connecting rod to within ±1°.

3  Cut off the protruding edges of the bush and dress

up with a smooth file until flush with the side faces of

the rod.

4  Secure the connecting rod in a boring machine and

bore the bush to the correct diameter:

50,813 to 50,838 mm (2.0005 to 2.0015 in).

Remove any burrs.

Perkins Engines Company Limited


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Fits and clearances








Gudgeon pin in piston

Bore of piston (A1). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50,8000 to 50,8025 mm (2.0000 to 2.0001 in)

Gudgeon pin diameter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50,8000 to 50,8064 mm (2.00000 to 2.00025 in)

Gudgeon pin in piston - clearance (new) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -0,0063 to +0,0025 mm (-0.00025 to +0.0001 in)

Top groove in piston

(Wedge shaped for top ring OE 48644)

Diameter over 2,779 mm (0.1094 in) rollers  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 128,981 to 129,184 mm (5.078 to 5.086 in)

Piston clearance at top dead centre

Piston crown (A2) below top face of crankcase. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0,28 to 0,38 mm (0.011 to 0.015 in)

(Machine the piston crown to obtain the correct clearance)


Perkins Engines Company Limited

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Fits and clearances







Piston rings

Depending on the application, different piston and piston ring combinations are used on the range of 2000

series engines. Use the part number of the piston rings to determine the correct clearances for the piston rings.

Clearances of piston rings in grooves (A3)

Top ring OE 48644 (wedge shaped) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  Refer to ring gap dimensions

Second ring OE 48645 (new)  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  0,076 to 0,114 mm (0.003 to 0.0045 in)

Maximum permissible worn clearance  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  0,152 mm (0.006 in)

Oil control ring OE 48646 (new)  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0,025 to 0,063 mm (0.001 to 0.0025 in)

Maximum permissible worn clearance  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  0,102 mm (0.004 in)

Clearances of piston rings in grooves (A3)

Top ring OE 50977 (wedge shaped) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  Refer to ring gap dimensions

Second ring OE 52517 (new)  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  0,076 to 0,113 mm (0.003 to 0.0044 in)

Maximum permissible worn clearance  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  0,152 mm (0.006 in)

Oil control ring OE 52518 (new)  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  0,023 to 0,060 mm (0.0009 to 0.0024 in)

Maximum permissible worn clearance  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  0,010 mm (0.004 in)

Second ring OE 50978 (new)  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  0,076 to 0,113 mm (0.003 to 0.0044 in)

Maximum permissible worn clearance  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  0,152 mm (0.006 in)

Oil control ring OE 50979 (new)  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  0,023 to 0,060 mm (0.0009 to 0.0024 in)

Maximum permissible worn clearance  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  0,010 mm (0.004 in)

Perkins Engines Company Limited


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Piston ring gaps (A4) measured with the ring fitted in a new liner

Top ring OE 48644 (new). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0,40 to 0,60 mm (0.016 to 0.024 in)

Maximum permissible worn gap  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,52 mm (0.060 in)

Second ring OE 48645 (new). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0,40 to 0,60 mm (0.016 to 0.024 in)

Maximum permissible worn gap  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,52 mm (0.060 in)

Oil control ring OE 48646 (new). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0,40 to 0,65 mm (0.016 to 0.0256 in)

Maximum permissible worn gap  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,02 mm (0.040 in)

Top ring OE 50977 (new). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0,40 to 0,60 mm (0.016 to 0.024 in)

Maximum permissible worn gap  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,52 mm (0.060 in)

Second ring OE 52517 (new). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0,80 to 1,00 mm (0.031 to 0.039 in)

Maximum permissible worn gap  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,52 mm (0.060 in)

Oil control ring OE 52518 (new). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0,40 to 0,65 mm (0.016 to 0.0256 in)

Maximum permissible worn gap  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,02 mm (0.040 in)

Second ring OE 50978 (new). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0,40 to 0,60 mm (0.016 to 0.024 in)

Maximum permissible worn gap  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,52 mm (0.060 in)

Oil control ring OE 50979 (new). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0,40 to 0,65 mm (0.016 to 0.026 in)

Maximum permissible worn gap  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,02 mm (0.040 in)


Perkins Engines Company Limited

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Connecting rods

Gudgeon pin in bush (A1)

Bore of bush  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  50,813 to 50,838 mm (2.0005 to 2.0015 in)

(Bush pressed into position and bored to size)

Diameter of gudgeon pin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  50,8000 to 50,8064 mm (2.00000 to 2.00025 in)

Clearance (new)  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  0,0064 to 0,038 mm (0.00025 to 0.0015 in)

Permissible worn clearance. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0,067 mm (0.0026 in)

Bush in small end (A2)

Bore in connecting rod. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57,137 to 57,15 mm (2.2495 to 2.250 in)

Diameter of bush . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57,277 to 57,328 mm (2.255 to 2.257 in)

Interference fit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  0,127 to 0,19 mm (0.005 to 0.0075 in)

Alignment of connecting rod (A3)

Parallel alignment between centres. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . To be no more than 0,025 mm (0.002 in) out

of parallel over a length of 254 mm (10 inches)

Distance between centres . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  274,307 to 274,333 mm (10.7995 to 10.8005 in)

End-float of big end (A4)

End-float  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  0,076 to 0,20 mm (0.003 to 0.008 in)

Permissible worn end-float  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  0,305 mm (0.012 in)

Clearance on diameter of big end (A5)

Clearance  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  0,063 to 0,10 mm (0.0025 to 0.004 in)

(Check that crank pin is within the limits of ovality)

Perkins Engines Company Limited


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Crankshaft assembly


General description

The crankshaft is forged from chrome-molybdenum

steel. It is dynamically balanced, and all bearing

surfaces are nitride-hardened and lapped to size. The

rear flange is machined to form a spigot location for

the flywheel and is drilled to accept the flywheel bolts.

Drillings in the crankshaft permit oil transfer to the

seven main bearings.

A drilling from each journal conveys oil to an adjacent

crankpin, which incorporates an oil reservoir with a

detachable plug. This plug is fitted with an ‘O’ ring and

is secured by a spring clip.

Crankshafts fitted after July 1995, have a new

arrangement of oil passageways which removes the

need for oil reservoirs. These new crankshafts are

therefore not fitted with oil reservoir plugs.

If, during overhaul, the oil reservoir plugs are removed

from the earlier crankshaft, the plugs MUST be

refitted before the engine is run.

Crankshaft end float is controlled by steel-backed

lead bronze thrust washers, fitted either side of the

centre main bearing. The lower half of the washer has

a tang which locates in a slot machined in the bearing


The nose of the crankshaft carries the oil pump drive

gear and the main pinion, and is splined to receive the

hub to which the damper and pulley are attached.

The main crankshaft oil seals are of lip type design.

The rear oil seal is fitted directly into the flywheel

housing and forms a seal around the rear flange of the

crankshaft. For earlier engines the oil seal is carried

in a housing which is bolted to the rear of the

crankcase. The front oil seal is fitted in the wheelcase

and forms a seal around the crankshaft hub. Both

seals are supplied with a plastic insert for fitting


Perkins Engines Company Limited


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Damper and pulley - early engines

To remove and to fit


To remove

1  Slacken the belt tensioner pulley and remove the

drive belts.

2  Slacken and remove the bolts which secure the

pulley and damper to the hub.

3  Withdraw the pulley, the hub nut locking plate, the

spacer and the damper, noting the sequence for


To fit

1  Assemble the damper, the spacer, the hub nut

locking plate and the pulley to the crankshaft, in the

correct sequence.

2  Fit the sixteen setbolts and spring washers. Tighten

the setbolts evenly to a torque of 41 Nm (30 lbf ft).

3  Refit the drive belts, adjust to the correct tension,

and tighten the belt tensioner pulley.


Perkins Engines Company Limited

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Damper and pulley - new engines

To remove and to fit


Engines from build line number 971621 have a new

damper and pulley. The new arrangement does not

include a hub locking plate or a spacer.

The new damper and pulley are fully interchangeable

with those fitted to all earlier engines, but it is NOT

possible to fit the new damper without the new pulley.

To remove

1  Remove the alternator belt. Slacken the tensioner

pulley for the fan belts and remove the fan belts.

2  Slacken and remove the bolts which retain the

pulley and the damper on the crankshaft hub.

3  Remove the pulley and the damper.

To fit

1  Fit the damper and the pulley to the crankshaft. The

pulley fits over the large crankshaft nut. If the bolt

holes in the pulley are not in alignment with those in

the crankshaft hub, remove the pulley, rotate it by one

notch, try it again and if necessary one more time until

the bolt holes are aligned correctly.

Warning!  Do NOT loosen the crankshaft nut.

2  Fit the damper and the pulley and fit the 16 bolts

and spring washers. Tighten the bolts to a torque of

41 Nm (30 lbf ft).

3  Fit the drive belts and adjust them to the correct

tension. Tighten securely the tensioner pulley for the

fan belts.

Perkins Engines Company Limited


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Crankshaft hub and front oil seal

To remove and to fit


Special tools:

Spanner, 21825 807

To remove

1  Remove the pulley and damper as previously

instructed in this section.

2  Using the spanner, 21825 807, and a suitable



hammer, unscrew and remove the hub securing nut.

3  Withdraw the hub and front cone.

4  Carefully lever out and discard the front oil seal.

To fit

1  Check the crankshaft hub splines and cone for

signs of wear, and renew if necessary.

2  Fit a new oil seal to the wheelcase. Ensure that the

seal is positioned correctly, as shown (A).

Note:  Each new seal is supplied fitted with a plastic

mandrel for assembly purposes. This mandrel must

NOT be removed until the fitting of the seal is


3  Apply a light film of clean engine oil to the hub

splines prior to fitting the hub and cone.

4  Check the hub nut threads, lightly oil, and fit the nut

by hand.

5  Tighten the nut to 950 Nm (700 lbf ft) by torque

spanner or, alternatively, by the following method with

the spanner, 21825 807, and a 1,8 kg (4 lb) hammer:

a  Use the spanner to tighten the nut as fully as

possible by hand.

b  Scribe suitable alignment marks on the hub and

nut and use a hammer to tighten the nut by a

further two flats.

c  If difficulties are encountered when fitting the

locking plate, the nut may be tightened by the

minimum amount necessary. It must NOT be


6  Fit the pulley and damper, see operation 14-1 or

operation 14-2.


Perkins Engines Company Limited

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To fit a new oil seal to a wheelcase removed14-4

from the engine

The plastic mandrel supplied with the seal must NOT

be removed until the fitting of the seal is completed.

Grease, oil or other sealants must NOT be applied to

the seal or housing during assembly.

1  Ensure the seal housing in the wheelcase is free

from oil and other possible debris.

2  Support the wheelcase on a flat horizontal surface

under a hand press, ensuring sufficient clearance is

available to avoid disturbing the plastic mandrel whilst

pressing in the seal.

3  Place the seal at the entrance to the bore with the

part number facing outwards.

4  Cover the seal completely with a flat metal plate

and operate the press until light bottoming of the seal

is felt.

5  Wipe away any excess dry sealant which has been

displaced from the seal outer casing.

6  Do NOT remove the plastic mandrel until the

wheelcase has been fitted to the engine.

Perkins Engines Company Limited


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Rear oil seal

To remove and to fit




Special tools:

Oil seal tool, 27610 007

To remove

1  Drain the engine oil and remove the flywheel,


operation 22-1.


2  Use a centre punch to make two holes in the edge

4  Remove the complete tool. The tool should be kept

of the seal at diametrically opposite positions (A1 and

assembled to protect the guide part.

5  Fit the flywheel, operation 22-1.


A2). Drill two holes, of 5 mm (  /    in) diameter, in the


seal at the positions shown (A1 and A2).

3  Select two suitable self-tapping screws, complete

with plain washers, and fit the screws to the drilled

holes. Leave a small space between the face of the

seal and the plain washers. Use two screwdrivers, as

levers, between the plain washers and the flywheel

housing (oil seal housing on early engines) to remove

the oil seal.

4  Clean the bore of the flywheel housing, or oil seal

housing, which was in contact with the old seal.

To fit

Ensure that the crankshaft and the bore of the

flywheel housing are clean and free from grease.

Caution:  Check that the part number of the new seal

is the correct one for the engine.

1  Ensure that the flywheel location dowel is fitted to

the crankshaft. Fit the guide part of the special tool,

27610 007, onto the end of the crankshaft and secure

it with the four bolts. Take care not to damage the fine

edge of the guide during fitting.

2  Before the oil seal is fitted, check the guide and the

crankshaft again for dirt or for a rough surface finish

which could damage the lip of the oil seal. Remove

and discard the yellow inner sleeve from the new oil

seal and fit the seal onto the guide. The lip of the seal

must be toward the crankcase.

Caution:  Do NOT apply oil or grease to the oil seal

to assist the operation. There is a dry lubricant on the

contact face of a new seal for this purpose.

3  Slide the collar part of the tool onto the guide until

the face of the collar is against the outer face of the oil

seal. Lubricate lightly the thread of the stud and also

the thrust washer. Fit the nut and washer to retain the

collar. Rotate the nut until the seal is pressed fully into

the flywheel housing or oil seal housing for earlier



Perkins Engines Company Limited

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18  Remove the main bearing caps, if necessary

using the puller, 21825 806, and remove the lower

half main bearing shells from the caps.


To remove and to fit


19  Using suitable lifting equipment, lift out the

crankshaft and remove the upper half of the main

bearing shells and thrust washers.

Special tools:

To fit

Engine build stand, 21825 993

Puller, 21825 806

1  Lightly oil the upper halves of the main bearing

shells and fit them to the crankcase.

2  Carefully lower the crankshaft into position.

To remove

3  Fit the main bearing caps as given in operation

16-2, paragraphs 3 and 4. Check that the

crankshaft rotates freely. Lever the crankshaft to

the extremes in each direction and measure the

end float. Limits are 0,127 to 0,33 mm (0.005 to

0.013 in).

