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首頁 產品展示>珀金斯Perkins2206D-E13TA故障維修技術資料





2206D-E13TA Industrial Engine



Circuit Tests

Illustration 60


P1 terminals for the ether injection system

(P1-10) Ether injection solenoid

(P1-22) Override switch

Illustration 61


P61 terminals for the ether injection system

(22)  Ether injection solenoid

(38) Override switch

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Circuit Tests

Illustration 62


Terminal locations at the harness connector for the ether solenoid

(1)  Ether injection solenoid

(2) Chassis ground

Table 82

Troubleshooting Test Steps



1. Inspect the Electrical Connectors and the Wiring

Electrical Connectors and   Results: The connectors and wiring appear to be


OK. Proceed to Test Step 2.

A. Remove electrical power from the ECM.

Results: The connectors and/or wiring are not OK.

B. Thoroughly inspect connectors (1) and (2). Also, thor-

oughly inspect the connectors for solenoid (3). Refer to

Troubleshooting, “Electrical Connectors - Inspect”.

Repair: Repair the connectors and/or the wiring. Re-

place parts, if necessary. Verify that the problem is


C. Perform a 45 N (10 lb) pull test on each of the wires in

the ECM connector that are associated with the ether injec-

tion system.


D. Check the allen head screw on each ECM connector for

the proper torque. Also check the allen head screw on the

customer connector for the proper torque. Refer to Trouble-

shooting, “Electrical Connectors - Inspect” for the correct

torque values.

E. Check the harness and the wiring for abrasion and for

pinch points from the ether injection solenoid to the ECM.

2. Check the Ether Canister for Starting Fluid

Starting Fluid

Results: The ether canister is not empty. Do not in-

A. Remove electrical power from the ECM.

stall the ether canister. Proceed to Test Step 3.

B. Remove the ether canister from the ether valve. Deter-

Results: The ether canister is empty.

mine if the canister contains fluid.

Repair: Replace the empty ether canister with a full

ether canister. Verify that the original problem is




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Circuit Tests

(Table 82, contd)

3. Check for Codes


Results: There are no active codes.

A. Connect the electronic service tool to the service tool


Repair: The problem seems to be resolved. The

problem may have been caused by a poor electrical

connection. Carefully reinspect the connectors and

the wiring. Refer to Troubleshooting, “Electrical Con-

nectors - Inspect”.

B. Restore electrical power to the engine ECM.

C. Proceed to the “Diagnostic Overrides” screen on the

electronic service tool.


D. Activate the ether injection system. The system will acti-

vate for 10 seconds.

Results: A -5 code is active at this time. The ECM is

detecting a low current condition in the circuit. Pro-

ceed to Test Step 5.

E. Monitor the active diagnostic code screen on the elec-

tronic service tool. Check and record any active diagnostic


Results: A -6 code is active at this time. The ECM is

detecting excessive current in the circuit. Proceed to

Test Step 4.

F. Look for a -5 diagnostic code or a -6 diagnostic code.

G. Remove electrical power from the engine ECM.

4. Create an Open at the Harness Connector for the

Ether Injection Solenoid


Results: A -6 code was active before the connector

was disconnected. A -5 code became active after the

connector was disconnected.

A. Disconnect the harness connector for the ether solenoid.

B. Restore electrical power to the engine ECM.

Repair: The circuit for the ether solenoid is OK. Tem-

porarily connect a new solenoid to the harness, but

do not install the new solenoid. After connecting the

new solenoid to the harness, verify that there are no

active codes for the ether injection system. If there

are no active codes for the ether injection system,

permanently install the new solenoid. Clear any

logged diagnostic codes.

C. Proceed to the “Diagnostic Overrides” screen on the

electronic service tool.

D. Activate the ether injection system. The system will acti-

vate for 10 seconds.

E. Monitor the active diagnostic code screen on the elec-


tronic service tool. Look for an active -5 code.

Results: A -6 code was active before the connector

was disconnected. The -6 code remained active after

the connector was disconnected. There is a problem

in the circuit for the ether injection solenoid. There

may be a problem with the ECM. Leave the connector

for the solenoid disconnected. Proceed to Test Step


Note: Wait at least 30 seconds in order for the diagnostic

codes to become active.

F. Remove electrical power from the engine ECM.


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Circuit Tests

(Table 82, contd)

5. Create a Short at the Connector for the Ether Injec-

tion Solenoid


Results: A -5 code was active before the jumper wire

was installed. A -6 code became active after the

jumper wire was installed.

A. Disconnect the harness connector for the ether solenoid.

Repair: The engine harness and the ECM are OK.

Temporarily connect a new solenoid to the harness,

but do not install the new solenoid. Verify that there

are no active diagnostic codes for the solenoid. If

there are no active diagnostic codes for the solenoid

after the installation of the new solenoid, permanently

install the new solenoid. Clear any logged diagnostic


B. Fabricate a jumper wire that is long enough to create a

short circuit between terminal 1 and terminal 2 at the har-

ness connector for the ether solenoid. Crimp connector pins

to each end of the jumper wire.