4  Withdraw each piston and connecting rod assembly

from its bore and fit the upper half of the big end

bearing to the connecting rod. Ensure that the

location tang is correctly seated. Lubricate the

bearing with clean engine oil and guide the

connecting rod carefully onto the crank pin. Fit the

lower half of the bearing into the big end cap, ensuring

correct location, and lubricate with clean engine oil.

Ensure that the flats on the big end bolts are correctly

located against the flats on the connecting rod. Fit the

bearing cap with the correlation marks aligned and

tighten the lightly oiled nuts to a torque of 217 Nm

(160 lbf ft).

1  Drain the engine lubricating oil and coolant whilst

the engine is still installed.

2  Remove the unit and fit it to the engine build stand,

21825 993. See operation 16-1.

3  Remove the sump and oil pump, operation 19-3

and operation 19-4.

4  Remove the coolant pump, operation 21-5 and the

thermostat housing/coolant rail assembly.

5  If fitted, remove the compressor, operation 24-1.

6  Remove the fuel injection pump, operation 20-10.

7  Remove the starter motor, operation 23-3.

8  Remove the alternator, operation 23-2.

9  Remove the flywheel housing, operation 22-3.

10  If fitted, remove the crankshaft rear seal housing.

11  Remove the crankshaft hub and damper

assembly, operation 14-3 and operation 14-1 or

operation 14-2.

5  Fit the backplate, complete with a new gasket and,

where necessary, the fuel pump adapter plate,

complete with new ‘O’ ring seals.

6  Turn the engine until No.1 piston is at the TDC

position. Fit the camshaft and idler gears with the

timing marks correctly aligned - see section 16.

12  Remove the wheelcase, operation 15-1.

13  Unscrew the idler gear retaining bolt and withdraw

the gear and thrust plate.

14  Remove the camshaft gear or, for engines with an

integral gear, remove the camshaft, operation 16-8.

7  Fit the wheelcase.

15  If fitted, remove the fuel pump adapter plate and

discard the ‘O’ rings. Remove the wheelcase

backplate and discard the gasket.

16  Disconnect the connecting rods from the

crankshaft. Ensure that the caps and shell bearings

are retained with their respective rods.

8  Fit the crankshaft hub and damper assembly,

operation 14-3 and operation 14-1 or operation 14-2.

9  For early 2000 series engines, fit the crankshaft

rear seal housing.

10  Fit the flywheel housing, operation 22-3.

11  Fit the alternator, operation 23-2.

12  Fit the starter motor, operation 23-3.

13  Fit the fuel injection pump, operation 20-10.

14  If necessary, fit the compressor, operation 24-1.

17  Slide the piston and connecting rod assemblies

into the bores until they are clear of the crankshaft.

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15  Fit the coolant pump, operation 21-5 and the

thermostat housing/coolant rail assembly.

16  Fit the oil pump and sump, operation 19-4 and

operation 19-3.

17  Remove the engine from the build stand,

operation 16-1.

18  Refill with clean engine oil of the correct grade and


19  Fill the coolant system to the correct level with the

approved coolant mixture.

To inspect


1  Thoroughly clean the assembly.

2  Inspect the pinion and oil pump drive gear

assembly for wear and damage.

3  Where relevant, extract all the oil reservoir plugs:

tap each plug in slightly, remove the retaining clip and

screw in a suitable bolt to withdraw the plug.

4  Clean all the components with special attention to

the crankshaft oilways.

5  Perform a crack test on the shaft, pinion and oil

pump drive gear, preferably using the

electromagnetic process. Renew as necessary.

6  Where relevant, refit the oil reservoir plugs,

complete with new ‘O’ rings, as follows: Oil the bores,

press in the plugs, fit the retaining clips and pull the

plugs back against the retaining clips.

If necessary, it is possible for the crankshaft to be

reground. Re-grinding is permissible in four stages,

each of 0,25 mm (0.010 in) on the diameter.

Caution:  The crankshaft MUST be re-nitrided if it is

re-ground by more than 0,25mm (0.010 in).

Should the crankshaft be re-ground several times, re-

nitriding will be necessary at:

a  Minus 0,51 mm (0.020 in)


b  Minus 1,02 mm (0.040 in)

For further details about crankshaft re-grinding,

please contact the Service Department at Perkins

Engines Company Limited, Shrewsbury.


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Fits and clearances

Crankshaft journals

Diameter (A1)  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  99,0473 to 99,0727 mm (3.8995 to 3.9005 in)

Permissible worn dimensions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  98,9838 mm (3.897 in)

Ovality - permissible worn dimensions  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0,076 mm (0.003 in)

Journals in main bearings - clearance. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  0,0127 to 0,089 mm (0.0005 to 0.0035 in)

Crank pins

Diameter (A2)  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  82,5348 to 82,5373 mm (3.2494 to 3.2495 in)

Diameter - permissible worn dimensions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  82,4611 mm (3.2465 in)

Ovality - permissible worn dimensions  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0,076 mm (0.003 in)

Deflection of crankshaft

Deflection of crankshaft (A7) when it is held on

‘V’ blocks under numbers 1 and 7 main journals (A6). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0,030 mm (0.012 in)

(The deflection must be progressive from the outer main journals to the centre main journal)

End-float of crankshaft

Width between crankshaft webs of central journal (A3)  . . . . . . . . . . 80,645 to 80,696 mm (3.175 to 3.177 in)

Width of centre bearing and thrust washers (A4)  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80,315 to 80,467 mm (3.162 to 3.168 in)

Clearance (new)  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  0,178 to 0,381 mm (0.007 to 0.015 in)

Permissible worn clearance. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0,51 mm (0.020 in)

Flywheel on crankshaft

Diameter of crankshaft (A5). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  107,899 to 107,925 mm (4.248 to 4.249 in)

Bore of flywheel. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  107,95 to 107,975 mm (4.250 to 4.251 in)

Clearance (new)  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  0,025 to 0,076 mm (0.001 to 0.003 in)











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Wheelcase and drive assembly


General description

The wheelcase assembly of the new 2000 series

engine consists of an aluminium wheelcase and a

cast iron backplate. For earlier engines, the backplate

is manufactured from aluminium. The assembly is

situated at the front end of the crankcase and houses

the engine gear train. The backplate is located on the

crankcase by dowels and is secured by close fitting

bolts. This ensures the correct positioning of the front

seal in relation to the crankshaft.

A steel oil transfer tube is fitted between the backplate

and the front end of the main oil gallery in the

crankcase. Lubricating oil is supplied through this

tube and through drillings in the backplate to the fuel

injection pump.

The wheelcase provides mounting points for the

coolant pump, alternator and belt tensioner bracket.

The backplate houses the radiator by-pass tube and

provides mounting points for the compressor and fuel

injection pump.

The gears of new 2000 series engines have a

different gear tooth design and are not

interchangeable with those fitted to earlier engines.

The idler axle fitted to new 2000 engines does not

require adjustment.

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To remove and to fit

15-1   To remove and to fit


To remove

To remove

1  Drain the engine coolant.

1  Remove the wheelcase, operation 15-1.

2  Remove the fuel injection pump assembly,

2  Remove the following components:

a  (a) Sump - see operation 19-3.

b  Alternator - see operation 23-2.

c  Belt tensioner bracket.

d  Crankshaft hub - see operation 14-3.

e  Coolant pump - see operation 21-5.

f  Compressor (if fitted) - see operation 24-1.

operation 20-10.

3  Remove the coolant rail, thermostat housing and

the radiator by-pass tube from the top of the


4  Turn the engine until No.1 piston is at TDC with the

relevant mark on the flywheel aligned with the timing

pointer in the flywheel housing. The timing marks on

the camshaft and crankshaft gears should now be

facing the idler gear axle, and the mark on the front

end of the crankshaft at the 12 o’clock position.

5  Bend back the tabs on the camshaft gear locking

plate and slacken the retaining bolts. The camshafts

of certain engines have an integral gear; for these

engines the camshaft must be removed, operation


3  Remove the wheelcase retaining bolts and

withdraw the casing.

4  Discard all gaskets and clean the joint faces.

To fit

1  Renew all gaskets.

2  Fit the wheelcase, complete with a new gasket.

3  Fit the components removed in paragraph 2 of the

6  Remove the idler gear retaining bolt and withdraw

removal sequence.

the gear and thrust washer.

4  Refill the coolant system.

7  For engines with removable camshaft gears:

Unscrew the camshaft gear retaining bolts and

remove the gear and lockplate, then remove the

camshaft thrust plate.

8  If fitted, remove the fuel pump adaptor housing from

the backplate and discard the ‘O’ rings.

9  Unscrew the three backplate retaining bolts and

carefully tap the plate free from the dowels.

10  Discard the gasket and clean the joint faces.

11  Withdraw the oil transfer tube from the backplate

and discard the ‘O’ ring.


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To fit

1  Fit the oil transfer tube (A1) to the backplate,

complete with a new ‘O’ ring (A2).


2  Fit a new gasket over the two dowels in the front of

the crankcase, fit the backplate and secure with the

three bolts.

3  Fit the camshaft thrust washer and tighten the

setscrews evenly to a torque of 54 Nm (40 lbf ft).

4  Fit the camshaft gear (B1), locating it on the roll pin

in the end of the camshaft. The bolt holes are offset

and will only align in one position. Use a new locking

washer (B5) and fit the bolts (B6) finger tight only at

this stage.

5  Slide the idler gear (B2) on to its axle, with the

timing marks aligned with the corresponding marks on

the camshaft and crankshaft gears as shown (C).

6  Fit the idler gear thrust plate (B3) and securing bolt

(B4). Ensure that the slot in the plate (D1) is correctly

located on the roll pin (D2), then tighten the bolt to a

torque of 61 Nm (45 lbf ft).

7  Tighten the camshaft gear retaining bolts to a

torque of 61 Nm (45 lbf ft), and bend over the locking

plate tabs to secure. Ensure that the tabs are bent

fully against the flats of the bolts heads.






















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8  For early engines: fit the fuel pump adaptor (A2)

and renew the two ‘O’ ring seals (A1 and A3).

9  Fit the fuel injection pump, operation 20-10.

10  Fit the radiator by-pass tube, thermostat housing

and coolant rail, renewing all gaskets and ‘O’ rings





11  Fit the wheelcase, operation 15-1.




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Camshaft gear - bolt-on type


To remove and to fit


To remove

1  Remove the wheelcase, operation 15-1.

2  Turn the engine until No.1 piston is at TDC with the

relevant mark on the flywheel aligned with the timing

pointer in the flywheel housing. The timing marks on

the camshaft and crankshaft gears should now be

facing the idler gear axle as shown (A), and the mark

on the front end of the crankshaft at the 12 o’clock






3  Remove the idler gear (A1).

4  If fitted, bend back the locking plate tabs, remove

the retaining bolts and carefully lever off the camshaft

gear (A3).

5  Inspect the gear for worn or damaged teeth and

renew if necessary.

6  Do not turn the engine from its present position.

To fit

1  Fit and secure the camshaft gear (A3) to the

camshaft with the timing mark aligned with the

corresponding marks on the idler gear (A1).

2  Fit the idler gear.

3  Check that the gear backlash is within limits. Refer

to Fits and clearances on page 77. If the backlash is

not within the limits, the position of the idler gear axle

may need to be adjusted, see operation 15-7.

4  Fit the locking plate, if one was previously fitted, fit

the retaining bolts, tighten them to a torque of 61 Nm

(45 lbf ft) and bend up the tabs on the locking plate.

Note:  It has been found that the locking plate for the

camshaft gear is no longer required and therefore will

not be fitted to engines manufactured after August


5  Fit the wheelcase, operation 15-1.

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<, IMG src="http://img.enproway.com/ofile/enproway/Editor/uploadfile/20161029085610667.png" width=2 height=2>



Camshaft gear - integral type

To remove and to fit



To remove

To remove the camshaft gear from this type of

camshaft, the camshaft must first be removed from

the engine.

1  Remove the cam followers, operation 16-6.

2  Remove the idler gear, operation 15-6.

3  Remove the camshaft, operation 16-8.

4  Place the camshaft in a hydraulic press with the

camshaft gear uppermost. Support the gear under the

thrust plate with suitable packing, such as vee blocks.

Carefully press the camshaft from the gear and

remove the thrust plate and the key.

Caution:  Do not damage the camshaft during this


To fit

1  Support the camshaft in a suitable press. Fit the

thrust plate to the camshaft. Ensure that the plate is

fitted with the words ‘FRONT’ (A1) uppermost, away

from the cams.


2  Insert a new key in the camshaft keyway.



3  Heat the gear in a pre-heated oven at 300  C for a

minimum of 15 minutes.

Warning!  Protective gloves and overalls must be



used when handling the heated camshaft gear.

4  Place the gear on the camshaft while still hot and

press it onto the camshaft until the distance between

the rear face of the gear and the rear face of the

camshaft flange (B4) is 11,54 mm (0.4545 in).


5  Fit the camshaft, operation 16-8.





Perkins Engines Company Limited

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To inspect


1  Inspect the camshaft gear journal for burrs or other

damage. If the damage cannot be removed by the use

of a fine grade of emery cloth, renew the camshaft.

Measure the outside diameter of the journal. It must

be between 65,1637 and 65,1815 mm (2.5655 and

2.5662 in). If it is beyond these limits the camshaft

must be renewed.

2  Inspect the bore of the gear for burrs or other

damage. If the damage cannot be removed by the use

of a fine grade of emery cloth, renew the gear.