C. Install the jumper wire between terminals 1 and 2 of the

harness connector.

D. Restore electrical power to the engine ECM.


E. Proceed to the “Diagnostic Overrides” screen on the

electronic service tool.

Results: A -5 code was active before the jumper wire

was installed. The -5 code remained active after the

jumper wire was installed. Remove the jumper wire

and connect the connector. Proceed to Test Step 6.

F. Activate the ether injection system. The system will acti-

vate for 10 seconds.

G. Monitor the active diagnostic code screen on the elec-

tronic service tool. Look for an active -6 code.

Note: Wait at least 30 seconds in order for the diagnostic

codes to become active.

H. Remove electrical power from the engine ECM.

I. Remove the jumper wire from the harness connector.

6. Check the Operation of the ECM


Results: A -5 code is active when the loose end of

the jumper wire is open. A -6 code is active when the

loose end of the jumper wire is grounded.

A. Disconnect the J1/P1 ECM connectors.

B. Fabricate a jumper wire that is long enough to create a

test circuit from the ECM connector to the engine ground

stud. Crimp a connector socket to one end of the jumper


Repair: The ECM is operating properly. The problem

is in the circuit for the ether solenoid. The problem

may be in the harness between the ECM and the

ether solenoid harness connector or the harness be-

tween the ground connection and the ether solenoid

harness connector. Repair the connectors or wiring

and/or replace the connectors or wiring.

C. Remove the wire from terminal location J1-10 (ether in-

jection solenoid) at the ECM connector. Install the jumper

wire into this terminal location.


D. Connect the J1/P1 ECM connectors.

Results: One of the following conditions exists: A -5

code is not active when the loose end of the jumper

wire is open. A -6 code is not active when the loose

end of the jumper wire is grounded.

E. Check the operation of the ECM by creating an open

at the ECM:

Note: Wait at least 30 seconds in order for the diagnostic

codes to become active.

Repair: The ECM is not responding correctly. Re-

place the ECM. Refer to Troubleshooting, “ECM - Re-

place”. Verify that the problem is resolved.

F. Check the operation of the ECM by creating a short at

the ECM.


G. Remove electrical power from the engine ECM.

H. Restore the wiring to the original configuration.

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Circuit Tests


Indicator Lamp - Test

The Engine Control Module (ECM) provides three

outputs that can be used to illuminate indicator

lamps. The electronic service tool can be used to

program each output to a specific J1/P1 terminal. If

applicable, some of the outputs can be programmed

to a J1939 device.

Low Side Driver – The ECM provides a connection

to ground to activate the lamp.

J1939 Device – The ECM sends digital data on the

J1939 data link to control the lamp.

Table 83 provides information on the typical lamp


Table 83

Lamp Outputs (Typical Application)

Programming Options


Default Output



Output Terminal

Diagnostic Lamp

Warning Lamp




J1939 - Body Controller

J1939 - Cab Controller

J1939 - Instrument Cluster

J1939 - Cab Display

Maintenance Due Lamp

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Circuit Tests

Special tests on the electronic service tool can

activate every lamp except the check engine lamp.

The special tests activate the lamps for all

programming options.

Illustration 63


Illustration 64


P1 terminals for the J1939 data link

Testing the Circuits

The ECM briefly activates the lamps when the

keyswitch is turned from OFF to ON.

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Circuit Tests

Table 84

Troubleshooting Test Steps



1. Test the Circuit

Circuit test

Result: The lamp does not illuminate.

A. Turn the keyswitch from OFF to ON to test the circuit.

B. Watch the lamp during the test.

Troubleshoot any active codes before continuing with this


Proceed to Test Step 2.

Result: The lamp illuminates.

Repair: There is a problem with the wiring if the problem

is intermittent. Troubleshoot the wiring by referring to the

electrical schematic and Troubleshooting, “Electrical Con-

nectors - Inspect”


2. Check the Bulb


Result: The lamp illuminates. The problem is resolved.


Replace the bulb with a bulb that is known to be good. Test the cir-

cuit again.

Result: The lamp does not illuminate. The bulb is OK.

Repair: The +Battery or the ground is not present at the

lamp. Refer to the electrical schematic.

Troubleshoot the wiring by referring to the electrical sche-

matic if the lamp output is programmed to a J1939


Proceed to Test Step 3 if the lamp output is programmed

to a J1/P1 terminal.

3. Troubleshoot the Wiring for the Lamp

Lamp wiring

Result: Yes - There is an open circuit in the wiring for the


Check the wiring for an open circuit. Pay particular attention to pos-

sible problems with electrical connectors.

Make the necessary repairs.


Result: No - The wiring for the lamp is OK.

Proceed to Test Step 4.

4. Test the ECM Output

ECM output

Result: Yes - The test lamp illuminates. However, the in-

dicator lamp does not illuminate.

A. Verify that the P1 connector is connected to the ECM.

Identify the cause of the wiring problem. Make the neces-

sary repairs.

B. Use the electronic service tool to determine the programming

option for the lamp output.


C. Connect a test lamp between the P1 terminal for the lamp and

Result: No - The test lamp does not illuminate. There is a

terminal P1-53 (Unswitched +Battery).

problem with the ECM.

D. Turn the keyswitch to the ON to test the circuit. Watch the test

lamp with the output activated.

Replace the ECM.


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Circuit Tests


Injector Solenoid - Test

Use this procedure for the following conditions:

•   A suspected problem with an injector solenoid

•   You have been directed to this procedure from

Troubleshooting, “Symptom Troubleshooting”.

•   There is an active diagnostic code for an injector


Use this procedure for the following diagnostic codes:

Table 85

Diagnostic Trouble Codes

Code Description

J1939 Code

(code descriptions may


PDL Code


Engine Injector Cylinder #01 :

Current Below Normal














Engine Injector Cylinder #02 :  The Electronic Control Module (ECM) is attempting to operate the

Current Below Normal












injector. The ECM detects an open circuit in the circuit for the


Engine Injector Cylinder #03 :

Current Below Normal

The ECM will log the diagnostic code.

Possible performance effects:

Engine Injector Cylinder #04 :

Current Below Normal

· The engine may misfire

Engine Injector Cylinder #05 :  · The engine may experience low power

Current Below Normal

Engine Injector Cylinder #06 :

Current Below Normal

Engine Injector Cylinder #01 :

Current Above Normal

Engine Injector Cylinder #02 :  The Electronic Control Module (ECM) is attempting to operate the

Current Above Normal

injector. The ECM detects a short circuit in the circuit for the injector.

Engine Injector Cylinder #03 :

Current Above Normal

The ECM will log the diagnostic code. The ECM will continue to at-

tempt to operate the injector after the code has been logged.

Possible performance effects:

Engine Injector Cylinder #04 :

Current Above Normal

· The engine may misfire

Engine Injector Cylinder #05 :  · The engine may experience low power

Current Above Normal

Engine Injector Cylinder #06 :

Current Above Normal

Perform this procedure under conditions that are

identical to the conditions that exist when the

problem occurs. Typically, problems with the injector

solenoid occur when the engine is warmed up and/or

when the engine is under vibration (heavy loads).

These engines have Electronic Unit Injectors (EUI)

that are hydraulically actuated and electronically

controlled. The Engine Control Module (ECM) sends

a high-voltage signal to each injector solenoid. The

signal is sent with the proper injection duration and

injection timing for the current engine load and

speed. The injector solenoid is mounted on top of the

fuel injector body.

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Circuit Tests

If an open is detected in the solenoid circuit, a

diagnostic code is generated. The ECM continues to

try to fire the injector. If a short is detected, a

diagnostic code is generated. The ECM will disable

the solenoid circuit. The ECM will periodically try to

fire the injector. If the short circuit remains, this

sequence of events will be repeated until the problem

is corrected.

A trim file must be programmed into the ECM for

each injector. Refer to Troubleshooting, “Injector Trim


The electronic service tool includes the following

tests that aid in troubleshooting the injector


“Cylinder Cutout Test”

The “Cylinder Cutout Test” is used on an engine to

determine the individual cylinder performance as the

engine is running. As one or more cylinders are cut

out during the test, the “Cylinder Cutout Test”  uses

“Fuel Position” to evaluate the performance of the

cylinders that are cut out. As the different cylinders

are cut out, a comparison of the change in “Fuel

Position” is used to identify cylinders that are weak or

misfiring. One reason for a cylinder that is weak or

misfiring is an injector that is malfunctioning.

Illustration 65


Electronic unit injector

(1) Solenoid

(2) Injector

The “Cylinder Cutout Test” can be used to isolate a

malfunctioning injector to avoid replacement of

injectors that are in good condition.

During the test, when a cylinder is cut out, an

increase in “Fuel Position” will be noticed for the

remaining cylinders. This increase in “Fuel Position”

represents an increase in the amount of fuel that

must be delivered by the remaining cylinders to

maintain the desired engine speed.

When a weak cylinder (malfunctioning injector) is cut

out, the increase in “Fuel Position” will not be as large

as the increase for a cylinder that has an acceptable

level of performance.

Note: Prior to running the “Cylinder Cutout Test” , all

active diagnostic codes must be repaired.

“Injector Solenoid Test”

Use the “Injector Solenoid Test” to diagnose an open

circuit or a short circuit in the wiring for the injector

solenoids. With the engine stopped, the “Injector

Solenoid Test” will briefly activate each injector

solenoid. An audible click can be heard as each

solenoid is activated. After performing the test, the

electronic service tool will indicate the status of the

solenoid as “OK” , “Open” , or “Short”  .

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Circuit Tests

Illustration 66


Schematic diagram for the injector solenoids

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Circuit Tests

Illustration 68


Harness connector for the injectors

Electrical shock hazard. The electronic unit injec-

tor system uses 90-120 volts.