Measure the diameter of the gear bore. It must be

between 65,0875 and 65,1078 mm (2.5625 and

2.5633 in). If it is beyond these limits the gear must be


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Idler gear


To remove and to fit


To remove

1  Remove the wheelcase, operation 15-1.

2  Turn the engine until No.1 piston is at TDC with the

relevant mark on the flywheel aligned with the timing

pointer in the flywheel housing. The timing marks on

the camshaft and crankshaft gears (A3 and A2)

should now be facing the axle of the idler gear (A1),

and the mark on the front end of the crankshaft at the

12 o’clock position.





3  Check and note the end float of the idler gear.

4  Check the gear for excessive play on the axle.

5  Remove the securing bolt and thrust plate.

6  Withdraw the gear and check for worn or damaged


7  Do not turn the engine from its present position.

To fit

1  Slide the gear onto the axle, with the timing marks

aligned with the relevant markings on the camshaft

and crankshaft gears.

2  For new 2000 series engines: Fit the idler gear

thrust plate and securing bolt. Tighten the bolt to a

torque of 300 Nm (220 lbf ft). Check that the end

float is within these limits: 0,10 to 0,25 mm (0.004

to 0.010 in). If it is outside the limits, the assembly

of the idler gear and bushes must be renewed.

For earlier 2000 series engines, fit the idler gear thrust

plate and securing bolt. Ensure that the slot in the plate

is correctly located on the roll pin before tightening the

bolt. Tighten the bolt to a torque of 61 Nm (45 lbf ft).

Check that the end float is within these limits: 0,051 to

0,20 mm (0.002 to 0.008 in). If it is outside the limits,

the assembly of the idler gear and bushes must be


3  Check the backlash of the idler gear, see Fits and

clearances on page 77. If a new gear has been fitted,

the position of the idler gear axle may require

adjustment to obtain the correct backlash

dimensions. Refer to page 76. This operation does

NOT apply to new 2000 series engines.

4  Fit the wheelcase,operation 15-1.


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To set the gear backlash


Special tools:

Reaming jig, idler gear axle, 21825 999

Note:  This operation is NOT applicable to New 2000

series engines.

The backlash of the timing gears is set by the position

of the idler gear axle. If, during an overhaul, a new

idler gear, a new idler gear axle or a new crankcase is

used, the correct position for the idler gear can

change and effect the backlash setting of the gears.

To obtain the position that will give the correct

backlash settings for the idler gear, the position of the

dowel holes may have to change. To do this, the

dowel holes must be reamed to a larger size by 0,38

mm (0.015 in), this will give them a diameter of 8,33

mm (0.328 in). If this operation has been done before,

they may have to be reamed by a further 0,38 mm

(0.015 in) to a finished size of 8,73 mm (0.3437 in).

According to the size of the dowels which are to be

fitted, a selection of these location pins and reamers

will be necessary:

Dowel size 8,33mm (0.32in) oversize

Dowel part number:

Location pin:



21825 830

21825 833

21825 831

Location pin:

Dowel size 8,73mm (0.343in) oversize

Dowel part number: OE51709/2

Location pin:


Location pin:

21825 831

21825 834

21825 832

To fit a new idler gear to an existent crankcase

Dowel part number: OE51385

Location pin


21825 829

21825 835


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To adjust the backlash of the timing gears

If the crankcase is to have its original idler gear and

idler gear axle fitted, they should be fitted with the

original dowels and then the backlash must be

checked. The backlash limits are:




Between the idler gear and the drive gear for the fuel

injection pump (FIP):

0,05 to 0,15 mm (0.002 to 0.006 in).

Between the idler gear and the camshaft gear:

0,05 to 0,15 mm (0.002 to 0.006 in).

Between the idler gear and the crankshaft gear:

0,15 to 0,40 mm (0.006 to 0.010 in).



If these clearances cannot be obtained, use the

procedure which follows:

1  The camshaft gear and the crankshaft gear must be

fitted and the FIP drive gear must be fitted, but without

its bolts at this time.

2  Fit the idler gear axle (A1) without the dowels, fit

spring washers to the bolts and tighten the bolts


3  Fit the gear and check the backlash at four equally

spaced points on its circumference between the

gears of the camshaft and the crankshaft.

4  Adjust the position of the idler gear axle to achieve

a backlash of 0,05 to 0,15 mm (0.002 to 0.006 in)

between the idler gear and the camshaft gear and

also between the idler gear and the FIP drive gear.

And ensure that the backlash between the idler gear

and the crankshaft gear is between 0,15 and 0,25 mm

(0.006 and 0.010 in).

5  Remove carefully the idler gear, ensure that the

idler gear axle is not disturbed; tighten the bolts of the

idler gear axle to a torque of 61 Nm (45 lbf ft).

Caution:  Ensure that the correct tools are used for

the size of dowels to be fitted.

6  Fit the reaming jig, 21825 999, over the idler gear

axle, fit the relevant location pin into one of the dowel

holes (A2) and use the relevant reamer in the other

dowel hole to ream the other hole in the crankcase to

the next relevant size.

7  Fit the relevant locating pin to the dowel hole and

remove the other locating pin. Ream the second

dowel hole with the same reamer.

8  Remove the locating pin and the reaming jig.

Ensure that the dowel holes are clean. Fit new dowels

of the correct size.

9  Use a centre punch to distort the dowel holes

similar to that shown (A3).

10  Fit the idler gear, operation 15-6.


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Fits and clearances





Idler gear (A)

Bore of bush when fitted and machined (A1)  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51,765 to 51,816 mm (2.038 to 2.040 in)

Axle diameter. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41,2850 to 41,2877 (1.6250 to 1.6255 in)

End-float - new 2000 Series (A2)  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  0,010 to 0,254 mm (0.004 to 0.010 in)

End-float - earlier engines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  0,51 to 0,20 mm (0.002 to 0.008 in)

Gear train

Backlash - new 2000 Series . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0,15 to 0,25 (0.006 to 0.010 in)

Permissible worn limit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  0,38 mm (0.015 in)

Backlash - earlier engines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0,051 to 0,152 (0.002 to 0.006 in)

Permissible worn dimension . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0,20 (0.008 in)

Oil pump drive gear

Backlash - new 2000 Series . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  0,15 to 0,25 mm (0.006 to 0.010 in)

Permissible worn limit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  0,38 mm (0.015 in)

Backlash - earlier engines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  0,102 to 0,254 mm (0.004 to 0.010 in)

Permissible worn limit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  0,305 mm (0.012 in)

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Cylinder block assembly


General description

The crankcase is a single unit cast in high grade

nickel-chrome iron and comprises the crank chamber

and the cylinder block. The crank chamber extends

below the crankshaft line to ensure rigidity. Lateral

bolts to the front, centre and rear main bearing caps

provide additional stiffness.

Five transverse webs within the crankcase provide

support for the crankshaft and camshaft. The

crankshaft is carried in seven bearings, secured by

removable caps and fitted with thrust washers at the

centre bearing.

The camshaft has seven journals. On all engines prior

to build line number 79339 the camshaft runs in

bearing surfaces machined in the crankcase parent

metal. Industrial engines, from build line number

79339, have a bush fitted to the front journal with the

six remaining journals running in bearing surfaces

machined in the crankcase parent metal.

The low-mounted camshaft is gear driven from the

front of the crankshaft through an idler gear. It is

drilled through its complete length to form an oil

gallery and runs in bearings or bearing surfaces

machined in the crankcase.

Oil is transferred from the centre bearing to lubricate

the remaining six camshaft journals and certain other


The drive gear is located on the shaft by a single

dowel and retained by five setbolts/capscrews and a

locking plate. For certain early engines, the drive gear

is pressed onto the camshaft and is located by a

woodruff key.

Slip-fit wet-type cylinder liners manufactured from

cast iron and which have been induction hardened

are used. The liner bore is honed and carbide

finished, which results in a matt surface.

Caution:  If a used liner is to be refitted to an engine,

it is vital that NO re-honing or de-glazing of the bore is


The top of the liner is flanged and forms a coolant seal

with the counterbore seat in the crankcase top face.

Three grooves are machined into the skirt of the liner

to accept three composition sealing rings.

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14  Fit the mounting brackets to the crankcase. Using

a crane and the lifting beam, 21825 821, support the

crankcase, remove the transportation stands and fit

the crankcase to the build stand, 21825 993.

To fit to and to remove from a

build stand


To remove from a build stand

1  Fit the lift adaptor, 21825 821, to the engine, use a

suitable hoist to remove the engine from the build

stand and support it with transportation feet.

2  Fit the oil cooler assembly and its coolant pipes,

secure pipes with hoses and hose clips. Fit the

connecting pipework between the sump, oil cooler

and crankcase and fit the compressor oil feed pipe.

Special tools:

Strap wrench, 21825 825

Lift adaptor for engine, 21825 821

Build stand - engine, 21825 993

To fit to a build stand

3  Fit the engine stop solenoid, refer to section 23 for

To obtain access to the crankcase and further main

components, the engine must be disconnected from

its driven unit and fitted in a build stand. Instructions

to disconnect the driven unit are to be found in the

publication of the relevant manufacturer. To fit the

engine to a build stand proceed as follows:

setting details.

4  Fit new oil filter canisters as detailed in section 4 of

the User’s Handbook, TSD 3215.

5  Fit the oil by-pass filter together with all the relevant


Warning!  Fuel and oil pipes MUST be inspected for

1  Disconnect the batteries.

cracks or damage before they are fitted to the engine.

2  Close the valves and disconnect the pipes for the

6  Fit the fan, operation 21-2.

7  Connect the exhaust pipes.

8  Fit the radiator, operation 21-1.

fuel supply and the fuel return.

3  Drain the coolant system (refer to the User’s

Handbook TSD 3215), remove the radiator, operation

21-1, and the relevant coolant pipes and air ducts.

9  Fit the air cleaner assembly and connect the

Warning!  Remove carefully the radiator filler cap as

ducting to the turbocharger.

the system may be under pressure.

10  Set the fuel injection pump timing, operation 17-2.

4  Drain the lubricating oil from the engine by the

11  Fill the lubrication system to the correct level with

clean engine lubricating oil, see User’s Handbook

TSD 3215.

removal of the drain plugs from the base of the sump.

5  Remove the fan, operation 21-2.

12  Fill the coolant system to the correct level, see

6  Remove the air cleaner assembly and the ducting

User’s Handbook TSD 3215.

to the turbocharger.

13  Connect the fuel supply.

14  Connect the batteries.

15  Eliminate air from the fuel system, operation 20-11.

7  If a compressor is fitted, remove the compressor air

filter and associated pipework. Disconnect the

coolant and oil pipework and remove the compressor.

8  Remove the turbocharger exhaust outlet pipe and,

where applicable, the diffuser. Prior to removal, scribe

alignment marks to ensure correct orientation on


9  Remove the alternator and drive belt.

10  Slacken the belt tensioner and remove the belts

and the tensioner assembly.

11  Use the filter wrench, 21825 825, to remove the oil

filter canisters. Disconnect all relevant pipework and

remove the oil cooler and, if fitted, the oil bypass filter.

12  Remove the turbocharger(s), complete with the oil

supply and drain pipework.

13  Remove the oil filler and the dipstick tube



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Take care not to damage the rocker oil feed studs.

Remove the coolant bobbins, head gaskets, roll pins

and oil feed studs; a special tool, 21825 800, is

available for bobbin removal.

To dismantle and to assemble


Special tools:

Cylinder head lifting bar, 21825 816

Bobbin removal tool, 21825 800

Flywheel lifting bracket, 21825 817

Bearing cap removal tool, 21825 806

Engine build stand, 21825 993

Lapping tool. 21825 902

Piston replacer sleeve, 21825 784

Dial gauge, 21825 782

Torque angle gauge, 21825 924

Sump guide studs, 21825 812

Flywheel guide studs, 21825 802

Spanner, 21825 807

12  Remove the starter motor and solenoid assembly,

operation 23-3.

13  Remove the tappet cover, gasket, baffle plate and

the rocker oil feed pipe. Lift out the cam followers. The

cam followers must be stored in the correct sequence

to ensure that they are fitted to their original positions

when the engine is assembled.

14  Remove the flywheel, operation 22-1, use the

lifting bracket 21825 817. Remove the flywheel

housing, operation 22-3.

15  Rotate the build stand until the sump is uppermost

and remove the sump.

16  Remove the wheelcase, operation 15-1.

17  Remove the oil transfer pipes, the connections

and the suction intake assembly. Remove the oil

pump complete with drive gear and shims.

To dismantle

1  Fit the assembly of the engine to a build stand,

Note:  Shims are not fitted to the oil pumps of new

operation 16-1.

2000 series engines.

It is recommended that small items (for example: low

pressure fuel pipes, clips, brackets, etc.) are labelled,

to indicate their location and purpose, and are stored

with the relevant engine parts.

18  Remove the rear end oil seal housing - not fitted

to new 2000 series engines.

19  Disconnect and remove the stop solenoid.

Remove the fuel injection pump drive gear and

remove the fuel injection pump, together with its

mounting bracket and, if fitted, the adaptor plate. If

fitted, remove the oil distribution block.

20  For engines fitted with an integral camshaft gear,

remove the camshaft as given in operation 16-8. For

all other engines: remove the camshaft gear retaining

bolts, remove the retaining bolts of the idler gear and

withdraw the thrust plate. Remove the idler gear and

camshaft drive gear. Remove the camshaft thrust

plate and carefully withdraw the camshaft. Remove

the idler gear axle.

2  Remove the exhaust manifolds.

3  Remove the main pulley and damper from the

crankshaft hub. Unscrew the crankshaft nut and

remove the hub.

4  Disconnect and remove the low pressure fuel

pipes. Unscrew the fuel filter and remove the filter


5  Remove the coolant rail and the thermostat


6  Disconnect the coolant pump pipework. Unbolt the

pulley from the coolant pump and remove the pump.