Illustration 67


P2 ECM connector

(P2-99)  “Injector 5 & 6 supply”

(P2-104)  “Injector 1 & 2 supply”

(P2-105)  “Injector 6 return”

(P2-106)  “Injector 3 return”

(P2-107)  “Injector 5 return”

(P2-108)  “Injector 4 return”

(P2-115)  “Injector 3 & 4 supply”

(P2-116)  “Injector 1 return”

(P2-118)  “Injector 2 return”

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Circuit Tests

Table 86

Troubleshooting Test Steps



1. Inspect the Electrical Connectors and

the Wiring

Electrical Connectors and Wiring

Results: The harness and wiring are OK. Pro-

ceed to Test Step 2.

A. Turn the keyswitch to the OFF position. A

strong electrical shock hazard is present if the

keyswitch is not turned off.

Results: There is a problem in the connectors

and/or wiring.

Repair: Repair the connectors or wiring and/or

replace the connectors or wiring. Ensure that

all the seals are properly in place and ensure

that the connectors are coupled. Verify that the

repair eliminates the problem.

B. Thoroughly inspect the J2/P2 ECM connec-

tors and the valve cover injector connectors.

Refer to Troubleshooting, “Electrical Connec-

tors - Inspect”.

C. Perform a 45 N (10 lb) pull test on each of

the wires that are associated with injector



D. Check the allen head screw on the ECM

connectors for the proper torque. Refer to

Troubleshooting, “Electrical Connectors - In-

spect” for the proper torque value.

E. Check the harness and the wiring for abra-

sion and for pinch points from the valve cover

injector harness connector to the ECM.

2. Check for Codes


Results: No diagnostic codes for the injector

solenoids are logged. The injector solenoids

are operating correctly. There may be a me-

chanical problem with the injector fuel delivery.

Proceed to Test Step 3.

A. Establish communication between the elec-

tronic service tool and the ECM.

Results: A diagnostic code is logged for one

or more injector solenoids. There is an electri-

cal problem with an injector solenoid or with

the circuit. Proceed to Test Step 4.


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Circuit Tests

(Table 86, contd)

3. Perform the “Cylinder Cutout Test”

A. Start the engine.

Cylinder Cutout Test

Results: The cylinder cutout test indicates that

all the injectors are operating correctly.

Repair: If a problem with the fuel system is

suspected and diagnostic codes are not active

or logged, refer to Systems Operation/Testing

and Adjusting for information that is related to

the low-pressure fuel system.

B. Allow the engine to warm to normal operat-

ing temperature 77 °C (171 °F).

C. Access the “Cylinder Cutout Test”  .

D. Shut off all parasitic loads such as air com-

pressors which could affect the results of the



Results: The cylinder cutout test indicates that

at least one of the injectors is not operating

correctly. Proceed to Test Step 4.

E. Follow the instructions that are given on the


F. To start the test, select the start button at the

bottom of the screen.

G. Use the electronic service tool to cut out the

cylinders to identify injectors that may have a

performance problem. Highlight a cylinder and

select the “Change” button at the bottom of the

screen. The injector for that cylinder will be dis-

abled. Check for a difference in the sound,

feel, or power of the engine. Also, look for a

change to the operating parameters that are

displayed on the “Cylinder Cutout Test”


4. Perform the “Injector Solenoid Test”

A. Start the engine.

Injector Solenoid Test

Results: There is not an electronic problem

with the injectors.

Repair: The problem appears to be resolved.

There may be an intermittent problem in the

harness. The problem may have been caused

by a poor electrical connection in a connector.

B. Allow the engine to warm to normal operat-

ing temperature 77 °C (171 °F).

C. Stop the engine.

If the codes continue to be logged, refer to

Troubleshooting, “Electrical Connectors -


D. Restore the electrical power to the ECM.

E. Access the “Injector Solenoid Test”

F. Activate the “Injector Solenoid Test”  .

If the engine is misfiring or if the engine has

low power, refer to Troubleshooting, “Engine

Misfires, Runs Rough or Is Unstable” or Trou-

bleshooting, “Power Is Intermittently Low or

Power Cutout Is Intermittent”.

G. As each solenoid is energized by the ECM,

an audible click can be heard at the valve cov-

er. Allow the “Injector Solenoid Test” to contin-

ue until each cylinder is activated at least two



Results: Note the cylinder that indicates

“Open” . Proceed to Test Step 5.

Results: Note the cylinder that indicates

“Short” . Proceed to Test Step 6.

Electrical shock hazard. The electronic unit injec-

tor system uses 90-120 volts.

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Circuit Tests

Table 87

Troubleshooting Test Steps



5. Check the Harness between the ECM and Short

the Valve Cover Base for an Open Circuit

Results: The electronic service tool displays

“Short” for each circuit that was jumpered. The

harness between the ECM and the valve cover

injector harness connector does not have an

open circuit. Proceed to Test Step 7.

A. Remove the electrical power from the ECM.

B. Disconnect the valve cover injector harness

connector at the valve cover base.

Results: The electronic service tool displays

“Open” for the cylinder with the jumper wire.

There is a problem in the wiring between the

ECM and the valve cover injector harness con-

nector. There may be a problem with the ECM.

Proceed to Test Step 8.

C. Restore the electrical power to the ECM.

D. Fabricate a jumper wire that will be long

enough to short circuit two terminal locations

at the valve cover injector harness connector.

Crimp a connector pin to each end of the jump-

er wire.

E. Insert one end of the jumper wire into the

valve cover injector harness connector socket

for the suspect injector supply wire. Insert the

other end of the jumper wire into the valve cov-

er injector harness connector socket for the

suspect injector return wire. This action will re-

place the injector solenoid with a short circuit.

F. Perform the “Injector Solenoid Test” at least

two times.

G. Repeat this test for each suspect circuit.

Stop the “Injector Solenoid Test” before han-

dling the jumper wire.

Restore the wiring to the original configuration.

Electrical shock hazard. The electronic unit injec-

tor system uses 90-120 volts.

Table 88

Troubleshooting Test Steps



6. Check the Harness between the ECM and Short

the Valve Cover Base for a Short Circuit

Results: All cylinders indicate “Open” on the

electronic service tool. The ECM and the en-

gine harness are OK. Proceed to Test Step 7.

A. Remove the electrical power from the ECM.

Results: One or more cylinders indicate

“Short” on the electronic service tool. Note the

cylinders that indicate “Short” . Proceed to Test

Step 8.

B. Disconnect the valve cover injector harness


C. Restore the electrical power to the ECM.

D. Perform the “Injector Solenoid Test” at least

two times.

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Circuit Tests

Electrical shock hazard. The electronic unit injec-

tor system uses 90-120 volts.

Table 89

Troubleshooting Test Steps



7. Check the Injector Harness Under the

Valve Cover for an Open Circuit or a Short


Open Circuit or a Short Circuit

Results: The electronic service tool displays

the correct status during the test.

Repair: The harness wiring is OK. Replace

the faulty injector. Verify that the problem is


A. Remove the electrical power from the ECM.

B. Remove the valve cover to gain access to

the suspect injector.


C. Disconnect the harness connector from the

Results: The electronic service tool did not

suspect injector.

display the correct status during the test.

D. Thoroughly clean the terminals on the injec-

tor solenoid and on the harness connector.

Repair: There is a problem with the injector

harness under the valve cover. There may be

a problem with a connector. Repair the wiring

and/or the connector, when possible. Replace

parts, if necessary.

E. Use a jumper wire to short circuit the con-

nector terminals for the suspect injector. This

action will replace the injector solenoid with a

short circuit.


F. Restore the electrical power to the ECM.

G. Perform the “Injector Solenoid Test” at least

two times.

Note: The injector solenoid that shares the

supply wire of the injector that has a short cir-

cuit may indicate a false test result. Disregard

this test result.

H. Remove the electrical power from the ECM.

I. Remove the jumper wire from the injector

connector. This action will replace the injector

solenoid with an open circuit.

J. Restore the electrical power to the ECM.

K. Perform the “Injector Solenoid Test” at least

two times.

L. Remove the electrical power from the ECM.

Electrical shock hazard. The electronic unit injec-

tor system uses 90-120 volts.

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Circuit Tests

Table 90

Troubleshooting Test Steps



8. Check the ECM for Proper Operation


Results: The ECM detects the correct status of the


A. Remove the electrical power from the ECM.

Repair: The ECM is OK. The problem is in the engine har-

ness or in a connector. Inspect the connectors for mois-

ture and for corrosion. Repair the wiring and/or the

connector, when possible. Replace parts, if necessary.

Clear all diagnostic codes after you complete this test


B. Fabricate a jumper that is long enough to reach from

the P2 ECM connector to the engine ground stud. Crimp a

connector socket to one end of the jumper wire.

C. Disconnect the P2 connector.

D. Remove the supply wire from the terminal location for

the suspect injector at the ECM connector. Install the

jumper wire into this socket.


Results: The ECM does not detect the correct status of

the circuit.

E. Connect the J2/P2 connectors.

Repair: There is a problem with the ECM. Replace the

ECM. Refer to Troubleshooting, “Replacing the ECM”.

Verify that the problem is resolved.

F. Verify that the ECM will detect an open circuit for the

suspect injector:

1. Ensure that the jumper wire is not in contact with a

ground source or another circuit. Do not touch the jumper

wire during the test. A strong electrical shock hazard is

present at the jumper wire when the test is running.


2. Restore the electrical power to the ECM.

3. Perform the “Injector Solenoid Test” at least two times.

4. Remove the electrical power from the ECM.

The electronic service tool displays “Open” for the

two injectors that share the supply wire.