21  Remove the backplate and rotate the build stand

until the engine is horizontal. Remove the piston

cooling jets, unscrew the big end nuts, remove the

bearing caps and carefully withdraw each of the


22  Remove the lateral bolts of the main bearing caps

and extract the bearing caps, if necessary use the

removal tool, 21825 806. Use a crane and suitable

sling to lift out the crankshaft.

7  Remove the air inlet manifold/charge cooler and

associated pipework.

8  Remove the high-pressure fuel pipes, unions and


9  Remove the rocker covers and fuel injectors.

10  Remove the rocker gear and pushrods. The

pushrods must be stored in the correct sequence to

ensure that they are fitted to their original positions

when the engine is assembled.

11  Fully slacken the tappet adjusting screws before

removing the rocker pedestal bolts. Slacken the

cylinder head bolts and nuts in the reverse order to

the tightening sequence, shown on page 86. Note the

positions for any brackets retained by the cylinder

head bolts. Remove the bolts and nuts and, using the

lifting bar 21825 816, remove the cylinder heads.

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To assemble

4  Apply a light coat of oil to the threads of the main

bearing cap bolts. Fit all the bolts but do not tighten at

this stage. Fit the lateral bolts, complete with plain

washers, to the front, centre and rear bearing caps.

Tighten the main bearing cap bolts in the sequence

shown (A). The bolts for the centre, front and rear

bearing caps must be tightened to a torque of 216 Nm

(160 lbf ft). The intermediate bearing cap bolts must

be tightened to a torque of 272 Nm (200 lbf ft). Finally,

tighten the lateral bolts to a torque of 95 Nm (70 lbf ft)

in the alphabetical sequence shown (A).

5  Check that the crankshaft rotates freely and

measure the crankshaft end float, it must be between

0,127 and 0,33 mm (0.005 and 0.013 in).

6  Ensure that the cylinder liners have been cleaned

and inspected as given in operation 16-5 and perform

a liner protrusion check as follows: Carefully fit the

liners, without sealing rings, into their relevant

positions in the crankcase.

The crankcase should be cleaned and any suspect

cup plugs renewed. If any blanking plugs have been

removed they should be replaced at this stage. It is

recommended that the engine is rebuilt using the

sequence which follows:

1  Fit the mounting brackets to the crankcase and

secure the crankcase in the engine build stand, 21825


2  Oil the camshaft bearing housing and carefully slide

the camshaft into position.

3  Rotate the build stand until the sump mounting face

is uppermost. Fit and oil the upper halves of the main

bearing shells. Check that the dowels are fitted at the

front, centre and rear bearing cap positions and, using

a suitable sling, carefully lower the crankshaft

assembly into position. Feed the upper halves of the

thrust washers into place at each side of the centre

bearing, with the bronze face of each washer toward

the crank web. Fit the lower half bearing shell and

lower halves of the thrust washers to the centre main

bearing cap and fit the cap. Fit the remaining caps

complete with lower half bearing shells. Ensure that

the correlation numbers on each cap correspond to

the adjacent numbers on the crankcase.





13   15

16   14























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7  Measure and record the liner flange protrusion

above the crankcase top face at four equidistant


Protrusion limits are 0,076 to 0,127 mm (0.003 to

0.005 in) and must also meet the following

requirements (A).


Maximum variation of 0,025 mm (0.001 in)

between the highest and lowest points on any one

liner flange.


Maximum variation of 0,025 mm (0.001 in)

between protrusions at adjacent points of

neighbouring liners.

8  Use ‘Engineers blue’ to check the contact between

the liner flanges and their seating faces. To ensure a

satisfactory seal, the contact area must cover 100%

of the circumference and at least 50% of the width

and any position. If the area of contact does not

conform to these requirements, the flange of the

cylinder liner must be lapped to the shoulder in the

crankcase by the use of a lapping compound. A

lapping tool, 21825 902, is available for this operation.











0.076     0.076     0.076























0.127     0.076

















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When a new liner is fitted and the protrusion check is

satisfactory, etch its position number on the top face

(A2) of the liner adjacent to the large coolant port. Do

NOT mark the flange face (A1).



9  When the protrusion check for the cylinder liners is

satisfactory, remove the liners and ensure that the

seats are clean and have been degreased.

10  Fit the cylinder liners, operation 16-4.

11  Rotate the build stand until the engine is almost

horizontal. Assemble the pistons and connecting rods

as detailed in section 13 and clean the bores of the

cylinder liners. Before each piston assembly is fitted,

turn the crankshaft until the appropriate journal is at

its lowest position. Clean the journal and lubricate

with clean engine oil.



12  Fit the upper half of the big end bearing to the

connecting rod, ensuring that the location tang is

correctly fitted. Lubricate the bearing with clean

engine oil. Enter the piston/connecting rod assembly

through the compression sleeve tool, 21825 784, into

the bore with the ‘FRONT’ marking on the piston

crown to the front of the engine. Guide the rod

carefully onto the crank pin.

13  Fit the lower half of the bearing into the big end

cap ensuring correct location, and lubricate with clean

engine oil. Fit the bearing cap with the correlation

marks aligned, ensure that the big end bolts are

correctly seated and tighten the lightly oiled nuts to a

torque of 217 Nm (160 lbf ft). Repeat the procedure

for the remaining five assemblies.

14  Fit the six piston cooling jets, complete with new

‘O’ ring seals, secure each with a bolt and spring


15  Rotate the build stand until the engine is upright.

Turn the crankshaft until the piston is at TDC (top

dead centre) and measure the clearance of the piston

crown below the crankcase top face. A dial gauge,

21825 782, is obtainable for this purpose. Permissible

clearance is 0,28 to 0,38 mm (0.011 to 0.015 in). If

necessary, it is permissible to machine up to a

maximum of 0,127 mm (0.005 in) from the piston

crown. Perform the check on all pistons. Restore the

‘FRONT’ and other markings if they are removed

during machining.

16  Fit the two rocker gear oil feed studs and the

blanking plug, complete with new sealing washer, to

the crankcase top face. Ensure that the feed stud

oilways are clear before fitting.



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17  Fit a new ‘O’ ring seal to the oil transfer tube and

position the tube in the crankcase front end face. Fit

the two dowels to the front face and position a new

gasket over the dowels. Fit the backplate and retain

with three bolts with plain and spring washers.


18  Fit the fuel injection pump adaptor using new ‘O’

rings on the spigot and between the adaptor and

backplate. Fit the rear support bracket to the

crankcase and loosely attach the support block.

19  Lightly smear the camshaft journals and bearing

surfaces with clean engine oil and insert the camshaft

into the crankcase.



20  For engines with the bolt-on type of camshaft gear



proceed as follows:

Fit the thrust plate and tighten the capscrews to a

torque of 54 Nm (40 lbf ft). Fit the camshaft drive

gear and secure with a dowel and five setbolts

tightened to a torque of 61 Nm (45 lbf ft). Bend up

the tabs of the locking plate.

For engines with the integral type of camshaft gear

proceed as follows:

Rotate the camshaft gear until the capscrews

which retain the thrust plate can be fitted through

the access holes in the camshaft gear. Tighten the

capscrews evenly to a torque of 54 Nm (40 lbf ft).

21  Fit the fuel injection pump drive gear and secure

with retaining plate and bolts.

22  For new 2000 series engines: Fit the dowel for the

idler gear axle, fit the axle, fit the gear and collar and

retain with the capscrew. For earlier engines: Fit the

idler gear axle locating dowels and retain the axle with

three setscrews. Fit the idler gear. For all engines,

align the timing marks as shown (A).

Note:  On early engines, if a new idler gear, a new

idler gear axle or a new crankcase is used, the

position of the idler gear axle must be set correctly to

obtain the correct backlash for the gears. Refer to

operation 15-7.

23  Ensure that the crankcase and cylinder head

flame faces are clean and dry. Fit the coolant bobbins,

complete with new ‘O’ ring seals, into the top face of

the crankcase. Fit the dowels and the new cylinder

head gaskets, noting that the gaskets are marked

‘TOP’, and lower the cylinder heads into position. A

lifting bar, 21825 816, is obtainable for this purpose.


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24  Position the lifting eyes. A light application of oil

must be applied under the head of each cylinder head

bolt and also to the threaded area. Do NOT use an

excess amount of oil. Where relevant, fit a washer to

each bolt.

Note:  Recent engines use a different type of bolt

which MUST be fitted without a washer.

25  Screw the bolts in by hand to ensure the correct

location. Always place the bolts in position, do NOT

drop them. Lightly oil the threads on the oilway stud

and fit the nut and washer. Later engines have a

special bolt (A22) fitted in place of the stud and nut.

Caution:  The special bolt (at position A22) is drilled

and can be identified by the word ‘OIL’ stamped on its

head or, for later engines, a recess in its head. The

old and new types of drilled bolt are interchangeable.



26  Align the heads by temporarily fitting the inlet

manifold without the gasket and, using the sequence

shown (A), tighten the bolts (and nut where relevant)

of each cylinder head as follows:

a  Tighten all bolts in the sequence shown (A) to a

torque of 136 Nm (100 lbf ft).

b  Tighten all bolts in the sequence shown (A) to a

torque of 204 Nm (150 lbf ft).

c  Tighten ONLY the bolts in the black circles, in

the sequence shown (A), by an additional angle

of 40 degrees. A torque angle gauge, 21825

924, is available for this purpose.

Remove the inlet manifold.

Caution:  Except for new 2000 series engines, the

bolts and nuts of a newly fitted cylinder head must

be re-tightened to their final torque figures, and the

tappet clearances checked, after the first 500 to

1000 km.

27  Lightly oil the cam followers and fit them to their

relevant positions in the crankcase. Fit the rocker oil

feed pipe and secure with three bolts and shouldered

washers. Fit the gasket, baffle plate, gasket and the

tappet cover and secure the engine breather pipe to

the tappet cover. If the engine is fitted with an oil

distribution block it should now be refitted complete

with plugs and adaptors as appropriate.



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28  Fit the push rods and assemble the rocker gear.

Refer to section 11 for torque settings. To facilitate

barring over the crankshaft, screw two bolts into its

rear face. Turn the crankshaft anticlockwise, viewed

from the flywheel end, and adjust the tappet

clearances in the sequence which follows. ‘Valves

rocking’ means ‘inlet valve just opening, exhaust

valve just closing’.

Valves rocking on

cylinder number

Adjust tappets on

cylinder number













Adjust the valve tappet clearances, as shown (A), to

these dimensions:

Inlet valves:

0,25 mm (0.010 in).

0,50 mm (0.020 in).

Exhaust valves:

29  Re-check each clearance after tightening the lock

nut of the adjusting screw to 40 Nm (30 lbf ft). Do not

fit the rocker covers permanently until the injection

pump timing procedure has been done. Pour oil over

the rocker and valve assemblies and fit the rocker




30  Fit the air inlet manifold/charge cooler assembly,

use new gaskets at the joint face. Fit the coolant pipe

between the charge cooler and the rear end of the


31  Fit the rear oil seal housing and oil seal to the

crankcase rear face.

Note:  A rear oil seal housing is not fitted to new 2000

series engines.

Rotate the build stand until the sump mounting face is


32  Fit the oil pump dowels and, where necessary, the

original shims, and fit the oil pump complete with drive

gear, to the bearing cap.

Check the drive gear backlash at four equidistant

points on the gear. With the engine upright in the

normal running position, the backlash should be 0,10

to 0,25 mm (0.004 to 0.010 in). Adjust if necessary by

varying the shim thickness between the pump and the

bearing cap. Shims are supplied in thicknesses of 0,2

and 0,3 mm (0.008 and 0.012 in).


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33  Fit the suction intake assembly, the oil transfer

pipes and connections to the oil pump and crankcase.

34  Fit the wheelcase complete with a new gasket at

the joint face. Before tightening the securing bolts use

a straight edge to align the base with the sump

mounting face, the base should be within 0,08 mm

(0.003 in) of the sump mounting face.

35  Fit the sump guide studs, 21825 812, apply two

lines of Hylogrip sealant along the joints where the

wheelcase meets the backplate and position the new

gasket. Carefully fit the sump, remove the guide studs

and fit the bolts, complete with plain and spring



Caution:  When tightening bolts on rear pannier

sumps the four bolts immediately to the front of the

pannier (two each side, near the centre of the sump),

must be tightened last to a torque of 28 Nm (21 lbf ft).

36  With the crankcase in the upright position, fit the

flywheel housing as follows:

For new 2000 series engines, the crankshaft rear oil

seal is fitted directly in the flywheel housing and the

joint between the flywheel housing and the crankcase

must be sealed by the use of a special sealant,

‘Loctite gasket eliminator 518’. Ensure that the faces

of the flywheel housing and crankcase are clean and

dry. Apply a continuous bead of ‘Loctite gasket

eliminator 518’ to the cylinder block as shown (A1).



For earlier engines, which have a separate housing

for the crankshaft rear oil seal, the flywheel housing is

fitted directly onto the crankcase. No gasket is

required and sealant must NOT be applied.

Lift the housing onto the locating dowels and fit the

retaining bolts and washers. Tighten the bolts evenly

to a torque of 61 Nm (45 lbf ft).

37  Fit the flywheel guide studs, 21825 802, to the

crankshaft, position the flywheel using lifting bracket,

21825 817, ensure that it is correctly located over the

dowel and fit the retaining bolts. Remove the guide

studs, fit the remaining bolts and tighten all bolts to a

torque of 122 Nm (90 lbf ft).

38  Fit and secure the starter motor assembly.

39  Fit the rear cone, the crankshaft hub, the front

cone and the crankshaft nut, ensure that the oil seal

lips are properly positioned on the hub. If an adequate

torque wrench and reduction unit is available, tighten

the crankshaft nut to a torque of 949 Nm (700 lbf ft). If

not, tighten the nut hand-tight then a further two flats

using spanner 21825 807. To ensure alignment of the

nut locking plate the nut may be tightened further but

must NOT be slackened.