G. Verify that the ECM detects a short circuit for the sus-

pect injector:

1. Connect the jumper wire to the engine ground stud. Do

not touch the jumper wire during the test. A strong electri-

cal shock hazard is present at the jumper wire when the

test is running.

2. Restore the electrical power to the ECM.

3. Perform the “Injector Solenoid Test” at least two times.

4. Remove the electrical power from the ECM.

The electronic service tool displays “Short” for the

two injectors that share the supply wire.


The Electronic Control Module (ECM) provides the

PTO speed control function. The PTO speed control

function requires the following inputs:

Power Take-Off - Test

•   PTO switches

•   The “PTO Mode”  parameter

Use this procedure to troubleshoot any suspect

problems with the circuits for the power take-off

controls (PTO). The PTO controls provide an

alternative method of controlling the desired engine


The PTO switches enable the PTO speed control

function and the PTO switches control the desired

engine speed.

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Circuit Tests

The “PTO Mode” parameter determines the mode of

operation. There are two modes of operation: “Ramp

Up/Ramp Down” and “Set/Resume” . Use the

electronic service tool to change the value of the


“Ramp Up/Ramp Down”  Mode

This mode uses three inputs. The inputs are provided

by two switches.

Illustration 69


Schematic for the PTO inputs for the “Ramp Up/Ramp Down” mode of operation

Placing the PTO Enable switch to the “Enable”

position transfers the control of the desired engine

speed from the throttle position sensor to the PTO

speed control function. The PTO Ramp Up/Down

switch controls the desired engine speed.

The PTO Ramp Up/Down switch is spring loaded to

the normally open position. When the switch is held

in the “Ramp Up” position, the desired engine speed

increases according to the value of the “Engine Accel

Rate” parameter. When the switch is released, the

desired engine speed maintains the set speed. After

the desired engine speed has been set, momentarily

placing the switch in the “Ramp Up”  position

increases the desired engine speed by 20 rpm.

When the PTO Ramp Up/Down switch is held in the

“Ramp Down” position, the desired engine speed

decreases according to the value of the “Engine

Accel Rate” parameter. When the switch is released,

the desired engine speed maintains the set speed.

After the desired engine speed has been set,

momentarily placing the switch in the “Ramp Down”

position decreases the desired engine speed by 20


If the “PTO Ramp Up” and “PTO Ramp Down”  inputs

are connected to the −Battery at the same time, the

ECM will ignore the inputs. The desired engine speed

will not change.

“Set/Resume”  Mode

This mode uses four inputs. The inputs are provided

by three switches. Refer to Illustration 70 .

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Circuit Tests

Illustration 70


Schematic for the PTO inputs for the “Set/Resume” mode of operation

Placing the PTO Enable switch to the “Enable”

position transfers the control of the desired engine

speed from the throttle position sensor to the PTO

speed control function. The PTO Interrupt switch

momentarily transfers control back to the throttle

position sensor. The PTO Set/Resume switch

controls the desired engine speed.

The PTO Set/Resume switch is spring loaded to the

normally open position. If the switch is momentarily

placed in the “Set” position, the desired engine speed

will be set to the current engine speed. If the switch is

held in the “Set” position, the desired engine speed

will increase according to the value of the “Engine

Accel Rate” parameter. After the desired engine

speed has been set, the desired engine speed will

increase by 20 rpm when the PTO ramp up/down

switch is momentarily placed in the “Set”  position.

If the PTO Set/Resume switch is momentarily placed

in the “Resume” position, the desired engine speed

will be set to the current engine speed. If the switch is

held in the “Resume” position, the desired engine

speed will decrease according to the value of the

“Engine Accel Rate” parameter. After the desired

engine speed has been set, the desired engine

speed will decrease by 20 rpm when the switch is

momentarily placed in the “Resume”  position.

If the “PTO Set” and “PTO Resume” inputs are

connected to the −Battery at the same time, the ECM

will ignore the inputs. The desired engine speed will

not change.

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Circuit Tests

Illustration 71


Illustration 72


Left side view

P1 terminals that are associated with the PTO

(1) P61 customer connector

(1) J1/P1 ECM connectors

(P1-41) Input from the PTO interrupt switch

(P1-56) Input from the PTO enable switch

(P1-58) Input from the PTO ramp up switch or set switch

(P1-60) Input for PTO ramp down switch or resume switch

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Circuit Tests

Illustration 73


J61/P61 terminals that are associated with the PTO

(19) Input from the PTO interrupt switch

(29) Input from the PTO enable switch

(30) Input from the PTO ramp up switch or set switch

(39) Input for PTO ramp down switch or resume switch

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Circuit Tests

Table 91

Troubleshooting Test Steps



1. Inspect the Electrical Connectors and the Electrical Connectors and Wiring


Results: The connectors and wiring are

OK. If the engine is equipped with a cus-

tomer connector, proceed to Test Step 2.

Otherwise, proceed to Test Step 3.

A. Turn the keyswitch to the OFF position.

B. Thoroughly inspect connectors (1) and (2).

Refer to Troubleshooting, “Electrical Connec-

tors - Inspect”.

Results: There is a problem with the con-

nectors and/or the wiring.

Repair: Repair the wiring and/or the con-

nectors. Replace parts, if necessary. En-

sure that all the seals are properly

connected. Verify that the repair eliminates

the problem.

C. Perform a 45 N (10 lb) pull test on each of

the wires that are associated with the circuits

for the PTO switches.

D. Check the allen head screw on each ECM

connector for the proper torque. Refer to Trou-

bleshooting, “Electrical Connectors - Inspect”

for the correct torque values.


E. Check the allen head screw on the customer

connector for the proper torque. Refer to Trou-

bleshooting, “Electrical Connectors - Inspect”

for the correct torque value.

F. Check the harness and wiring for abrasions

and for pinch points from the battery to the


2. Check the Inputs from the Switches at the  Inputs

J61 Customer Connector

Results: The voltage test lamp turns on

when the switch is closed. The voltage test

lamp turns off when the switch is opened.

The circuit is operating correctly. Connect

the J61 connector. Proceed to Test Step 3.

A. Disconnect the J61 connector.

B. Refer to Table 2. Connect a voltage test

lamp between the input for the suspect switch

circuit and terminal J61-31 (+Battery).

Results: The voltage test lamp does not

turn on when the switch is closed. Alterna-

tively, the voltage test lamp does not turn

off when the switch is opened. There is a

problem with the suspect switch and/or the


C. Observe the voltage test lamp as you oper-

ate the suspect switch.

Repair: Repair the connectors or wiring

and/or replace the connectors or wiring.

Ensure that all the seals are properly in

place and ensure that the connectors are-

completely coupled. Verify that the repair

eliminates the problem.


Table 92

J61 Terminals for the Inputs from the PTO Switches

(Table 92, contd)

, ,

PTO ramp up switch or set




J61 Terminals

PTO ramp down switch or re-

sume switch



PTO enable switch


PTO interrupt switch


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Circuit Tests

Table 93

Troubleshooting Test Steps



3. Check the Inputs from the Switches at

the J1 Connector


Results: The voltage test lamp turns ON when

the switch is closed. The voltage test lamp

turns OFF when the switch is opened. The

switch circuit is operating correctly. The prob-

lem may be in the ECM.

A. Disconnect the P1 connector.

B. Refer to Table 4. Connect a voltage test

lamp between the input for the suspect switch

circuit and terminal J1-48 (+Battery).

Repair: An ECM failure is unlikely. Exit this

procedure and perform this procedure again. If

the problem is not resolved, temporarily install

a new ECM. Refer to Troubleshooting, “Re-

placing the ECM”.

C. Observe the voltage test lamp as you oper-

ate the suspect switch.

If the problem is resolved with the new ECM,

install the original ECM and verify that the

problem returns. IF the new ECM operates

correctly and the original ECM does not oper-

ate correctly, replace the original ECM.


Results: The voltage test lamp does not turn

on when the switch is closed. Alternatively, the

voltage test lamp does not turn off when the

switch is opened. There is a problem in the wir-

ing between the J1 connector and the switch.

There may be a problem in a connector.

Repair: Repair the wiring and/or the connec-

tor. Replace parts, if necessary. Verify that the

repair eliminates the problem.



Retarder - Test

Use this procedure for the following diagnostic

trouble codes:

Table 94

Diagnostic Codes

Code Description

Engine (Compression) Brake Out-

J1939 Code

PDL Code




The code is logged.

put #1 : Current Below Normal







Engine (Compression) Brake Out-

put #1 : Current Above Normal

The code is logged.

The code is logged.

The code is logged.

Engine (Compression) Brake Out-

put #2 : Current Below Normal

Engine (Compression) Brake Out-

put #2 : Current Above Normal

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Circuit Tests

The compression brake uses the engine to provide

auxiliary braking for the machine. The compression

brake reduces wear of the wheel brake components,

brake oil temperature, and the chance for engine

overspeed. The compression brake also aids in the

controllability of the machine.

If the retarder is installed on the engine, the

configuration parameter for the engine retarder must

be set to “Enabled” for this function to operate. The

engine ECM will activate the appropriate

compression brake solenoids to meet the requested

level of braking.

“Compression Brake Solenoid Override”

The Compression Brake Low/High Override and

Compression Brake Med/High Override are

diagnostic overrides that are available on the

electronic service tool. Use the overrides to help with

troubleshooting problems in the circuit for the

compression brake. The ECM will only detect shorts

in the circuit for the compression brake when the

overrides are active. The overrides must be activated

and then deactivated before the ECM will detect an

open circuit. The ECM will only detect opens in the

circuit for the compression brake when the overrides

are not active.

Note: The engine speed must be zero before the

overrides will function.