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40  Fit the fuel injection pump, operation 20-10.

52  Fit the belt tensioner assembly, then the alternator

drive belt and the three main drive belts. Set the belt

tensions as given in section 4 of the User’s

Handbook, TSD3215.

41  Fit the fuel injectors, operation 20-1. Fit both

rocker covers complete with new gaskets.

42  Blow through high pressure fuel pipes with dry

compressed air before proceeding: Loosely fit the

injector feed pipes. Note that the high pressure pipes

of recent engines are joined and must be fitted as a

set. Ensure that each pipe is aligned correctly, press

the rubber shroud inserts over each pipe, then

position the shrouds over the inserts with steel

backplates where necessary. Do NOT bend the

pipes. Tighten the pipe unions taking care not to strain

or twist the pipes. Finally secure the shrouds with

bolts and spring washers.

43  Assemble the coolant rail to the thermostat

housing, using new ‘O’ ring seals on all connections.

Fit the thermostat-to-wheelcase coolant pipe then fit

the coolant rail assembly, complete with thermostat,

and secure to the cylinder heads.

53  Apply a light coat of anti-seize compound to the

mounting stud threads and assemble the

turbocharger unit to the exhaust manifold/mounting

duct. Fit the turbocharger diffuser and the exhaust

outlet pipe, realign the marks which were made during

dismantling to ensure correct orientation. Prime the


turbocharger bearings by pouring 0,2 ltr ( /   pint) of


clean engine lubricating oil into the aperture at the top

of the bearing housing. Check the turbocharger oil

feed and drain pipes for damage and restrictions and

assemble to the engine complete with new gaskets

where necessary. Fit the duct between the

turbocharger and the air inlet manifold, use a new

seal at the ‘V’ band camp end. Tighten ‘V’ band

clamps to a torque of 8 Nm (6 lbf ft).

54  Remove the engine from the build stand,

44  Fit the fuel filter bracket and fit the low pressure

fuel pipes, check all pi, pes for cleanliness before

fitting. Strict cleanliness must be observed when

assembling pipes and fittings to the engine. Fit a new

fuel filter canister as described in the User’s

Handbook TSD3215.

operation 16-1.

45  Position a new coolant pump gasket and fit the

coolant pump, connect the relevant hoses and

connections and fit the alternator adjusting strap

beneath the relevant cover bolt. Fit the coolant pump

drive pulley and tighten the securing bolts to a torque

of 24 Nm (18 lbf ft).

46  Fit the crankshaft damper, locking plate and main

pulley and secure with bolts and spring washers.

Tighten the bolts to a torque of 41 Nm (30 lbf ft).

47  Assemble the exhaust manifold and, using new

gaskets, bolt the assembly to the cylinder heads. Use

the two tie plates between diagonally opposite bolts at

the number 2 and 5 cylinder positions and apply

Rocol J-166 to the bolt threads before fitting.

48  Mount the compressor, complete with drive gear,

on the rear of the backplate, use a new gasket at the

joint face and secure with three bolts, nuts and spring

washers. For engines without compressors the

banking plate should be fitted.

49  Connect the coolant pipework between the

crankcase and the compressor and the compressor

and the base of the thermostat housing. Fit the

compressor air filter and pipework.

50  Fit the oil filler assembly, complete with a new

gasket. Fit the dipstick assembly.

51  Secure the alternator mounting bracket and

alternator to the coolant pump outlet connection, fit

plain and spring washers to each bolt. Attach the

alternator to its adjusting strap but do not tighten. On

new engines the alternator mounting is an integral

part of the coolant pump cover.

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To inspect


Special tools:

Remover tool for cup plugs, 21825 855

Slide hammer, 21825 849

Replacer kit for cup plugs, 21825 865

Drive handle, 21825 861

Cutting tool, 21825 791

Cutter, 21825 792




Remove all blanking plugs and clean the crankcase

thoroughly giving special attention to oilways. Refit

the coolant plugs to the cylinder block, apply ‘Loctite

225’ to the threads and use new sealing washers

where necessary. Remove any suspect core plugs

using the core plug remover, 21825 855, and slide

hammer, 21825 849. To fit new core plugs use the

replacer kit, 21825 865, and drive handle, 21825 861.

Test the crankcase for cracks as follows: make,

locally, enough seals to close all of the coolant

apertures and fit them to the crankcase. Immerse the

crankcase in water which has been maintained at

60°C (140°F) for 20 minutes. Apply air pressure at

207 kN/m² (30 lbf/in²) and examine for leaks. If there

is a fault in the casting, contact the service

department at Perkins Engines Company Limited


Top face

Eroded bobbin recesses and fretting of the crankcase

top face may be rectified. Details of the relevant

service reclamation schemes may be obtained from

the Service Department at Perkins Engines Company

Limited, Shrewsbury. A range of service undersize

pistons is available for use when the top face of the

crankcase has been machined.

Liner recesses

Check each liner flange seat for fretting or cracks.

A cutting tool (A), 21825 791 and cutter 21825 792,

may be used to restore unsatisfactory seats or to

restore seat depths after the top face of the crankcase

has been machined.

Inspect the lower recesses for erosion and damage

around the sealing areas. Instructions for any

necessary repairs may be obtained from the Service

Department at Perkins Engines Company Limited,



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Cylinder liners



To remove and to fit


Special tools:

Remover/replacer tool, 21825 790

Cylinder liner clamp, 21825 844

To remove

1  Drain cooling and engine lubrication systems.

2  Remove the cylinder head/s, operation 12-4.



3  Remove the sump, operation 19-3, and remove the

pistons, operation 13-1.

4  Turn the engine to a vertical position with the flame

face uppermost.

5  Extract the cylinder liners using the special tool,

21825 790. Remove and discard the sealing rings.

6  Inspect the cylinder liners, operation 16-5.

Caution:  Ensure that the cylinder liners are not

damaged while they are out of the crankcase.

To fit

Before each cylinder liner is fitted, it is recommended

that ‘Loctite Ultra Copper Sealant’ (Loctite 5920) is

applied to the crankcase (A1) around the seats for the

cylinder liner flanges. ‘Linalube’ must be applied to

the sealing ring area at the lower end of the cylinder




Ensure that the cylinder liner seats are clean and

have been degreased.

1  Apply a thin smear of ‘Linalube’ to the sealing ring

area at the base of each cylinder bore. Ensure a

100% covering of that area. Repeat the procedure for

each cylinder.


2  Apply ‘Loctite 5920’ as a bead of 2-3 mm (  /  in)


diameter (A2). Ensure that the sealant is applied

evenly around the whole circumference. Do NOT

apply too much sealant. Repeat the procedure for

each cylinder.

Warning!  ‘Loctite Ultra Copper Sealant’ starts to

harden after 30 minutes.

3  Apply a light smear of ‘Linalube’ to the sealing rings

and fit them to the liner as shown (B). Ensure that the

white marks on the sealing rings are on the outside

and face towards the liner flange.

Caution:  An excessive quantity of ‘Linalube’ may

cause hydraulic locking during fitting of the liner.


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4  Liners may be pressed in by hand. If difficulties are

encountered it is advisable to withdraw the liner and

check that the rings are correctly fitted and that an

excessive amount of ‘Linalube’ has not been applied.

As each cylinder liner is fitted, fit a cylinder liner

clamp, 21825 844, to retain it securely.

Do NOT use mineral oil on the crankcase and sealing

rings if ‘Linalube’ is not available. Tight liners may be

pressed in using the remover/replacer tool, 21825

790 (A).

5  After the cylinder liners have been fitted, check the

bores (B) for ovality and taper. The maximum

acceptable limit for both taper and ovality is 0,05 mm

(0.002 in). The lower bore dimension should not be

less than 130,14 mm (5.124 in).



6  Remove the clamps and fit the pistons, operation


7  Fit the cylinder heads, operation 12-4.

8  Fit and the sump, operation 19-3. Fill the coolant

and lubrication systems to the correct levels.

To clean and to inspect


Ensure that the seals have been removed. Soak the

liners in a carbon solvent, such as Ardrox 667 or

Maxan 776. See Warnings and instructions on how to

use these solvents on page 16.

Check for cracks in each cylinder liner by use of the

electro-magnetic method if possible. Inspect the top

flange for fretting and the coolant areas for erosion

and pitting. Special attention should be given to the

area of the sealing ring grooves. Unserviceable

cylinder liners must be renewed.

Silicon carbide liners are fitted and they MUST NOT


Cylinder liners with a thicker flange are available to

enable correct liner protrusion to be established after

restoration work. These liners are identified by a

groove machined around the top flange. Cylinder

liners with thicker flanges are available in two sizes:

+0,05 mm (+0.002 in) and +0,127 mm (+0.005 in).



When a new liner is fitted, etch its cylinder position

number on the liner top face on satisfactory

completion of the protrusion check given on page 83.


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Cam followers

To fit

1  Ensure that the joint faces on the cover plate and

crankcase are clean.

To remove and to fit


2  Lightly smear the cam followers with clean engine

oil and fit them to the correct positions in the


To remove

1  If a compressor is fitted to the engine, drain the

coolant system to below the level of the coolant inlet

pipe of the compressor.

2  Remove the rocker covers and the rocker

assemblies, operation 12-1 and operation 12-2.

Withdraw the push rods and store them in the correct

sequence to ensure that they can be refitted to their

original positions.

3  Fit the baffle and cover plate, complete with new


4  Fit the breather pipe to the cover and tighten the


5  Fit the oil feed pipe, the coolant pipes and the air

supply pipe to the compressor.

6  Fit the push rods to the relevant cam followers. Fit

the rocker assembly, operation 12-2, and adjust the

tappets, operation 12-3.

3  Where fitted, disconnect and remove the oil feed

and coolant pipes from the compressor, and remove

the compressor air supply pipe.

7  Fit the rocker covers, operation 12-1.

8  If the coolant system was drained, fill to the correct

4  Slacken the hose clip and remove the breather pipe

level with the approved coolant mixture.

from the cam follower cover.

5  Remove the cam follower cover and withdraw the

baffle. Discard the joints.

6  Lift out the cam followers. Keep the cam followers

in the correct sequence to ensure that they can be

refitted to their original positions.

Inspect the cam followers for wear and scuffing, and

check each one in its respective bore. If the cam

follower is otherwise serviceable, slight damage may

be removed by the use of a smooth oilstone.

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To remove and to fit - bolt-on type


To remove

1  Remove the cam followers, operation 16-6.

2  Remove the alternator, operation 23-2.

3  Remove the coolant pump, operation 21-5.

4  Remove the crankshaft pulley assembly, operation

14-1 or operation 14-2, and the wheelcase, operation






5  Turn the engine until No.1 piston is at TDC with the

relevant mark on the flywheel aligned with the timing

pointer in the flywheel housing. The timing marks on

the camshaft and crankshaft gears should now be

facing the idler gear axle as shown (A), and the mark

on the front end of the crankshaft at the 12 o’clock


6  Remove the five bolts from the drive gear and

withdraw the gear.

7  Unscrew and remove the thrust plate.

8  Carefully withdraw the camshaft.

To fit

1  Lightly smear the journals and bearing surfaces



with clean engine oil and carefully insert the camshaft.

7  Fit the wheelcase, operation 15-1.

2  Ensure that the thrust plate bolts and their

respective holes in the crankcase are clean and free

from grease. Fit the thrust plate. Apply ‘Loctite 242’ to

the threads of the bolts, fit the bolts and tighten each

bolt to a torque of 54 Nm (40 lbf ft).

3  Fit and secure the camshaft gear (A3) to the

camshaft with the timing mark aligned with the

corresponding marks on the idler gear (A1). Fit the

locking plate, if one was previously fitted, fit the

retaining bolts, tighten them to a torque of 61 Nm (45

lbf ft) and bend up the tabs on the locking plate.

Check the end float as shown (B). Limits for end float

are 0,152 to 0,405 mm (0.006 to 0.016 in).

8  Fit the crankshaft pulley assembly, operation 14-1

or operation 14-2.

9  Fit the coolant pump, operation 21-5.

10  Fit the alternator, operation 23-2.

11  Fit the cam followers, operation 16-6.

4  If the end float exceeds the limits it must be

corrected by fitting a new thrust plate or drive gear.

5  When the end float is correct, check that the gear

retaining screws are tightened to the correct torque

figure, 61 Nm (45 lbf ft).

6  Ensure that the timing marks on the idler gear (A1),

crankshaft gear (A2) and camshaft gear (A3) are

correctly aligned. Check the backlash between the

idler gear and the camshaft gear, and also between

the idler gear and the crankshaft gear. Refer to Fits

and clearances on page 77.


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To remove and to fit - integral type


To remove

1  Remove the cam followers, operation 16-6.

2  Remove the alternator, operation 23-2.

3  Remove the coolant pump, operation 21-5.

4  Remove the crankshaft pulley assembly, operation

14-1 or operation 14-2, and the wheelcase, operation




5  Remove the idler gear.

6  Rotate the camshaft gear until the capscrews which

retain the thrust plate can be seen through the access

holes in the gear.


7  Remove the thrust plate capscrews.

8  Carefully withdraw the camshaft.

To fit

1  Turn the engine until the number 1 piston is at TDC

with the mark on the end of the crankshaft at the top


2  Lightly smear the camshaft journals and bearing

surfaces with clean engine oil and carefully insert the

camshaft into the crankcase.





3  Rotate the camshaft gear until the capscrews which

retain the thrust plate can be fitted through the access

holes in the gear. Ensure that the capscrews and their

respective holes in the crankcase are clean and free

from grease. Apply ‘Loctite 242’ to the threads of the

capscrews, fit the capscrews and tighten each to a

torque of 54 Nm (40 lbf ft).