Illustration 74


Location of the compression brake solenoid (typical


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Circuit Tests

Illustration 75


Table 95

Troubleshooting Test Steps



1. Check for Active Diagnostic Codes and/or Logged Diag-

nostic Codes




Result: A -5 diagnostic code is active. If both diagnostic co-

des are active, the problem is most likely in the shared return

wire. Inspect the wire and/or connectors for an open circuit.

A. Connect the electronic service tool to the service tool


Proceed to Test Step 2.

B. Turn the keyswitch to the ON position.

Result: A -6 diagnostic code is active.

Proceed to Test Step 4.

C. Access the diagnostic overrides under the “Diagnostics”  menu.

D. Start the “Compression Brake Low/High Override” on the elec-

tronic service tool.

E. Once the electronic service tool displays the status of the com-

pression brake solenoid, stop the “Compression Brake Low/High

Override”  .

F. Monitor the active diagnostic code screen on the electronic

service tool. Check and record any active diagnostic codes.

G. Start the “Compression Brake Med/High Override” on the elec-

tronic service tool.

H. Once the electronic service tool displays the status of the com-

pression brake solenoid, stop the “Compression Brake Med/High

Override”  .

I. Monitor the active diagnostic code screen on the electronic serv-

ice tool. Check and record any active diagnostic codes.

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Circuit Tests

Table 96

Troubleshooting Test Steps



2. Create a Short Between the Wires of the Suspect Compres- Short circuit    Result: A -6 diagnostic code is active. The harness wiring

sion Brake Solenoid at the Valve Cover Connector


between the valve cover connector and the ECM is OK.

To troubleshoot a 1072-5 (791–5) diagnostic code, use the

“Compression Brake Low/High Override” on the electronic

service tool. To troubleshoot a 1073-5 (792–5) diagnostic

code, use the “Compression Brake Med/High Override” on the

electronic service tool.

Proceed to Test Step 3.

Result: A -5 diagnostic code is active. The ECM did not de-

tect the short at the valve cover connector.

Repair: Repair the harness or replace the harness. Verify

that the problem is resolved.

A. Turn the keyswitch to the OFF position.

B. Disconnect the harness at the valve cover connector.

C. Fabricate a jumper wire to create a short between the supply

wire for the suspect compression brake solenoid and engine


D. Turn the keyswitch to the ON position.

E. Access the diagnostic overrides under the “Diagnostics”  menu.

F. Start the override for the compression brake.

G. Once the electronic service tool displays the status of the com-

pression brake solenoid, stop the override.

H. Monitor the active diagnostic code screen on the electronic

service tool. Check and record any active diagnostic codes.

I. Turn the keyswitch to the OFF position. Remove the wire short.

A -5 open circuit diagnostic code will be active for the other com-

pression brake solenoid. Ignore the diagnostic codes for the other

compression brake solenoid. Ignore any diagnostic codes for the

injector solenoids.

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Circuit Tests

Table 97

Troubleshooting Test Steps



Short circuit


3. Create a Short Circuit at the Compression Brake Solenoid

Result: A -6 diagnostic code is active. The harness wiring

between the connector for the compression brake solenoid

and the ECM is OK.

Two solenoids are activated to create a medium braking ac-

tion. The open could be in either solenoid or in the harness.

To isolate the problem for a medium braking action, run this

test step for each of the solenoids. The short must be created

separately at each solenoid.

Repair: Replace the suspect compression brake solenoid.

Verify that the problem is resolved.

To troubleshoot a 1072-5 (791–5) diagnostic code, use the

“Compression Brake Low/High Override” on the electronic

service tool. To troubleshoot a 1073-5 (792-5) diagnostic

code, use the “Compression Brake Med/High Override” on the

electronic service tool.

Result: A -5 diagnostic code is active. The ECM did not de-

tect the short at the connector for the compression brake.

There is an open between the valve cover connector and the

connector for the compression brake solenoid.

Repair: Repair the harness or replace the harness between

the connector for the compression brake solenoid and the

valve cover connector.

A. Turn the keyswitch to the OFF position.

B. Remove the valve cover.

C. Reconnect the valve cover connector.

D. Disconnect the connector on the suspect compression brake


E. Inspect the terminals on the connector for the compression

brake solenoid for damage.

F. Fabricate a jumper wire to create a short circuit between the two

wires for the suspect solenoid on the solenoid connector. Crimp a

pin to each end of the jumper wire.

G. Make sure that the solenoid connector securely holds the jump-

er wire.

Worn terminals and/or damaged terminals on the solenoid

connector could cause an intermittent “Open”  .

H. Turn the keyswitch to the ON position.

I. Access the diagnostic override under the “Diagnostics”  menu.

J. Start the override for the compression brake.

K. Once the electronic service tool displays the status of the com-

pression brake solenoid, stop the override.

L. Monitor the active diagnostic code screen on the electronic

service tool. Check and record any active diagnostic codes.

M. Turn the keyswitch to the OFF position. Remove the wire short.

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0731-84424871? 18374999699
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0731-84424873? 18274802060
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