4  Check the camshaft end float as shown (A).

Limits for end float are 0,152 to 0,405 mm (0.006 to

0.016 in). If the end float exceeds the limits it must

be corrected by fitting a new thrust plate or drive


5  Fit the idler gear.

6  Ensure that the timing marks on the idler gear (BI),

the crankshaft gear (B2) and the camshaft gear (B3)

are correctly aligned.

7  Check the backlash between the idler gear and the

camshaft gear, and also between the idler gear and

the crankshaft gear. Refer to Fits and clearances on

page 77.

8  Fit the wheelcase, operation 15-1.

9  Fit the crankshaft pulley assembly, operation 14-1

or operation 14-2.

10  Fit the coolant pump, operation 21-5.

11  Fit the alternator, operation 23-2.

12  Fit the cam followers, operation 16-6.

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To inspect


1  After the camshaft has been removed from the

crankcase, clean thoroughly and check for cracks.

The electro-magnetic method is recommended. If this

method is not available, use the dye penetrant


2  Check the cams and journals for wear or damage.

Small marks can be removed by the use of a smooth

oilstone. Ensure that the shape of each cam is not


3  Check the thrust plates for wear or damage and

renew them if necessary.

4  Where necessary, check the camshaft bush in the

crankcase for wear or damage and renew if

necessary. New camshaft bushes are a tight fit in the


5  With the camshaft fitted in the crankcase, check the

end float as given in operation 16-7 or operation 16-8.

If the end float exceeds the limits it must be corrected

by fitting a new thrust plate or drive gear.

6  Check the backlash between the idler gear and the

camshaft gear, and also between the idler gear and

the crankshaft gear. Backlash dimensions are given

on page 77.


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Fits and clearances










Cylinder liners in the cylinder block

Liner flange bore in cylinder block (A2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 155,067 to 155,143 mm (6.105 to 6.108 in)

Outside diameter of cylinder liner flange . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 154,788 to 154,838 mm (6.094 to 6.096 in)

Clearance (new)  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  0,229 to 0,355 mm (0.009 to 0.014 in)

Depth of counterbore in the cylinder block (nominal) (A1)  . . . . . . 12,588 to 12,591 mm (0.4956 to 0.4957 in)

Depth of the flange of the cylinder liner (nominal). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12,675 to 12,700 mm (0.500 to 0.499 in)

Protrusion of the cylinder liner above the flame face of the crankcase . 0,076 to 0,127 mm (0.003 to 0.005 in)

Caution:  Cylinder liners must be selected carefully to obtain the correct protrusion dimensions.

Cylinder liners when not fitted to the cylinder block

Bore of cylinder liner (A3) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  130,175 to 130,2005 mm (5.125 to 5.126 in)

Permissible worn dimension . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  130,480 mm (5.137 in)

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End float of camshaft

Clearance (new). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0,152 to 0,40 mm (0.006 to 0.016 in)

Permissible worn clearance. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0,51 mm (0.020 in)

Camshaft bearings

Bore in cylinder block (A6). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66,027 to 66,053 mm (2.5995 to 2.6005 in)

Diameter of camshaft journals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65,875 to 65,900 mm (2.5935 to 2.5945 in)

Clearance. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0,127 to 0,177 mm (0.005 to 0.007 in)

Permissible worn clearance. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0,254 mm (0.010 in)

Shell-type camshaft bearing

Note:  A bearing is only fitted to the front position on non-generator set industrial engines.

Bore in cylinder block (A6). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70,091 to 70,117 mm (2.7595 to 2.7605 in)

Bore of shell-type bearing when installed in crankcase (A7) . . . . 65,9765 to 66,040 mm (2.5975 to 2.6000 in)

Main bearing housing in crankcase

Bore of bearing housing (A5). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104,140 to 104,165 mm (4.100 to 4.101 in)

Bearing caps in crankcase

Width in crankcase for bearing cap (A4) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 168,275 to 168,300 mm (6.625 to 6.626 in)

Width of bearing cap . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 168,283 to 168,295 mm (6.6253 to 6.6258 in)

Fit (new). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0,018 mm (0.0007 in) clearance to 0,020 mm (0.0008 in) interference


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Engine timing


Valve timing


To check


Caution:  This operation requires a high degree of

accuracy to avoid a false reading.

1  Remove the timing pointer cover from the flywheel


2  Remove the rocker covers and joints.

3  Turn the engine forward (clockwise viewed from the

front) until the valves of No. 6 cylinder are ‘rocking’

(i.e., inlet valve just opening and exhaust valve just






4  Adjust the clearance of the No. 1 cylinder inlet valve

to 0,89 mm (0.035 in).

5  Continue turning the engine forward until a 0,13 mm

(0.005 in) feeler gauge is just nipped between the

No. 1 inlet valve rocker arm and its valve stem. The

inlet valve opening mark ‘V1’ on the flywheel should

now be aligned with the flywheel housing timing


6  If satisfactory, return the engine to the No. 6

cylinder valves ‘rocking’ position. If not, check the

timing gear marks (A).

On completion, proceed as follows:

1  Reset No. 1 cylinder inlet valve clearance to

0,25 mm (0.010 in) and fit the timing pointer cover.

2  Remove the joints from the rocker covers and

clean the corresponding faces of the covers and

cylinder head. Fit new joints to the rocker covers,

ensuring that they are correctly located within the

slots in each cover, and fit the covers. Secure each

cover with the three cap nuts and check that the

joints have not moved. Tighten the cap nuts evenly

to a torque of 11 Nm (8 lbf ft). Do NOT over tighten.

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Fuel injection pump timing

To check and to adjust


1  The injection timing position is stamped on the

engine data plate.


2  Secure the stop lever in the NO FUEL position and

remove the front rocker cover.

3  Turn the engine in the normal direction of rotation

(anti-clockwise viewed on flywheel) until No. 1 inlet

valve closes. Remove the timing pointer cover (A1)

from the side of the flywheel housing.

Note:  The position of the timing pointer on the

flywheel housing depends on the type and age of the

engine. For new engines the timing pointer is at the 10

o’clock position when viewed from the rear of the










4  Continue turning the engine until the figure on the

flywheel, corresponding to that stamped on the

engine data plate, aligns with the timing pointer in the

flywheel housing aperture.

5  Remove the cap nut from the fuel injection pump

and withdraw the timing pointer location device (B1).

Ensure that the timing pointer (C1) is now visible

through the aperture.


6  Invert the location device and refit it to its original

position with the location slot horizontal. If the timing

is correct the location device (D1) will enter fully.





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7  If the location device does not enter fully the timing

is incorrect and the access cover (A1) must be

removed from the front of the engine.

8  Slacken the four gear retaining bolts (B) and turn

the pump camshaft, with a 30 mm spanner, until the

location device enters fully under light pressure.

9  Tighten the gear retaining bolts to a torque of 45 Nm

(33 lbf ft) and withdraw the location device.

10  Turn the engine backwards a minimum of 60

degrees and repeat paragraphs 4, 5 and 6.

11  If timing is still incorrect repeat paragraphs 4 to 9


12  Proceed as follows when the timing is correct.

13  Fit the front access cover plate.

14  Withdraw the location device (C1), invert it and

refit it as shown (C). The pointer location slot MUST

face outwards. Fit the cap nut.

15  Fit the rocker cover, release the engine stop lever

and fit the timing pointer cover plate to the flywheel











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Aspiration system


General description

The induction system of the engine is supplied with air    Aspiration system maintenance

under pressure by means of a turbocharger driven by

the energy of the waste exhaust gases. The part

number of the turbocharger can be found on the

turbocharger data plate. Early engines are fitted with

one of these: OE49342, OE51140 or OE51430. New

2000 series engines are fitted with OE52534 or

OE52535. TTAG engines are fitted with two

turbochargers: OE50642 and OE50674.

The following points should receive particular


1  Service the air cleaner in accordance with the

Perkins recommendations given in section 4 of the

User’s Handbook, TSD3215, or in the equipment

manufacturer’s manual.

2  At frequent intervals inspect the induction and

exhaust systems for leakage and deterioration of

hose connections. If the systems are disturbed they

must be reassembled carefully to ensure perfect

joints and to prevent cracking of manifolds due to

uneven tightening.

3  During servicing, take special care to prevent dirt

and loose articles from entering the induction and

exhaust systems where they could damage the

compressor or turbine wheels of the turbocharger.

4  The exhaust manifolds are made from a special

alloy to protect the turbocharger turbine wheel from

damage by loosened scale. Manifold components

designed for non-turbocharged engines are not

suitable for use in conjunction with a turbocharger.

5  At frequent intervals check that the turbocharger oil

feed and drain pipes are undamaged. Restriction of

oil flow may result in turbocharger bearing failure.

Check the bore of the drain pipe at oil change


6  Use an approved lubricating oil of the correct grade

and specification and maintain the engine lubrication

system in accordance with the User’s Handbook,


7  Make periodic checks to ensure that the exhaust

system is unrestricted (for example: by choked

silencer or damaged exhaust pipe). Overheating and

loss of performance will occur if the exhaust back-

pressure exceeds 51 mm (2 in) Hg under full load.

Turbochargers OE51430 and OE52535 are each

fitted with a waste-gate.

The exhaust manifolds direct the exhaust gases to the

turbine wheel of the turbocharger rotor, causing the

rotor to spin. The turbocharger compressor impeller,

which forms part of the rotor assembly, draws air in

through the air cleaner and delivers it to the induction

manifold, under pressure, to be distributed to each

cylinder as the inlet valves open. A waste-gate, fitted

to certain turbochargers, monitors the boost delivery

pressure in the turbocharger compressor and, once

this reaches a pre-set figure, opens and allows the

excess pressure to escape.

TWG engines are fitted with an air-to-coolant charge

cooler, interposed between the turbocharger and the

induction manifold. This serves to lower the

temperature of the compressed induction charge

before it passes into the engine. The charge cooler is

supplied by coolant from the engine. The coolant

flows through a matrix of tubes within the charge

cooler before recirculating through the engine coolant


All TA, TAG, and TTAG engines are fitted with an air-

to-air charge cooler, an intercooler. It is mounted at

the front face of the coolant radiator. The

turbocharger compressor directs air through the

intercooler before it passes through large bore

pipework into the induction manifold.

8  If investigation of an engine fault involves checking

the turbocharger, remove the trunking and spin the

rotor assembly by hand. Check for freedom to rotate

and listen for noises indicating binding or rubbing. If

necessary, remove the turbocharger for cleaning and

bearing checks, as described later.


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9  Certain turbochargers are fitted with a waste-gate.

The operation of the waste-gate must be checked at

the intervals specified in the service schedule given in

the User’s Handbook, TSD3215.

Caution:  If a new turbocharger is fitted or if a

turbocharger has been removed and refitted to an

engine, it must be primed with clean engine oil of the

correct specification before the engine is first started.

Refer to operation 18-1.


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To fit

1  Clean the exhaust manifold and turbocharger

mating faces, position the turbocharger on the

exhaust manifold and secure with nuts and plain


2  Fit the oil supply and drain pipes. Tighten the two

bolts which retain the oil inlet flange to a torque of

20 Nm (15 lbf ft). Connect the air duct. Where ‘V’

band clamps are used, they should be tightened to

a torque of 8 Nm (6 lbf ft).


The turbocharger is a turbine driven compressor

which utilises the energy of the exhaust gases to

increase the mass of the induction charge.

The unit is secured to the exhaust manifold assembly

and consists of a bearing housing which contains the

rotor assembly and bearings and to which is secured

the turbine and compressor housings.

3  Prime the turbocharger bearing housing as follows:

The rotor bearings are of the fully floating sleeve type.

Lateral location of the rotor and control of end float is

achieved by use of a shaft-mounted thrust ring

assembly and a thrust bearing plate. Filtered oil from

the engine is delivered under pressure to the

turbocharger to provide bearing lubrication.

Clean the area around the blanking plug fitted to the

inlet flange of the oil supply pipe. Remove the plug

and add 0,2 litres of clean engine oil, of the correct

grade, to the bearing housing. Fit and tighten the

blanking plug.

Caution:  The turbocharger/s MUST be primed with

Drillings in the bearing housing direct oil to the

bearings and the thrust bearing. The rotor assembly

is sealed at each end by split ring type seals.

clean engine oil before the engine is first started.

If the turbocharger is correctly used and maintained

the life expectancy between overhauls may be

regarded as equal to that of an engine. In the event of

a turbocharger failure the cause must be found and

rectified before a replacement is fitted. It is also

necessary to check that the failure has not caused, or

may eventually cause, any further internal damage to

the engine.

How to check the waste-gate


1  Apply air pressure up to a maximum of 207 kN/m²

(30 lbf/in²) and feel for movement of the end of the

control rod. This should be about 1,15 mm (0.045 in).

2  If the rod fails to move, disconnect the rod from its

lever and try to move the lever by hand. If the lever is

stiff, that part of the turbocharger must be dismantled

and cleaned.

3  With the rod still disconnected, test the assembly

again with air pressure upto 207 kN/m² (30 lbf/in²). If

the rod fails to move, the diaphragm and rod

assembly must be renewed.

Reconditioned turbochargers are available from

Perkins distributors. Service kits, which include all of

the new parts required for turbocharger overhaul, are

also available from Perkins distributors.

To remove and to fit


To remove

1  Remove the turbocharger air ducts and the oil feed

and drain pipes. Do NOT damage or bend the pipes.

2  Support the turbocharger, unscrew the four

securing nuts and remove the unit.

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Turbochargers: OE49342, OE50642,

OE51140, and OE51430

To dismantle and to assemble


To dismantle

These turbochargers are very similar in both design

and operation.

Refer to the exploded view (A) for itemised parts.

1  Use a scriber to mark the relative positions of the

turbine housing (A23), the bearing housing (A19) and

the compressor housing (A1). This will ensure correct

alignment during reassembly.

Whilst OE49342 is illustrated (A), OE51140 and

OE50642 differ from OE49342 in only minor details.

Turbocharger OE51430 is the same as OE51140

except it is fitted with a waste-gate. The operations

which follow apply to these three types of


2  Clamp the unit on the turbine inlet flange in a vice

in an upright position.

3  Remove the bolts (A4) and the clamping plates (A2)

Oil pressure with the engine on load must be between

2,0 kgf/cm² (30 lbf/in²) and 4,0 kgf/cm² (60 lbf/in²).

Under idling conditions pressure should not fall below

0,7 kgf/cm² (10 lbf/in²).

and lift off the compressor housing.

Caution:  Compressor wheel blades can be easily

damaged with compressor housing removed.

4  Bend back the tabs on the locking plates (A25) and

remove the bolts (A24) and clamping plates (A26)

from the turbine housing (A23). Lift the core assembly

away from the turbine housing.

Caution:  Turbine blades can be easily damaged

with the turbine housing removed.

































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5  Use a scriber to mark the relative position of the

compressor impeller (A6) to the turbine shaft (A21).

Hold the turbine wheel in a suitable fixture and

remove the compressor lock nut (A5).

8  When fully assembled, check by hand that the rotor

spins freely.

9  The following specific torques must be applied

during assembly:

Note:  Left hand thread. Do NOT bend the shaft.

Bolts (A4)

- 8,5 Nm (75 lbf in)

- 20,3 Nm (180 lbf in)

- 14 Nm (124 lbf in)

- 4,5 Nm (40 lbf in)

6  Slide the compressor impeller (A6) off the shaft.

Bolts (A24)

Lock nut (A5)

Screws (A14)

7  Ease out the retaining ring (A7), using a small

screwdriver, and remove the oil seal plate (A8) from

the bearing housing (A19). Remove the ‘O’ ring seal

(A9) from the bearing housing and push out the oil

slinger (A11) from the oil seal plate.

10  Bend over the tabs of the locking plates on the

turbine and compressor housings.

8  Lift out the oil baffle (A12).

9  Remove the three flat head cap screws (A14) and

withdraw the thrust bearing (A15) and thrust collar


10  Remove the shaft assembly (A21) together with

the seal (A22) and remove the heat shield (A20).

11  Remove the outer retaining rings (A17), withdraw

the bearings (A18), and remove the inner retaining

rings (A17).

To assemble

Assembling of the unit is the reversal of the

dismantling procedure after the inspection process

has been completed.

The following points must be observed if a

satisfactory rebuild is to be achieved:

1  Ensure that the parts which have been marked for

alignment purposes are fitted correctly.

2  Bevelled faces of the retaining rings (A17) must be

assembled towards the bearings (A18).

3  Lightly smear all parts with a film of clean engine oil

prior to fitting.

4  Do not force seals (split ring) into bores as they may

fracture and cause binding.

5  Take care not to trap or damage the ‘O’ ring seal

(A9) when assembling the plate (A8) to the bearing

housing (A19).

6  Mount a dial test indicator gauge at the end of the

shaft and check the end float of the shaft between the

extreme positions.

Total travel should be between 0,10 mm to 0,16 mm

(0.004 to 0.006 in).

7  Mount the dial test indicator gauge on the

compressor impeller boss and check the extreme

radial travel by pushing the impeller towards and

away from, in turn, the dial test indicator.

Total travel should be between 0,46 mm and 0,30 mm

(0.018 to 0.012 in).

Note:  Readings outside the acceptable travel limits

in paragraphs 6 or 7 will indicate that a complete

overhaul is necessary or that a service replacement is


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To clean and to inspect


To clean

1  Use a commercially approved non-caustic cleaning

solution to soak parts until all deposits have been


2  Clean all aluminium parts with a bristle type brush

or plastic scraper.  Vapour blast may be used except

on the shaft and bearing surfaces.

3  Blow compressed air through all drilled

passageways and ensure that the surfaces adjacent

to the turbine and compressor wheels are clean,

smooth and free from deposits.

To inspect

1  Inspect the shaft bearing journals and the walls of

the seal grooves for wear and excessive scratches.  

Minor scratches may be tolerated.

2  Check the turbine and compressor wheels for

cracked or damaged blades but do NOT attempt to

straighten blades.

3  Check the thrust bearing surfaces for wear or

damage.  Minor scratches are acceptable.  Ensure

that the feed grooves in the thrust bearing are clean.

4  Replace the bearings if excessively scratched or


5  Replace the bearing housing if the bearing or seal

bores are severely scratched or worn.

6  Have the balance of the rotor assembly checked at

an establishment which has the relevant specia, l

equipment and knowledge.

7  Replace the ‘O’ ring seal (A9).

8  Check the turbine housing for signs of rubbing,

flaking and overheating.  Slight damage is acceptable

but otherwise the housing should be replaced.

9  Check the compressor housing for damage due to

contact with the rotor.  Slight damage is acceptable

but otherwise the housing should be replaced.


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Caution:  Turbine blades can be easily damaged

with the turbine housing removed.

Turbocharger: OE50674

6  Locate the turbine wheel in a 29 mm socket

clamped in a vice or a suitable fixture. Use a scriber

to mark the relative position of the compressor

impeller (A4) to the turbine shaft (A22). Remove the

compressor wheel lock nut (A3).

To dismantle and to assemble


To dismantle

1  Use a scriber to mark the relative positions of the

turbine housing (A23), the bearing housing (A12), the

compressor housing and the ‘V’ band clamp (A2).

This will ensure correct alignment during reassembly.

Note:  Left hand thread. Do NOT bend the shaft.

7  Slide the compressor impeller (A4) from the shaft.

8  Remove the assembly from the socket and

carefully withdraw the turbine shaft and wheel (A22)

from the bearing housing (A12).

2  Clamp the unit on the turbine inlet flange in a vice

in an upright position.

3  Slacken the ‘V’ band clamp and carefully remove

9  Carefully remove the piston ring type seal (A9) from

the compressor housing.

the shaft.

Caution:  Compressor wheel blades can be easily

10  Remove the heat shield (A9).

damaged with the compressor housing removed.

11  Secure the bearing housing, with the diffuser (A5)

4  Bend back the tabs on the clamping plates (A15).

Remove and discard the bolts (A16) and clamping


5  Check that the bearing housing and turbine

assembly rotates freely in the turbine housing. If not,

tap the turbine housing (A23) lightly with a copper

hammer. Do NOT hit the turbine wheel to aid removal.

Remove the assembly from the turbine housing


uppermost, in a vice fitted with soft jaws.

12  Remove the four diffuser screws and washers. If

the screws are tight, use a penetrating oil to help

loosen them. Discard the screws. Carefully remove

the diffuser.

13  Remove the oil slinger (A7) from the diffuser.

Remove and discard the piston ring type seal (A6)

from the oil slinger.



























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14  Remove and discard the oil baffle (A17).

15  Remove the shim (A19).

16  Remove the thrust bearing (A20) and the thrust



collar (A21).

17  Remove and discard the ‘O’ ring seal (A18).

18  Use circlip pliers to remove the two circlips (A14)

and the journal bearing (A13) from the compressor

side of the assembly. Discard the circlips and the

journal bearing.

19  Turn the bearing housing over. Remove and

discard the two circlips (A11) and the journal bearing




To assemble

10  Fit a new shim. It must be fitted with the letter ‘T’

Before assembly, ensure that the compressor wheel

and the turbine shaft/wheel have both been

individually balanced by an establishment having the

relevant special equipment and knowledge. The two

parts must then be assembled and balanced. During

balancing, the alignment marks on the end of the

shaft and the compressor wheel MUST be aligned.

facing away from the thrust bearing.

11  Fit the oil baffle into the housing.

12  Fit a new piston ring to the oil slinger. Apply a light

coat of engine oil to the slinger and insert it into the oil

seal plate.

13  Lubricate and install the ‘O’ ring seal.

1  Place the turbine housing on a flat bench with the      14  Align the balance marks on the oil slinger with that

turbine end uppermost. Fit the circlip with its bevelled

edge facing upwards.

on the end of the shaft and fit the diffuser onto the

bearing housing.

Caution:  Circlips (A1) must always be fitted with the     15  Fit four new diffuser bolts and washers. Tighten

bevelled edge facing the journal bearing.

the diffuser bolts in a diagonal pattern to a torque of

24,9 Nm (220 lbf in).

2  Lubricate the journal bearing and fit it into the

bearing housing. Fit the second circlip with its

bevelled edge facing the bearing.

Caution:  Tighten the bolts to the correct torque twice

to ensure that all four are tightened equally.

3  Turn the turbine housing over and repeat the

16  Align the balance marks and fit the compressor

wheel onto the shaft. Fit the compressor wheel lock

nut (left-hand thread). Ensure that the nut is fitted

with its flat side towards the compressor wheel.

Tighten to a torque of 45,2 Nm (400 lbf in).

17  Secure the turbine housing in a vice or suitable

fixture. Fit the bearing housing assembly to the

turbine housing. Fit four new clamp plates, align the

scribe marks, fit eight new bolts and tighten to a

torque of 45,2 Nm (400 lbf in).

18  Position a dial test indicator so that its plunger is

resting on the end of the shaft. Check the end float of

the shaft between the extreme positions.

Total travel should be between 0,051 mm to 0,125 mm

(0.002 to 0.0049 in).

procedure with the other journal bearing and circlips.

4  Fit the heat shield.

5  Fit a new piston ring seal to the turbine shaft.

6  Use clean engine oil to lubricate the turbine shaft,

then enter the shaft into the bearing housing. Adjust

the piston ring seal so that the gap is opposite to the

oil drain in the bearing housing.

Caution:  Gently press down on the turbine wheel

and rotate it slightly to assist with properly locating the

piston ring seal.

7  Support the assembly in a suitable fixture and use

pliers to pull out the two roll pins by approximately

3mm (0.100 in).

Caution:  Do not use excessive force with the pliers

as the roll pins may collapse. if the roll pins collapse

they must be renewed.

19  Mount the dial test indicator gauge with its plunger

resting on the side of the shaft above the compressor

wheel and check the extreme radial travel by pushing

the impeller towards and away from, in turn, the dial

test indicator.

8  Fit the thrust collar. Ensure that the balance mark

on the thrust collar is aligned with that on the shaft.

9  Apply a light coat of engine oil to the thrust bearing

Total travel should be between 0,485 mm and

0,746 mm (0.0191 to 0.0294 in).

and fit it to the bearing housing.



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4  Inspect the journals of the turbine shaft for

excessive scratches and wear. Minor scratches are

acceptable. The minimum diameter of the turbine

shaft journals is 15,961 mm (0.628 in).

Note:  Readings beyond the acceptable limits in

paragraphs 18 or 19 will indicate that a complete

overhaul is necessary or that a service replacement is


5  Check the thrust bearing surfaces for wear or

damage. Minor scratches are acceptable. Ensure that

the feed grooves in the thrust bearing are clean.

Replace the bearings if excessively scratched or


6  Renew the bearing housing (A12) if the bearing

or seal bores are severely scratched or worn.

Ensure that the tapped holes are clean. The bore of

the bearing housing must not exceed 28,023 mm

(1.103 in).

20  Loosely fit the ‘V’ band clamp and fit the

compressor housing.

21  Align the scribe marks and tighten the ‘V’ band

clamp to a torque of 8,5 Nm (75 lbf in) and bend up

the tabs of the lock plate.

To clean and to inspect


To clean

7  Check the profile in the turbine housing for damage

caused by possible contact with the rotor. Inspect the

outer and inner walls for cracks or flaking caused by

overheating, also check the mounting flanges for

signs of distortion.

8  Check the compressor housing for damage caused

by possible contact with the rotor. Slight damage is

acceptable but otherwise the housing should be

replaced. Check the condition of the ‘V’ band groove.

9  Inspect the oil slinger (A7). Ensure that the walls

of the seal grooves are not scored or damaged.

Also check for signs of rubbing on the flat surfaces.

The groove width in the oil slinger must not exceed

1,664 mm (0.0665 in).

1  Use a commercially approved non-caustic cleaning

solution to soak parts until all deposits have been

loosened. Bead blasting may be used on the turbine

housing, but only if chemicals do not clean


Caution:  Do NOT use bead blasting on any other

turbocharger components.

2  Clean all aluminium parts with a bristle type brush

or plastic scraper. Vapour blast may be used except

on the shaft and bearing surfaces.

Caution:  Do NOT use a wire brush or metal scraper

on any turbocharger component.

3  Blow compressed air through all drilled

passageways and ensure that the surfaces adjacent

to the turbine and compressor wheels are clean,

smooth and free from deposits.

In the event of carbon build-up, it may be necessary

to carefully blast the piston ring groove area of the

turbine wheel using low-grade shot medium.

10  Inspect the seal bore of the diffuser (A5), renew if

scored or damaged.

11  Inspect the heat shield (A9), renew if there are

signs of distortion, rubbing or cracks.

Caution:  Shot blasting specific areas for long

periods may effect the balance of the component.

To inspect

Refer to the illustration (A) on page 109.

1  Inspect the shaft bearing journals and the walls of

the seal grooves for wear and excessive scratches.

Minor scratches may be tolerated.

2  Check the turbine and compressor wheels for

cracked or damaged blades but do NOT attempt to

straighten blades.

3  Place the turbine shaft (A22) on a vee block with a

dial test indicator positioned at the opposite end to the

turbine wheel. Rotate the turbine wheel and check the

reading on the dial gauge. The total variation must not

exceed 0,025 mm (0.001 in).

Caution:  Do NOT attempt to straighten a distorted

turbine shaft.

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Turbochargers: OE52534 and OE52535

6  Bend back the tabs on the clamping plates (A25)

and remove the bolts (A24) and clamping plates from

the turbine housing (A26). Lift the bearing housing

assembly away from the turbine housing.

To dismantle and to assemble


Caution:  Turbine blades can be easily damaged

with the turbine housing removed.

To dismantle

7  Locate the turbine wheel in a 19 mm socket

clamped in a vice or a suitable fixture. Use a scriber

to mark the relative position of the compressor

impeller (7) to the turbine shaft (23). Remove the

compressor wheel lock nut (A6).

1  Use a scriber to mark the relative positions of the

turbine housing (A26), the bearing housing (A18) and

the compressor housing (A3). This will ensure correct

alignment during reassembly.

2  Clamp the unit on the turbine inlet flange in a vice

Note:  Left hand thread. Do NOT bend the shaft.

in an upright position.

3  Remove, if fitted, the retaining ring (A1) and baffle     8  Slide the compressor impeller (A7) from the shaft.

plate (A2).

9  Remove the assembly from the socket and

carefully withdraw the turbine shaft and wheel (A23)

from the bearing housing assembly.

4  Remove, if fitted, the two nuts which retain the

cylinder of the waste-gate assembly. Make a note of

the position of the nuts for correct reassembly.

5  Remove the eight bolts and the clamping plates

(A5) and lift off the compressor housing. If fitted,

remove the ‘O’ ring seal (A4).

10  Carefully remove the two piston ring type seals

(A22) from the shaft.

11  Remove the heat shield (A21).

12  Using circlip pliers, remove the insert retaining

Caution:  Compressor wheel blades can be easily

ring (A8).

damaged with the compressor housing removed.































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13  Use two flat screwdrivers to gently remove the oil

seal plate (A9).

14  Remove the oil slinger (A12) and and remove and



discard its piston ring seal (A11).

15  Remove and discard the ‘O’ ring seal (A10).

16  Remove the oil baffle (A13).

17  Remove the thrust bearing (A14) and the thrust

collar (A15).

18  Remove and discard the two circlips (A16) and

withdraw the journal bearing (A17).

19  Turn the bearing housing over. Remove and

discard the two circlips (A19) and withdraw the journal

bearing (A20).



10  Fit the oil baffle into the housing.

To assemble

11  Fit a new piston ring to the oil slinger and insert it

Before assembly, ensure that the compressor wheel

and the turbine shaft/wheel have both been

into the oil seal plate.

individually balanced by an establishment having the

relevant special equipment and knowledge. The two

parts must then be assembled and balanced. During

balancing, the alignment marks on the end of the

shaft and the compressor wheel MUST be aligned.

12  Fit the oil seal plate into the bearing housing.

Ensure that the balance marks on the oil slinger are

aligned with those on the end of the shaft. Gently tap

the oil seal plate with a soft-faced hammer to seat it


1  Place the turbine housing on a flat bench with the      13  Use circlip pliers to fit the circlip.

turbine end uppermost. Fit the circlip with its bevelled

edge facing upwards.

14  Align the balance marks and fit the compressor

wheel onto the shaft. Fit the compressor wheel lock

Caution:  Circlips (A1) must always be fitted with the     nut (left-hand thread). Tighten to a torque of 17 Nm

bevelled edge facing the journal bearing.

(150 lbf in).

15  Secure the turbine housing in a vice or suitable

fixture. Fit the bearing housing assembly to the

turbine housing. Fit the three clamp plates, align

the scribe marks and tighten the six bolts to a

torque of 20 Nm (180 lbf in).

16  Position a dial test indicator so that its plunger is

resting on the end of the shaft. Check the end float of

the shaft between the extreme positions.

2  Lubricate the journal bearing and fit it into the

bearing housing. Fit the second circlip with its

bevelled edge facing the bearing.

3  Turn the turbine housing over and repeat the

procedure with the other journal bearing and circlips.

4  Fit the heat shield.

5  Fit new piston ring seals (A22) to the turbine shaft.

Fit them with their gaps 180 degrees apart as shown

in the illustration (A) on page 112.

Total travel should be between 0,038 mm to 0,093 mm

(0.0015 to 0.0037 in).

6  Lubricate the turbine shaft and fit it into the bearing

17  Mount the dial test indicator gauge with its plunger

resting on the side of the shaft above the compressor

wheel and check the extreme radial travel by pushing

the impeller towards and away from, in turn, the dial

test indicator.

Total travel should be between 0,394 mm and

0,635 mm (0.0155 to 0.0250 in).


Caution:  The piston ring seals MUST be fitted with

their gaps 180 degrees apart. Gently press down on

the turbine wheel and rotate it slightly to assist with

properly locating the piston ring seals.

7  Support the assembly in a suitable fixture and fit the

thrust collar. Ensure that the balance mark on the

thrust collar is aligned with that on the shaft.

Note:  Readings outside the acceptable travel limits

in paragraphs 16 or 17 will indicate that a complete

overhaul is necessary or that a service replacement is


8  Apply a light coat of engine oil to the thrust bearing

and fit it to the bearing housing.

9  Apply a small amount of clean engine oil to the ‘O’

18  If fitted, install the ‘O’ ring seal.

ring seal and fit it into the housing.


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19  Fit the compressor housing and align the scribe

marks. Take care not to damage the compressor

wheel. Fit the two clamp plates and secure with eight

bolts and locking washers, where relevant, fit the

cylinder of the waste-gate assembly. Tighten the bolts

to a torque of 8.5 Nm (75 lbf in).

7  Check the compressor housing for damage caused

by possible contact with the rotor. Slight damage is

acceptable but otherwise the housing should be

replaced. Check the condition of the ‘V’ band groove.

8  Inspect the oil slinger (A12). Ensure that the walls

of the seal grooves are not scored or damaged. Also

check for signs of rubbing on the flat surfaces.

20  When fully assembled, check by hand that the

rotor spins freely.

9  Inspect the bore of the oil seal plate (A9), renew if

21  Bend over the tabs of the locking plates on the

scored or damaged.

turbine and compressor housings.

10  Inspect the heat shield (A21), renew if there are

22  Where necessary, fit the inlet baffle and its

signs of distortion, rubbing or cracks.

retaining ring to the compressor housing.

To clean and to inspect


To clean

1  Use a commercially approved non-caustic cleaning

solution to soak parts until all deposits have been

loosened. Bead blasting may be used on the turbine

housing, but only if chemicals do not clean


Caution:  Do NOT use bead blasting on any other

turbocharger components.

2  Clean all aluminium parts with a bristle type brush

or plastic scraper. Vapour blast may be used except

on the shaft and bearing surfaces.

Caution:  Do NOT use a wire brush or metal scraper

on any turbocharger component.

3  Blow compressed air through all drilled

passageways and ensure that the surfaces adjacent

to the turbine and compressor wheels are clean,

smooth and free from deposits.

To inspect

1  Inspect the shaft bearing journals and the walls of

the seal grooves for wear and excessive scratches.

Minor scratches may be tolerated.

2  Check the turbine and compressor wheels for

cracked or damaged blades but do NOT attempt to

straighten blades.

3  Check the thrust bearing surfaces for wear or

damage. Minor scratches are acceptable. Ensure that

the feed grooves in the thrust bearing are clean.

4  Replace the bearings if excessively scratched or


5  Renew the bearing housing if the bearing or seal

bores are severely scratched or worn. Ensure that the

tapped holes are clean.

6  Check the profile in the turbine housing for damage

caused by possible contact with the rotor. Inspect the

outer and inner walls for cracks or flaking caused by

overheating, also check the mounting flanges for

signs of distortion.


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Inlet manifold

Exhaust manifold

To remove and to fit

18-9   To remove and  to fit


Note:  References to coolant drain and refill, and to

removal of the coolant pipes, ONLY apply when an

engine is fitted with an air-to-coolant charge cooler.

To remove

1  Remove the boost control pipe from between the

fuel injection pump and the air intake pipe.

To remove

2  Disconnect the air intake pipe from the

turbocharger and remove it from the engine.

1  Drain the engine coolant.

3  Disconnect the oil feed and drain pipes from the

2  Disconnect and remove the coolant pipes from both


ends of the charge cooler casing.

4  Remove the bolts and clamps securing the

manifold to the cylinder heads, and withdraw the

assembly. Make a note of the position of the clamps

and bolts to assist when refitting.

3  Remove the bolts securing the air intake pipe to the

manifold. Discard the gasket.

4  Where necessary, remove the compressor air

intake filter.

5  If necessary, separate the turbocharger from the

5  Remove the bolts and washers which secure the

manifold to the cylinder heads. Remove the manifold

and discard the gaskets.


To fit

To fit

1  Always use new gaskets and ensure that all joint

faces are clean.

1  Renew all gaskets and ensure that all joint faces

2  Fit and secure the manifold to the cylinder heads

are clean and undamaged.

with the relevant bolts, washers and plates.

2  Fit and secure the manifold to the cylinder heads

with the relevant bolts and washers. Tighten the bolts


3  Tighten the bolts evenly to a torque of 45 Nm

(33 lbf ft).

4  Fit the turbocharger to the manifold if it was

3  Fit the air intake pipe to the manifold, renew the

separated on removal.

gasket and tighten the bolts securely.

5  Fit the air intake pipe.

6  Fit the boost control pipe.

4  If relevant, fit the compressor air intake filter.

5  Fit the coolant pipes to the charge cooler casing.

6  Refill the coolant system with the recommended

coolant mixture.

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Lubrication system


General description

The engine has a wet sump type system. One of two

types of sump is fitted: a cast aluminium type or, for

recent engines, a version made from a composite

material. The capacity of the aluminium sump is 25

litres (5.5 UK gallons) to the maximum mark on the

dipstick and 18 litres (4 UK gallons) to the minimum

mark. The capacity of the composite sump is 41 litres

(9 UK gallons) to the maximum mark on the dipstick

and 34 litres (7.5 UK gallons) to the minimum mark.

The drain plug fitted to the sump depends on the type

of engine.


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The oil is circulated in the system at a pressure of 310

to 480 kN/m² (45 to 70 lbf/in²). Pressure is controlled

by a relief valve assembly (A3) contained in the body

of the oil pump (A2). The oil pump is mounted on the

front main bearing cap and is driven by a large spur

gear on the front of the crankshaft.

Key to illustration (A)

1  Suction filter

2  Pressure pump

3  Oil pressure relief valve

4  Oil cooler

Oil is drawn by the oil pump through a strainer (A1),

and is delivered, under pressure, to the oil cooler

(A4), the base of which forms the oil filter header


5  Parallel-flow main filters

6  Piston cooling jets

7  Supply to turbocharger

8  Supply to injection pump (early engines)

9  Idler gear axle

After being cooled by the engine coolant, the oil

passes through the two canister type filters (A5) which

incorporate filter by-pass valves.

The filtered oil is then directed into the transfer pipe

which returns the oil to the main oil gallery which is

machined in the crankcase.

High pressure system

Drillings in the crankcase provide lubrication for the

camshaft and crankshaft bearings. The crankshaft

shown (A) is of the early type which included an oil

reservoir within each crankpin. The crankshafts of

engines built after July 1995 have a new arrangement

of oil passageways which removes the need for oil


Restricted flow system

Suction spill and splash lubrication



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Two oilway studs in the top face of the crankcase

allow the passage of oil for lubrication of the rocker

gear, push rods and tappets.

Individual drillings from the main gallery supply oil,

under pressure, to the piston cooling jets. The jets,

fitted with an ‘O’ ring type seal, are fitted to the

underside of the main oil gallery. Oil flow from the jets

is continuous when the engine is running and is

directed at the inside of the piston.

The idler gear axle and bearing are supplied with oil

under pressure from the main gallery, with the gear

train being splash lubricated.

Oil to the fuel injection pump passes through drillings

in the mounting plate and backplate and returns to the

sump through a drain hole at the front of the pump.

For recent engines, lubricating oil is supplied to the

fuel injection pump by an external flexible pipe

connected to the main oil gallery of the crankcase.

Oil is delivered to the turbocharger bearings through

a steel pipe from the engine system and returns to the

sump through a flexible drain pipe.

Certain engines are fitted with an oil by-pass filter.

The by-pass filter uses centrifugal force to remove

particles from the oil. After the oil has passed through

the filter it is returned to the sump. The by-pass filter

is fitted in addition to the main oil filter canisters NOT

instead of them.

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Lubricating oil filter

Two canister type filters are fitted to a header which is

part of the oil cooler. Each canister incorporates a

filter by-pass valve which allows a continuous flow of

oil should the element become blocked.

To renew the canister


Special tools:

Strap wrench, 21825 825

1  Put a tray under the canisters and use a strap

wrench, 21825 825, to remove each canister (A1).

2  Check that the sealing rings are correctly fitted to

the new canisters and clean the contact faces of the

filter head.

3  Fill the two new canisters with new engine

lubricating oil of the correct grade and lubricate the

top of each canister seal with the same oil.

4  To install the new canisters use this procedure:


Tighten the canisters, on their adaptors, until the

sealing rings are in contact with the face of the filter


head, then turn the canisters a further 1  /  turns, by


hand. Do NOT overtighten.




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By-pass filter/separator


This filter is only fitted to certain engines. It is used in

conjunction with the main lubricating oil filters. It is

NOT an alternative. The filter must be serviced at the

intervals specified for engine oil and main filter



To renew the canisters



1  Clean the area around the by-pass filter. Remove

the filter bowl (A2), remove and discard the rotor (A3).

2  Remove the seal (A4) from the filter bowl and clean

all the components, especially the recess for the seal

in the filter bowl and the contact face for the seal on

the housing.


3  Fit a new seal to the recess in the filter bowl and

lubricate the face of the seal with clean engine

lubricating oil.

4  Fit a new rotor to the spindle and ensure that it can

rotate freely. Fit the filter bowl and tighten the nut (A1)

to a torque of 20 Nm (15 lbf ft).

5  When the engine is operated, check for leakage

from the by-pass filter.



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